Monday Ben had another soccer game- it was far out in Brownstown. The nice thing about soccer is that if it is far, they have a bus that will take them there. However, parents still have to pick up. Since the game started during dinner time I ended up staying home and getting everyone fed while Tyler went out to watch Ben's game. I was bummed I missed it because Ben got 4 minutes of play time! He was excited to be out, even if it wasn't for very long. His team also won that game.
Tuesday was busy with school orientations the boys. First thing in the morning Steven had his college orientation. He was still a little nervous about finding his way there and to the classroom it was in so we both drove- he followed me- and then when we got there I walked with him to find the room the orientation was in. (Ben stayed behind in the car with Ruby so I didn't have to walk with her) Honestly, Steven has a better sense of direction than me and would have done just fine finding it on his own. He pretty much led the way there. I walked him in and then left but apparently I was supposed to stay and sign some forms. I wish the lady would have told me that but instead she told me pick up was at 3:30 so I assumed I was good to go. I really didn't have time to stay anyways because I had to go straight from there to pick up Andrea so I could take Ben and Andrea to their Freshmen Orientation at the high school. Poor Ruby spends a lot of time in the car chauffeuring her siblings about.
Steven said the orientation wasn't helpful- they just sat in the room all day. I don't know if it actually wasn't helpful because he is not too positive about anything. They did give everyone Jimmy John's for lunch so I think that's pretty lucky. Ben said his orientation was kind of helpful- he was able to find some of his classes before his mentor got lazy and stopped showing his group around the building. Ben is lucky and has at least one friend in 4 of his classes. He also said soccer was good because there were a lot of familar faces there. I am feeling really good about him starting high school. Andrea, on the other hand, was texting all her friends to pick her up because she hated orientation and hates high school already. I am sorry she had a bad experience but I am also hoping her negativity doesn't bring Ben down.
Tuesday was also Penny's real birthday- she was officially 10. She was able to open presents before we headed out to all the orientations. She got a Stitch shirt, a Disney Mini Brands ball and a mystery Stitch Keychain (she ended up getting Captain Gantu) from the Hatch grandparents. From the Brady grandparents she got a light up tracing board and money. From us she got a Stitch fannypack, another Stitch shirt, a snackable (Corgi doll holding Hershey bar), a Stitch diamond art kit, a booty shaking corgi and a polly pocket. Mike's family sent her stickers and Pokemon cards. She was properly spoiled for her 10th birthday. And Ruby has been trying to steal her Corgi doll ever since she got it. We might need to buy Ruby her own Snackable for Christmas so she stops stealing Penny's.

After the boys were dropped off at their orientations for the day, Lucy got picked up to go to an orchard with her friend so it was just Penny, Ruby and me at home for awhile. While Ruby was napping, I did bubble braids in Penny's hair. I am not very good with hair so I was quite proud of myself for figuring out how to do them but they did take awhile which is probably another reason I have never gotten good at hair- I just don't have the time (or patience) for it.
When Ruby woke up, we took Penny to get a smoothie for her birthday lunch and then we stopped at a park to play. There were 2 little girls there who were very eager to make friends with us. They instantly shouted "Hey friends!" and ran up to my girls asking to play with them. I am not super social and was just hoping for a quiet play at the park but so much for that. I don't think Penny minded to much- except for the girl was a bit bossy. The younger one, was ok at first but when she started peeling Ruby's hands off things so she could play with them instead, I was done with the social and we left. After the park we went to Kroger's and got some ice cream and picked out a new nail polish color (Penny called it Stitch blue). Once I had painted Penny's nails it was time to take some photos of her cuteness with the Stitch cake her dad had made her.

That afternoon Penny's friend Reggie came over and hung out with her. They always have a good time together. Later, when all her siblings were back home, we went to Wendy's for dinner. She originally requested Culver's but Tyler got home too late from work- there wasn't enough time to drive there, eat and come back for cake, before Ben's soccer practice. Wendy's was closer so Wendy's it was. Us girls took a table and the boys took another one.
After Wendy's Tyler's sister's family came over and we had cake and ice cream. Penny was able to wear her crown from her birthday party- it was wilting some but still looked pretty good considering it had been sitting in the fridge for days. Even Tyler took a turn to wear it. It was a nice night with family.

Wednesday I tried to plan a big park day with friends because the weather had been so good but all my friends flaked out on me and so did most of my kids. Lucy ended up going to Claire's house. Steven and Ben went to a friend's house to watch "Twisters". So in the end it was Ruby, Penny and me and Penny's friend Mimi and Mimi's mom. It was still a nice outing. Mimi and Penny play really well together and Ruby had a good time too. Ruby is getting old enough and mobile enough to really enjoy parks. The hiccup was that I forgot Ruby's shoes and she did not love the feel of the rubber ashphalt on her feet so I had to carry her from play things or she would play on the ramps they have throughout (it's a handicap accessible park).
Wednesday before soccer practice, Bishop was nice and met Tyler and Ben at a park so he could show Ben some soccer drills to help him with things that the coach told him he needed to work on. That was really nice of our Bishop. After that Ben had practice and he was beat by the end of the day. While he was at practice, Lucy and Steven went to their church activity- bowling (which apparently Lucy hates), and I took Penny to her sewing activity at the church. I sat in my car and found a new show to watch. It sucked me in pretty quick.
Thursday morning Steven got his wisdom teeth holes checked out. It was a quick check and everything was good. He complained afterwards that the doctor made his holes hurt again. Steven has also been complaining about his stomach hurting. He is done with the antibiotics now so I am hoping it will improve soon. Monday we had this drama because I asked Steven to pick something up from Kroger's for me but he was complaining his stomach hurt too bad. His stomach hadn't hurt too bad to hang with his friends so I got crabby with him. I ended up unplugging the wifi while he was gaming with his friends and that brought him out to investigate. He plugged it back in and asked me if maybe the cord accidentally fell out. Ha. Then he sat by Ruby for awhile and then told me he would go get what I needed at Kroger's. I guess the unplugging worked?
Thursday, after Ruby's morning nap, I took the kids to Milford to get a cookie from the bakery and play at the park. I am going to miss having Ben on these little outings, he is such a good helper. It was fun to swing Ruby in the same swing Penny once swung in as a baby.
Thursday Ben had another game and I was unable to go again because a friend needed my help with something. Thankfully, Tyler was able to make it to the game. Ben did not get any play time this time and his team did not win. Kind of a bummer night so Tyler had them stay for the Varsity game and bought him pizza at the concession stand.
Friday I had the crazy idea that I should take Ruby for a walk in the forest across the street and Penny and Lucy decided to join us. We used to go all the time during covid and I remember it being a good time. Well we probably did not go in the summer because it was NOT a good time. In the 15 minutes that we were in the forest we were attacked by so many bugs and branches (the pathway had not been maintained and was not stroller or people friendly) and while trying to get quickly back out of the forest, the stroller hit a tree root and flew over and poor Ruby landed on her face (still buckled in the stroller) and I landed on my knee rather rougly. It was traumatizing for all of us but most especially Ruby. It took awhile after she was home for her to finally calm down. We will not be returning anytime soon.
Friday afternoon my friend Stacey and her daughter Jenna came over. Stacey had just dropped her oldest off at college the day before. She said it was really weird feeling to leave your kid somewhere- I bet! We had a nice chat while the girls played but I had a tired toddler that I had to put down for a nap at one point. I was kind of thinking Stacey would leave before I put Ruby down but she did not so I had to be rude and excuse myself to put Ruby down. She did eventually leave and then it was an exciting outing to Costco for pizza and diapers and a quiet night in.
Saturday was a pretty lazy day for me. Penny and I took Ruby out for a walk in the morning. Ben went to soccer picnic with Tyler and Penny. That evening Tyler took me to Culver's for a date and Ruby tagged along. While there Ruby was complimented for the bazillionth time on her beautiful eyes.
Ruby is now drinking cows milk in a bottle. I have not broken the bottle habit yet because it is like her pacifier and I don't have the energy for that difficult task. But she does drink water out of her Baby Shark water bottle. She slept through the night a few nights in a row so we are attempting to transition her into the girl's room but we will see how that goes. She really likes the soft, bouncy bed and all the plushies.
And the pictures from our family pics in Arizona finally were delivered:
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