Saturday, September 8, 2012


On my last post I forgot to mention that I went to Target with Rebekka to register for my baby shower. It was SO much more fun with her than I know it would have been with Tyler. We both squealed over all the adorable girl things and I ended up scanning way too much stuff. Later, I went back and deleted some items that I really didn't need. Not that I need many of the items on the list though but there is just so many cute girl things. Also, a plus from that visit was I found the perfect crib bumper for only $11 which I ended up buying since it was the last one. Anywho, I am so excited for my baby shower and I am so blessed to have so many people who care enough about me to throw me this shower. Here is a picture of the cute invites Karen made for it:

And on the note of Lucy I had a Dr's appointment this week and I asked the Dr. if Lucy felt like she was head down or not. She felt my tummy and said she thought that Lucy was head down but she said the ultrasound machine was free so we could go check for sure. Well, unfortunately Lucy is still not head down which worries me. The Dr. said I can't get a version because of the previous c-section so hopefully Lucy will fix herself soon. While I was at the ultrasound machine though, I asked the Dr. if my baby was still a girl and she said she is still a she! I was at least thankful for that reassurance because I would hate to have all this girl stuff for nothin'. Plus I would hate to disappoint the Hatch family since both Tara & Melissa are having boys- that'll make 9 grandsons & Lucy will still be the sole granddaughter.

Also, this week I have actually gotten Steven to nap for me a few times. It's a miracle! He no longer naps in his room that is now inhabited by Ben but instead he naps downstairs on the couch which is just fine with me. Anything so that I can get some time to nap myself or to get things done around the house.

And Ben has been a silly boy lately. He has such personality and I just love that boy! I hope he's still my sweetie when Lucy comes and boots him out of baby position.

And Steven didn't want to be left out of the silly pictures (and yes I love this boy too- stinker attitude and all ;) ):


  1. They ARE super cute invitations! That stinker baby - I hope she turns for you.

  2. Whoever made those invites should have taken the time to put bows on them. THEN they really would have been pieces of art!
