Monday, July 8, 2013

Tyler Turns 30

Oh my husband is all grown up & 30 now! It's so nice to be the younger one, I still have 2 more years in my 20's- ha! 

Anyhow, I had high ambitions for his birthday week but due to my previously discussed sickness and a really awful backache that came to pass this week, they were sort of ruined. Forest fires didn't help my plans either. We were going to go camping & shooting- sans kids- Friday night through Saturday night. But it didn't happen. Instead we got to hang out at our house - sans kids- and actually it was still pretty great.

Friday we went to dinner at the Gecko Grill (not bad but I don't think it was quite as great as everyone claims it to be...) and then we went and saw "World War Z" ( a VERY intense zombie movie- these zombies were the fastest ones I've ever seen!). Saturday morning we slept in until 9am- beautiful!- and then lazed around. We finally made it out to breakfast at The Farmhouse around 11am. The waffles there were delicious and they drown their cinnamon rolls in frosting. 

After that Tyler went gun shopping, he is saving up his plumbing funds to get himself a 1911 hand gun. Oh boys and there toys. He didn't buy one but a friend in the business is going to keep his eyes out for what Tyler wants. Then we ended our time together by renting and watching (at long last) "The Dark Night Rises."

The next day was Sunday and his official birthday. Tyler got to open his awesome gifts I got him-- a "power" tie (a tie that has the power symbol all over it), a mug I made him with his favorite Tommy Boy quote "You know a lot of people go to college for 7 years" "I know, they're called doctors," lots of shirts and parts for the helicopter he is building...

That night I threw him a family party at his parent's house. I didn't take a picture of the cereal bar but it was awesome- 5 kinds of cereals nestled inside cute little sand pails- it was every child's dream. I also served steak and eggs and a fruit salad as an attempt to counteract all the junk food cereal. The best part though was the Lego contest. I told everyone to construct something out of Lego's that represented Tyler. Here were the 3 winners:

Keshia & Scott (like those crossed eyes?) made a math equation, that even stumped Tyler ;)

Tara made Tyler on a "throne" (aka potty)

 And because Tyler feared for his life he gave my cousin Fred third place for the gallows he made

 After all the Lego fun, we sang "happy birthday" to Tyler. I know my cakes are never as great as his but at least I kept with the cereal theme.

Then Tyler got to open some more gifts (more helicopter parts), a squirt gun & a restaurant gift card.

Parties always stress me off so I must admit I am grateful it is over. But I am also thankful that it turned out well. However, I really need to work on my over planning. I bought like 5 boxes of cereal too many, and 2 gallons of milk too much and some cereal toppings that nobody used plus I had too much ice cream and cake left over.... I always say it's better safe than sorry but I think sometimes I should just aim for the sorry because that is probably still more than safe...

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