Sunday, May 5, 2024

Hello May

On Sunday Lucy taught her first lesson in Young Women's. She had me teach with her so I ditched my primary class so I could be with her. We worked on the lesson together beforehand. I basically came up with the topic, questions and way to go through things and then she turned it into a power point presentation- she even added in hand drawn pictures, she is a really good artist.  During the lesson she talked some but I talked more. It was good I did because we still ended 10 minutes early. The rest of our Sunday was low key and relaxing which is really what my soul needed. I am glad Ben decided he didn't want to go to his soccer game that day.

Tuesday Penny was real excited for me to drive her to school in the new car. She could not wait to tell everyone that we got a new car. I am pretty sure she is more excited about it than me. I haven't had much going on lately so it was a pretty chill day while they were at school. Just working out, taking a shower and making some egg muffins for Tyler and the baby. It has been really nice not being massively busy.

Tuesday after school Steven had a phone interview with Jimmy John's and he was hired... I guess. It was sort of weird. The lady said she would move him on to the next step which I assumed would be an in person interview but then he got a text and email with paperwork and it also welcomed him to the team. So he has filled out all the tax stuff and turned in the work permit but still no talk of when he will actually go in. We shall see how this all goes.

Wednesday we made some tissue paper flowers and got some candy for teacher appreciation week. Penny claimed I had bought too much candy (they all have multiple teachers and some overlap so it can tricky to count correctly) so Lucy ripped "the extra" bag of candy open to eat. Well Penny had miscounted and I was really irritated with Lucy for opening that one without asking. I then had to make another trip to the store to get another bag of candy. I have been extra hormonal this week so I raged pretty hard over that.

Wednedsay night Ben had a soccer game in the evening. It was out in Canton and somehow we hit every single light red and I got lost so instead of getting there 30 minutes early, we just barely arrived on time. It was a bit of a frustrating drive but the game itself was good. Ben's team won 3 to 1. 

Thursday the kids all had color day at the school and Lucy borrowed a purple shirt from me because even though it's her fav color, she doesn't own a purple short sleeve shirt. I wonder if her borrowing my clothes will be a thing. 

While the kids were at school Thursday, Grace came over and we went for a walk. Ruby slept for the whole walk which was nice. When we had finished walking our loop, we sat in my front yard (in a shady spot) and chatted some more (while Ruby tried to eat grass and weeds).  Grace is struggling with Melissa's behavior. Melissa is saying the Grace's daughter is the reason her daughter is pulling away from the church and that Grace's daughter is a bad influence on hers. I do not not think that that is entirely accurate and I can see why that comment would be hurtful. Grace had a good vent and wants to just put it behind them. 

Thursday evening the girls had soccer and I sat in my car trying to work on my talk for Mother's Day. In classic Jenny fashion I have overthought everything and am struggling to write it. I just want it to be something that feels related to mother's day but doesn't leave out those who aren't mothers (because in sacrament everyone has to listen- fathers, children, single women, etc...). And I want it to uplift and not make you feel like you fall short and I just have all sorts of expectations I have put on myself so yeah, it's not flowing well. Hopefully I can figure it out in the next week.

Friday evening Tyler and I were both craving Panda Express so we went on a little date- with Ruby. It's always nice when we are able to get out and spend time together.

Saturday morning the girls had a soccer game. At first it looked like they were going to creamed but they ended up tying 2 to 2. Lucy hasn't been big into soccer this season so this might be her last season. She was saying that she would like to focus on volleyball. Ruby came with me to watch and she was a good kid- she took a nap for half of it in the stroller. That afternoon Ben had a soccer game and of course I couldn't find my hat and didn't wear sunscreen so I ended up sunburned. Ben's team won 6-4. It was a good game, they were well matched.

This week Ruby started to crawl a bit more. She still mixes it up with the army crawl but you can tell she's figuring it out. She also caught a cold this week and has had some pretty sad moments and not some great nights. I forgot how hard it is when little ones are sick. She also loves to be outside and will crawl to the window and slap it until I take her out. I'm glad the weather is warming up. 

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