Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I'm 32 weeks and baby Lucy is putting my tummy through the ringer. I have been getting some pretty awful Braxton Hicks. I honestly don't remember them ever feeling this bad. Sometimes I feel like I need to sit down or I might just collapse. It's awful :( And if I don't have Braxton Hicks then Lucy is stretching and moving in the most uncomfortable manner OR she's hiccuping. I swear, this girl is already giving me grief.

Last week, Pattie and Leia came to visit. On Tuesday I picked her up from the friends' house she was staying at and then we went went to the Ward playgroup at the beach pool. It was enjoyable until we left & Steven had a 2 year old worth tantrum. Sometimes I think he forgets he's 4 years old.... The rest of the time Pattie & Leia were with us was spent hanging out at my house. Sadly Leia wasn't feeling good and was giving Pattie lots of grief and terrorizing my house. Pattie ended up leaving us Wednesday night so she could stay with her mom who would be lots more help than I could be with my own 2 crazy boys to wrangle.

Steven caught Leia's cold but for once it didn't keep him up coughing all night. It was miraculous! I think it's because we now have our own breathing machine so I was able to give him the treatments from the beginning. This was the easiest time we've had with my sick Steven in a long time. Unfortunately though, I caught it too and it wasn't the easiest for me. It knocked me down pretty good & made a subbing job I did Friday terrible- especially because I had 2 out of control 2nd graders that about drove me to my death bed. Now poor Benny is sick but hopefully he has an easy of time with it as Steven did.

And at the end of this long, boring, no fun pictures to show for post, I would like to document my desire to stop giving in to my pregnancy hormones and instead to react more calmly to my naughty boys. I really need to stop yelling so much at my troublesome boys. Wish me luck with this!

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