Monday, August 27, 2012

Bunk Bed & Potty Woes

Much to my surprise Tyler was able to build the bunk bed Saturday and now my boys are officially sharing a room. The transition has been both good and bad so far.The good part is night time. They did really good the past 2 nights. They chat for a bit but they don't play and they both go to sleep after not too long. And this morning was nice because instead of bugging me when they woke up, they played together and didn't even want to leave their room to go eat breakfast. I'm sure that's just the novelty of things but it'd be nice if that didn't change.

Nap time, on the other hand, was bad yesterday. Steven hasn't napped in over a week which  has been very depressing for me. Lately he had been decreasing his everyday naps to every other day but now he's stopped completely and when you've gotten used to getting a 2 hour break every afternoon, it's hard to let it go completely.  Yesterday though, Steven insisted that he wanted to take a nap with Ben so we let him. Well, that was a joke. About an hour and a half later, Ben was FINALLY asleep and Steven was still wide awake. It was a whole frustrating fiasco and I think now that they are sharing a room, it's probably time for me to give up completely on Steven napping. I just have to consider myself lucky that he lasted this long.

Getting Ben to poop on the potty has also been a frustrating fiasco. Since he refuses to eat veggies & fruit, he doesn't have daily bowel movements and when he does have to go it's difficult for him. I've been giving him Fiber1 Bars and Fiber pills but I think it's time to bring back the extra punch of prune juice because he will sit down and get up from the potty about 10 different time before he actually goes. 4/5 times he pooped last week have been on the potty which is fantastic but it is such an ordeal for me that I am not sure my pregnancy impatience can take it. If I can hang in there or get his bowel movements to be more regular then maybe I can try to get him to pee in the potty too. It sure would be great if we only had to buy the baby diapers when the she comes in October!

On a cute note, I had put Ben & Steven's names on their door to help them with recognizing their names and the day after the bunk bed was put up, Steven took Ben's name off his door and put it on his. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Things Purchased

This week I saw this amazing deal on Craigslist. All this for $200 (this is the picture from Craigslist):

With us having a need for a bunk bed, 2 twin mattresses and sheets & comforters too, we immediately contacted the person and thankfully we got it! I really wasn't wanting to take a lot of money out of savings to buy all these things and if we had got everything new--we would have spent much more than this and probably gotten a lesser quality bed. I can't wait until Tyler gets it all put back together again and my boys get to be bunk buddies! However, school did start for Tyler today so it may be awhile before that happens...

Also this week using a gift card I got for my birthday I purchased the "Tremors: Attack Pack":

Yes, I am a geek. Tyler & I watched the second one on Netflix and I was surprised by how entertained I was by it. I was also reminded how nice it is to watch a movie with my hubby. Lately all the things I had been watching on Netflix were not things that Tyler wanted to watch with me. This brought to light how much I missed just hanging with my husband in the evenings. So it's time for me to part with all my chick flick TV shows and now I'm watching "White Collar" which is a show we both can enjoy together.

Anywho, now I own all 4 Tremor DVD's. Anyone want to join me in a Tremor's marathon?

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Happy Things

Since Lucy is due around Halloween, my mom made her a Minnie Mouse hat so she can dress up too! The lighting in the picture stinks but it is SO cute. Now all she needs is a pink polka dot dress to match!

On a completely different note, Ben has been having bowel issues as of late and somehow I was able to use those issues in a spectacular way. I got Ben to poop on the potty today! I was so proud of him that I rewarded him with a lollipop! Of course, a few hours later he had to go again and it ended up in his diaper but still, he did it once and that's something to celebrate!

Also, their daddy got some comic books as a prop for a lip sync to "White & Nerdy" that he did at mutual with his deacons and the boys love them! They love looking at all the superhero pictures just as much as they love watching superhero cartoons on TV. My cute, little nerds!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Cake & Ice Cream

On Sunday I finally got to have my cake and ice cream. After dinner at the Hatch home, my mom and dad came over to join in the celebrating. My mom made me the BEST cake ever, it's my grandma's special recipe and I was major craving it. Tyler "decorated" it and then there was the crazy loud, Hatch singing followed by me opening a few remaining presents from Tyler's family.

I love getting Amazon gift cards! That means some new books for my Kindle!

And what pregnant woman isn't thrilled to get chocolate!?

This is me giving Tyler a dirty look for saying cards are unimportant- I love getting cards!

Friday, August 10, 2012

An Eventful Week

Lately boys love watching their daddy play "Super Mario Brothers." As you can see Steven literally sits on the edge of his seat while he watches. He gets very nervous for his daddy.

Rebecca had her baby on Monday and it was so exciting to meet my new nephew, Oliver Michael. He's a cute little guy but his poor mommy is having a rough recovery. The things us mommies go through for our babies!

Steven painted Oliver a picture and was super excited to meet him but was sad he couldn't hold him. He's not deemed trustworthy yet.

I turned 27 on Wednesday. I got an amazing, in-home massage in the morning. It was my first ever massage in my 27 years of life and it felt great. I did feel sore the next day but I think that was due to all the knots she had to work out of me. 

My mom was nice enough to buy lunch for me and then for dinner I went out to Red Robins to get my free birthday burger. My boys, Tyler and my parents joined me.

After dinner I went to visit baby Oliver again and then I came home and opened presents with Tyler and my boys. I got some maternity clothes and a new clock for our living room since our old one broke. It was really a rather laid back day.

Steven went to the dentist for a check up and cleaning on Thursday and Ben came along to to watch. Steven was really excited to go again which makes me happy that he isn't scared of the dentist yet. The dentist office that we go to is SO kid friendly and they really are great with my boys.

Steven's teeth are in perfect order which is great because we already maxed out his insurance on our last visit. And Ben had fun watching Steven get his teeth cleaned and "counted" and he also enjoyed having the hygienist dote on him. However, he didn't want to have a turn sitting in the chair. Maybe it reminds him of shots somehow...?

Both boys were so good and they were able to pick a prize out of the treasure chest. Ben picked out a pink dinosaur and Steven picked out a star wand. Such manly choices. Here's Steven showing off his clean teeth and both boys showing off their prizes that night. 


Saturday, August 4, 2012

28 Weeks

This isn't this best picture but here's my baby bump at 28 weeks. I was complaining to a friend that I was feeling fat and she replied that it's only fair that I feel fat at some point in my life. That of course made me giggle & then realize how right she was. I am very lucky that pregnancy is the only time that I am ever really "fat." Very lucky considering my constant sugar diet. Pregnancy only heightens my need for sugar. Right now I'm craving a banana split, Crispy M&M's, & Runts. Interesting combination right!?

I'm scared to say this because anytime I would say it to someone, the next moment I would be suffering from a migraine again but here it goes, my head has been feeling MUCH better this week. Even so, my sweet hubby has scheduled a massage for my birthday and I can't wait! This will be my first ever official massage and since my lower back is still achy, I am super excited!

Also, the school year starts up officially this week and I am beginning the year tutoring 5 clients and I have 2 more that will start up at the end of this month. And so far, I have the sweetest, most well behaved clients. It's going to be a great year! All I need are 3 more clients and then I can stop subbing. Cross your fingers for me!

And here are the most adorable pictures of my littler superheroes. They have been driving me batty this week but it's moments like this that make it all worthwhile: