Saturday, August 31, 2024

School Starts, Big Storm

 Monday the kids all started school. The boys were up early in the morning and I got up too so I could get my traditional pic of them before they headed out the door. It is weird (and nice) having Steven drive them to school. Ben had some issues with not being able to log in to his school computer and get onto Google Classrooms and that was a bit frustrating for him. Other than that though he seemed to have a good day. Steven, of course, said his first day was terrible, but that is literally his answer for everything so I don't take that to heart. Steven also had his first college class that afternoon. He drove himself there and found his class and everything. 

I started homeschool (language arts and math) with the girls on Monday as well. There were tears within the first 10 minutes because that is just how we roll. They love to make me question why I am homeschooling. They both felt they should have their work done in minutes and Penny was frustrated that hers was taking longer than Lucy's. We had to have a conversation (which I have had with them so many times) on how much longer they would be working if they were in public school...or even Renaissance hybrid. I also had to talk about how their work loads are going to always look different because they are learning different stuff. It was not the best start but I am hopeful it will get better as we get into the swing of things. I also do like this curriculum better than what Renaissance gave us- it's much more clean cut and explains things really well. 

Monday night I tried giving pigtails to Ruby. It was so hard to get her to sit still long enough and she did not want to stop messing with them so I am not sure how I often I will do them. BUT she really looked adorable!

Tuesday was another day of school for everyone. Having a toddler adds a whole new layer of fun because she just wants attention while I am working with them. When we finished our school work and Ruby woke up from her morning nap, I was going to do a beach meet up with Julie and her boys. However our babys' nap schedules just weren't quite aligning so she ended up just coming over to my house while Ruby was still napping. Julie's triplets played nicely with our Lego's the whole time. And Asher enjoyed Ruby's toys until she woke up. When she woke up, Ruby definitely had some struggles with sharing  but overall they played pretty well together. It is cute to watch her interact with someone her age. I also enjoyed chatting with Julie because we are on such a similar journey with our babies. I hope once our babies get similar napping schedules that maybe we can hang out more. She is just super social so that can make scheduling things hard. Her triplets also aren't really my girls cup of tea so that doesn't help get togethers. 

Tuesday night Tyler and Ben went early to Ben's soccer game- Tyler was going to be the announcer and Ben has to get there early anyways. I made dinner, the rest of us ate and then the girls and I headed over to the game. As we started to drive there some dark clouds began to gather and the wind picked up. As we got closer to the school it started to sprinkle and then right as we parked it downpoured. With a baby, there was no way I was going out in that crazy weather so I called Tyler. He was safely up in the announcer box (Ben was safe in the locker room). Tyler told me they were just planning on postponing the game a half an hour. I had my doubts that it would not just be cancelled all together so instead of hanging out in the car, I decided to just go home. The drive back home was crazy. The wind and rain were hard and every single traffic light was out on the way home. It made me nervous for Steven because he had left to his college class at the same time we had left for the game. Thankfully his drive did not get any crazy weather and he made it there safely. When we got home our power was out as well. It turns out that the power was out at the school as well so after what ended up being an hour of postponing it, they finally cancelled it.

We had a quiet night in with no power. The girls played the headbandz game and got Ruby to "play" as well. When Tyler got home he hooked up the generator so we could have running water and he hooked up a TV so the kids could watch a movie. We all decided to sleep downstairs because we know how much hotter it gets upstairs and without a/c, it would be worse. I am not sure sleeping downstairs was the best move though. Tyler and I slept in the guest room with Ruby. It was right next to the generator which was especially loud and made it hard for me to fall asleep. Then the power came back on at 3am. I had turned out the light in the guest room but the printer screen flased on- waking me up and scaring me. A couple hours later, Ruby woke up and did not want to go back to sleep. I ended up taking her back into the girls' room since the power was back on but it took awhile to get her to sleep. I don't think she likes having her sleeping place moved around so much. We just moved her into the girls' room so moving her to the downstairs room for the night really seemed to throw her off. It wasn't a great night for any of us.

Wednesday morning the boys high school still had no power so they got the day off. Wednesdays are the day we take off from learning English and Math since the girls will have their electives on Wednesdays (they start next week) so they had a free day too. At lunchtime we went to the Renaissance Back to School Picnic. Ben and Andrea ended up tagging along, just to have something to do. I also brought Claire there since her mom was working. Everyone had friends so they had a good time hanging at the park. The weather was warm but not unbearable. I mostly hung out with Mimi's mom. I learned why she only has 1 kid- she had a really bad pregnancy in which she almost died. Cherish's husband came with their kids and hung with us for a bit. The girls got some face/arm painting done. Penny's arm paint some how ended up on Ruby and me. I bought lunchables for all the kids because I was feeling much too lazy to pack a lunch for everyone.

Wednesday night soccer was cancelled so Ben could actually go to his church activity. Unfortunately for him they were at a beach for the activity. He just does not like getting in the water. But I still think he had a good time hanging with his friends. 

Thursday, the boys were disappointed to learn that the power was back at their high school so they had to wake up and go. We didn't find out until 5:30am and it was not a pleasant surprise for them. I was glad because I still wanted to do homeschool with the girls and I know they would not do well if the boys were home playing video games. I do feel like homeschooling went a little more smoothly Thursday. After Ruby's morning nap we decided to walk to seven eleven. It was a little warmer than I would have liked, and pushing a stroller on a busy road with no sidewalks is not ideal but I think it was good for us all to get out and do something. We stopped at the library to cool on our way back. Ruby immeaditely went to the train table and pulled off a bridge and upset a little boy who had been putting all the tracks together. She really is a bit of a baby Godzilla.

Thursday night Ben had an away game that was pretty far so he took the bus there and Tyler met him there after work. That meant it was a quiet night at home for the rest of us. Ruby enjoyed getting some selfies taken though.Ben's team won that game but Ben still didn't get any play time. It's so frustrating because he is working hard and showing up. His friend who plays on the team (and skips games and practices) said he doesn't like to come because he doesn't get play time but his friend actually has played at every game he has went to, just not for very long. I thought that was rude of his friend to complain to Ben, when Ben has only played in one game so far.

Friday the boys had no school for the labor day weekend so I let the girls have off of homeschool work. I am trying to give them the same holidays that the boys are getting. We ended up meeting the Mays at the beach after lunch. I had a really nice chat with Caroline- we had a lot of catching up to do. There's a house for sale in our neighborhood that I think she should buy. It probably won't happen though because they have a mass amount of debt from his schooling. Ruby was all about the water in the beginning of our beach trip and I regretted not wearing a swimsuit but then she face planted it and was done with the water. After the face plant, she climbed up into her stroller and hung out there for a long while, playing with a pair of goggles. Later she played in the sand with Lizzie (and ate the sand too) and eventually the girls had her in the water with them again. It was a good beach day.

Friday night we watched the new Quiet Place movie at home- me, Lucy, Ben and Andrea. It was fun to watch it again and talk during it about what things made sense and what things did not. They all made for good company.

Saturday was uneventful for me. The girls went to Mimi's to bake pumpkin cookies in the afternoon. They made the cookies with a pumpkin from Mimi's yard. Geli and Luna were there too and it sounds like all together they were a lot (of drama)- I know they are when I host them. Hopefully they didn't drive Mimi's parents too crazy because they are good people. Penny is feeling a little left out because Luna and Mimi are still at the hybrid school without her. I hope I didn't make a bad choice for the girls. I was just so tired of the hybrid curriculum and requirements. 

This week Ruby slept through a few nights and then not through some others...She has become very toddler and will breathe heavily through her nose when she doesn't get her way. She also has discovered slapping and thinks it is funny and we are trying to teach her that it is not ok (which the kids make hard when they laugh at her for doing it). She is really trying to imitate sounds and words. I think she is doing good with saying "Bro" (Ben is teaching her to call him that) and I swear she said "Lou" for Lucy. I had her go "Mmmm" when she was eating something yummy. She is so much trouble but also so much fun. We spend a lot of our time going for walks in her "car" because it makes her happy and keeps me active.

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