Friday, April 26, 2024

If You're Happy....

This week Ruby figured out how to clap. "If you're happy and you know it" is her favorite song, obviously. She has also mastered going from laying down to sitting. Some times she gets on all fours and starts rocking and a few times she has even crawled a short distance (especially when I give her the incentive of my phone). Food is still something I feel like I haven't figured out with her. She isn't much for anything but the purees and it seems mangos upset her stomach,but she does have this amazing spoon trick she does ;)

Sunday was busy. Mariah's family came over after church for lunch. She brought walking tacos- very delicious. Then her, Jeff and the boys played Dungeons and Dragons while I played outside with her little ones and the girls. When they left it was off to soccer for one of Ben's games. It was chilly but not too awful when the sun came out. They didn't win but it was close- 3 to 4.

This week I tried to be a little less lazy. An instagram post about not being slothful actually inspired me to get back into the swing of life. Ruby waking me up at night has always been my validation for being lazy but I realized I really needed to do better. So I started making an effort to get up when Ruby wakes up- instead of giving her to her siblings to watch. I made more of an effort to make sure my kids are fed for breakfast and lunch and cook for them more during the day. I also started exercising again. It felt good to be more active and I hope I can stick with it.

Tuesday we were going to look at cars- we're wanting to get a third car so Steven had a way to get to his college classes in the fall- but apparently car lots close early most nights so that was a bust. We went instead on Thursday night to two lots and checked out several cars. I mostly just wanted to see some cars we were thinking about in person. We looked at the chevy Trax and chevy equinox which fit the budget. We agreed that either would work but the extra space in the  equinox would be nice. We were not in a rush to buy a car so we were going to leave it to simmer for a bit BUT then I found an equinox online (carfax) for a really, really good deal. It was a 2019 with 28,000 miles with AWD and literally the only one I saw under $19000. I decided to make an offer for $18000 even thinking they wouldn't take it but then Saturday morning they gave us a call and said they'd do it so we drove the hour out to the lot Saturday afternoon.

The place was actually closed on Saturday and the guy drove out- with his family- with the hopes of selling us the car. We figured that would give us some leverage (like he would really want to make that sale) and it did, but I will say it was awkward having his clearly unhappy wife and very active 3 kids there. His kids were very into Ruby who we brought with us and I tried to make conversation with the wife (she was from Sweden). It was a long hour and a half with some negotiating. He told us he wouldn't do such a good deal for everyone but since we were neighbors (he lives near us and commutes an hour to this place) he was going to do it. As if us being neighbors made the difference. But he did take another $500 off the car and we ended up spending $19000 even with taxes, registration, etc. Now we have another loan and higher car insurance with a car that we don't quite need yet but in girl math, we saved a lot ;)

Other things this week... Lucy had her first babysitting gig and made way too much money for an 11 year old. We went to a birthday party for someone from the Ward and had to leave early because Ruby was not being cooperative for Ben and Penny. I guess we might need to start paying a babysitter if we want to go out without her. Steven is still having no luck with finding a job which is a bummer but I also know he is not putting that much effort into it. 

And let's end with cute pics from the week...


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