Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sunday DInner

This Sunday Steven's wish came true- he was able to hold Oliver! Steven was super excited but poor Oliver didn't enjoy it very much. Also documented in these pictures is my big belly. Only 6 more weeks and then Steven will be able to hold his baby sister! Still hoping this girl gets head down because I am tired of feeling like she's going to kick her way out of there. And while on the baby subject- my heartburn and acid reflux are back. Oh Lucy!

Later, after holding Oliver & eating dinner Steven and Ben had some fun with an app on Mike's phone. Basically he filmed them on his phone acting scared and then the app added in cars, and rocks falling on them. They loved seeing themselves getting smashed. Oh the simple joys of life. Here's a picture of my "scared" boys.

And on a random note...I now have 9 tutoring sessions. A couple more and I won't need to sub at all. Yippee! Although, I do have to say that I have been very lucky to get 1 sub day request a week since school started- the requested ones are so much better than the ones I just take off the sub line. 

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