Friday, September 21, 2012

Baby Lucy's Shower

Karen, Rebekka, Rebecca & my mom did the best job ever with my shower! It was such a success and I am so lucky to have so many great friends & family that came. Here are the adorable cupcakes my mom made. I told her sprinkles would be just fine but she would not be satisfied until she had made the most creative cupcakes ever. You've got a baby in a baby carriage and rattles:

Rebekka did the decorations. She made the cutest pom-poms (and let me keep a couple for Lucy's room) and then a cute flower bouquet. She also brought the healthy stuff- fruit & veggies:

Rebecca made the funnest diaper cake & set up a table where people addressed envelopes for the thank you cards I would be sending:

And Karen allowed us to have the shower in her home and organized some fun baby shower games- guessing what kind of candy bar had been melted into a diaper, guessing what kind of baby food was in unlabeled jars, a quiz about things Tyler has said about baby Lucy & she had everyone feel out their wishes for Lucy.

With the combined efforts of these 4 wonderful women who are in my life, everything was perfect! I have never felt more special and more loved & Lucy is already one spoiled little girl.

Here are some photos of the guests who came:

 Maggie from the class I teach in primary

Rebekka & her sister Anika

Katrin & Anika drove all the way up here from Tucson- so fun to see them!

Jenny, Karen (Lindsay sneaking in, in the back) & Sarah- all sweet friends from the Ward

 Beth & Staci- more Lakeside Ward friends

 Rebecca & her mom, Donna

Tyler's Aunt, Keshia, & Tara

My neighbor was sweet enough to get a picture of me with my mom & Rebecca

Now check out just how spoiled Lucy was- too many presents!!! And the best part was what a great variety of presents she got. She got useful stuff like diapers, wipes, lotion, shampoo... She got things for her room like an adorable piggy bank, a rug, a basket... She got toys to play with like a rattle, a car seat toy, a play mat.... And some adorable clothing. The baby shower couldn't have been any more perfect than it was, truly!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sunday DInner

This Sunday Steven's wish came true- he was able to hold Oliver! Steven was super excited but poor Oliver didn't enjoy it very much. Also documented in these pictures is my big belly. Only 6 more weeks and then Steven will be able to hold his baby sister! Still hoping this girl gets head down because I am tired of feeling like she's going to kick her way out of there. And while on the baby subject- my heartburn and acid reflux are back. Oh Lucy!

Later, after holding Oliver & eating dinner Steven and Ben had some fun with an app on Mike's phone. Basically he filmed them on his phone acting scared and then the app added in cars, and rocks falling on them. They loved seeing themselves getting smashed. Oh the simple joys of life. Here's a picture of my "scared" boys.

And on a random note...I now have 9 tutoring sessions. A couple more and I won't need to sub at all. Yippee! Although, I do have to say that I have been very lucky to get 1 sub day request a week since school started- the requested ones are so much better than the ones I just take off the sub line. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012


On my last post I forgot to mention that I went to Target with Rebekka to register for my baby shower. It was SO much more fun with her than I know it would have been with Tyler. We both squealed over all the adorable girl things and I ended up scanning way too much stuff. Later, I went back and deleted some items that I really didn't need. Not that I need many of the items on the list though but there is just so many cute girl things. Also, a plus from that visit was I found the perfect crib bumper for only $11 which I ended up buying since it was the last one. Anywho, I am so excited for my baby shower and I am so blessed to have so many people who care enough about me to throw me this shower. Here is a picture of the cute invites Karen made for it:

And on the note of Lucy I had a Dr's appointment this week and I asked the Dr. if Lucy felt like she was head down or not. She felt my tummy and said she thought that Lucy was head down but she said the ultrasound machine was free so we could go check for sure. Well, unfortunately Lucy is still not head down which worries me. The Dr. said I can't get a version because of the previous c-section so hopefully Lucy will fix herself soon. While I was at the ultrasound machine though, I asked the Dr. if my baby was still a girl and she said she is still a she! I was at least thankful for that reassurance because I would hate to have all this girl stuff for nothin'. Plus I would hate to disappoint the Hatch family since both Tara & Melissa are having boys- that'll make 9 grandsons & Lucy will still be the sole granddaughter.

Also, this week I have actually gotten Steven to nap for me a few times. It's a miracle! He no longer naps in his room that is now inhabited by Ben but instead he naps downstairs on the couch which is just fine with me. Anything so that I can get some time to nap myself or to get things done around the house.

And Ben has been a silly boy lately. He has such personality and I just love that boy! I hope he's still my sweetie when Lucy comes and boots him out of baby position.

And Steven didn't want to be left out of the silly pictures (and yes I love this boy too- stinker attitude and all ;) ):

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I'm 32 weeks and baby Lucy is putting my tummy through the ringer. I have been getting some pretty awful Braxton Hicks. I honestly don't remember them ever feeling this bad. Sometimes I feel like I need to sit down or I might just collapse. It's awful :( And if I don't have Braxton Hicks then Lucy is stretching and moving in the most uncomfortable manner OR she's hiccuping. I swear, this girl is already giving me grief.

Last week, Pattie and Leia came to visit. On Tuesday I picked her up from the friends' house she was staying at and then we went went to the Ward playgroup at the beach pool. It was enjoyable until we left & Steven had a 2 year old worth tantrum. Sometimes I think he forgets he's 4 years old.... The rest of the time Pattie & Leia were with us was spent hanging out at my house. Sadly Leia wasn't feeling good and was giving Pattie lots of grief and terrorizing my house. Pattie ended up leaving us Wednesday night so she could stay with her mom who would be lots more help than I could be with my own 2 crazy boys to wrangle.

Steven caught Leia's cold but for once it didn't keep him up coughing all night. It was miraculous! I think it's because we now have our own breathing machine so I was able to give him the treatments from the beginning. This was the easiest time we've had with my sick Steven in a long time. Unfortunately though, I caught it too and it wasn't the easiest for me. It knocked me down pretty good & made a subbing job I did Friday terrible- especially because I had 2 out of control 2nd graders that about drove me to my death bed. Now poor Benny is sick but hopefully he has an easy of time with it as Steven did.

And at the end of this long, boring, no fun pictures to show for post, I would like to document my desire to stop giving in to my pregnancy hormones and instead to react more calmly to my naughty boys. I really need to stop yelling so much at my troublesome boys. Wish me luck with this!