Monday, August 5, 2024

Girls Getaway

Friday afternoon I went on a girls getaway to Port Clinton, Ohio with my friends: Grace, Caroline and Melissa. It was sort of a rough beginning because- thanks to someone's tacky window decal- they got talking on politics and I learned how different my beliefs are from theirs. The especially hard differing point for me is their support of abortion. I just do not understand how Christians can support abortion. I did not want to get into this on what was supposed to be a relaxing getaway so I just asked that we change subejcts. After that we got into all the drama Melissa has. There is a woman at her husband's work who is quite insane. We read an email from her and it was clear that this woman is definitely vying for Melissa's husband. Her husband has tried to push her away but also I think he could be more clear. It made me grateful for a husband who I feel would have handled that better.

The drive was only a couple hours so we got to the airbnb and chilled for a bit before getting dinner. The airbnb was disappointing. It was supposed to have 4 beds but only had 3. The bathroom smelt like sewage. And we would later find out that all the window units were very noisy during the night and the beds were not super comfy. However, they did work hard to dress it up and the decor was cute so there was that. For dinner we went to Suacy Slice Pizzeria and the pizza was so good. I got the meatlovers and it did not disappoint. Grace and I traded slices and I had her cheeseburger pizza and made the dumb comment that "it tasted like a burger!" Yes, I am captain obvious but I was suprised how much a pizza could taste like a burger. It was good too. 

When we finished eating we went to Walmart to pick up some groceries and then went back to airbnb where we watched movies and ate junk food. We watched a thriller called "The Gift" and then a romance called "Find me Falling". I don't know how I feel about the thriller. It was scary at times but also had a weird twist in the end. The romance was very cliche but cute. That night I slept in the bedroom with 2 single beds- Grace took the other one. Melissa took the couch and Caroline took the bedroom with the double bed. I don't think any of us slept well. The noises of the window units turning on and off made it hard for me to fall asleep and I woke up pretty early.

Saturday morning we had a lazy, quiet morning chatting and then we went to craft fair at a local park. It sort of felt like we entered a time warp. All the crafts were very reminiscent of my early teens- just the flat, wooden painted holiday decor. They also had some art work that just wasn't quite the caliber of fairs I have been to before. But it was still fun to stroll and Melissa always seems to find something to buy. She took forever chatting and buying (she is such an extrovert) so Grace, Caroline and I ended up crossing the street and sitting by the lake while we waited.

When she was done (after circling back because she had left her bags at the last vendor she visited) we went back to the airbnb for leftover pizza and nap time. Then we got dressed and ready for some time at the beach. The beach we ended up at (by the Port Clinton lighthouse) seemed like it was more for boats. There was a line of then anchored out not too far from shore. One boat thought that everyone would want to listen to its music and they blared it the whole time we were there. Occasionally there was a good song but mostly it was just obnoxious. There were also a few songs with lots of expletives. That seemed highly inappropriate considering there were kids at the beach. Anyawys while there Melissa unloaded all her trauma and I think we finally convinced her that she ought to go get some therapy to help her deal with it all. She does not have healthy coping mechanisms so I am hopeful she will see a professional who can help her cope better. She has had a lot of hard things in her life. Afterwards she was just gushing about how much better she felt and how much fun this trip was. I honestly felt a little overwhelmed with all her things *sigh* When we left the beach we got a cute pic of all of us at the light house.

We went back to airbnb and changed and then went to get dinner at the Marblehead Galley Restaurant. It was super busy and slow and a bit stuffy. I got chicken and waffles and the flavor was AMAZING but they had let the waffles get soggy which was not amazing. When we finished eating we headed to the Marblehead lighthouse. I have been to this one before and I just love all the rocky outcropings that you can go sit on and a listen to the waves. This was a highlight in the trip. Just a really peaceful moment (minus me slipping on a rock and rather ungracefully catching myself).

On our drive back to the airbnb the sun was big and red and really pretty as it was setting. Back at the airbnb we watched another movie- Alone- and this one made us all angry. The main character did not make wise choices and we yelled at the TV A LOT. It was bedtime when the movie ended and I think we all slept better- maybe we were just tired from the night before?

Sunday it was time to head back home. We made a few stops first. We stopped at this Ohio gift shop in Toledo. It was very woke and I was not massively impressed but of course Melissa managed to find something to buy. Then we stopped at a bookstore. This was of course, the only place I bought something. I found a book that I have read before and really enjoyed. I am trying to start collecting more hard copies of books I like. I also bought a couple Golden books since I have a thing for collecting them. Then we stopped for lunch at Tiger Bakery and Deli. It had Mediterranean food. I ended up with some hummus, bean salad, chicken, rice and pita bread. It was so delicious but we all had to wait a long time to get our food because a woman who was extremely high energy was ordering 2 weeks worth of food from them. She was on something, had a mental disorder, something...? She was loud, commenting on everything to everyone, asking for everything, disappearing into the bathroom several times, sweating bullets. She was a lot to take. 

After that we headed back home and I was really really glad to be home. Tyler was nice and cooked dinner so that was an especially good and welcoming. I had also missed my squishy baby and she gave me some good cuddles when I got home. I also felt better after I unloaded all their drama onto Tyler, ha ha. I am just really grateful for my life and how stable and boring it is.

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