Monday, July 15, 2013

Kids Will Play

I only nurse once a day now and then pump about 4 times during the day. And while I am pumping the kids can do what they wish and I am completely unable to do anything about it. It's always just so much fun! Can you sense my sarcasm? But sometimes they do productive things, like take pictures of each other that are actually pretty good. Not all of them but there were some real gems in this batch. So all the pictures in this post are compliments of Benny & Steven.

Lucy is positively trouble now. I can't just sit her down and know she'll stay there. She army crawls her self all over the house and is now opening cupboards and emptying the contents of them. Her favorite thing to do is to find little pieces of paper to eat (& then gag on). The other day she managed to find a sticker and I had the hardest time getting it off her tongue. With all the Legos & Squinkies floating around our house it's a miracle she hasn't choked on something big yet! 

Also this week, we got out to the play place at the mall & the splash pad at another mall and both times Lucy was lucky enough to meet some other girl's her age. So much fun to watch babies interact- which basically their interaction is trying to steal each other's toys :)

This picture will be used against Ben someday in the court of law, of this I am sure. Poor Lucy!

Ben is super silly. The other day he showed me the above face and said, "Look mommy, this is my happy face!" If you think this is creepy, you should see the face that he actually labels as creepy. 

This week as Lucy & Steven got some new clothing (I made a mistake of going to Carter's- oh that place is my Kryptonite) Ben finally complained about his middle child status. He wanted new stuff too! Thankfully he has an amazing Grandma who heard his complaints and she got him an awesome shark shirt and she even got him a new "baby" (an Easter chick doll).

Sunday when we were walking back from church I was curious to see if Ben knew what state we lived in so I asked him, "Do we live in CA? How about MN? How about UT?" He did a good job of saying "no" to all of the above so I thought maybe he did know, so I asked, "How about AZ?" And once again he responded with a "no". Wrong answer! Then I asked him: "Well then where do we live?" His reply, "Walmart!" Walmart strikes again! Steven will be working there when he grows up so I guess it would be convenient if we all just lived there anyways...

And I think Ben is growing out of least long two hour naps. Lately his naps have only lasted an hour. It feels like I just put him down and then he's awake again. So depressing :( 

Steven is constantly trying to carry Lucy around- it's driving her (& me) cRaZy! He has also been big interested in Calvin & Hobbes. He loves to look at the pictures and then is always wanting to do things that Calvin does. 1) Get a box so that he can make lots of Benny's, Lucy's and of course, lots of Stevens. Daddy got him a box from work & I think he was pretty disappointed to find that it didn't actually work. He went inside, the "button" was pressed & then nothing. He's gotta work on his imagination if he wants to be like Calvin... 2) He also wanted a paper bag so he could pop it and make a loud noise, instead he settled for popping plastic baggies. Like several hundreds of them...

This week Steven drew a picture of an anatomically correct girl- do you catch my drift? Maybe you will when I tell you this... When asked about his picture he responded, "It's just a girl. She just has cookies. Chocolate chip cookies..." Yeah, 2 chocolate chip cookies with just 1 chocolate chip in the middle? O-M-Goodness this boy is trouble!

As for me, I have discovered the joys of late night cleaning. It is a wonderful thing to be able to clean the house uninterrupted! No more fights to break up, no more baby to feed- just pure cleaning bliss. Ok, cleaning is not blissful but it is sure a lot easier with the kids in bed. And it is worth the lack of sleep that night--- so worth it! 

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