Friday, May 17, 2024


Sunday was Mother's Day and I had to give a talk in Sacrament. A terrible mother's day gift. I was super anxious as usual plus I was feeling extra emotional. I wasn't a lot of fun that morning but the kids were still nice to me and gave me their gifts and Tyler was nice and made me crepes. My gifts were- a candy bar and fake flower bouquet from Penny, a candle from Ben, a card from Lucy, and Tyler got me lego sunflowers, red vines and a real bouquet. Tyler gave me a blessing before we left to church and I think that helped. 2 primary kiddos spoke before me. They both talked about the mothers of the stripling warriors. I had thought about talking about them too but I am glad I ended up not putting them in my talk. I wasn't too shakey and I managed to have enough jokes to keep me calm throughout. My last minute Eminem quote in the beginning was a big hit, lol- "his palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy." His lyrics describe how I felt so well. Afterwards I got a few "good jobs" but I feel like I could do an awful job and people would still say that.

The rest of my mother's day consisted of breakfast and chatting for Relief Society, a nap after church, Tyler making more crepes for dinner (I'm not sure why he thought I wanted crepes for every meal, that's a bit much), Just Dance dancing with the kids and a nice phone call with my mom. 

Tuesday I took the kids to Scarlet's Park so Lucy could try out her roller skates outside. It was a good outing. Ben and Penny played with Ruby, and Lucy slowly skated around. She is looking slighty more confident and less like a baby deer trying to walk for the first time. Seriously this girl of mine has the longest legs, she has gotten so tall!

Tuesday night I had Bunco and I think I'm done with Bunco. I have been in this Bunco group for probably about 10 years. Lots of people have come and gone and the dynamics have changed. There are some people that I really love and will miss seeing once a month but there are also some that I don't mesh with that well. The game can be fun but only if the people I am playing with are being fun, ha. And the prizes tend to be all of the same things each month. I just think it's time to leave and now is probably the time so that they have the summer to find someone to take my place. 

Wednesday the middle 3 had their end of the year picnic. I was worried about going because I didn't think any of my friends would be there but Cherish ended up coming and Mimi's mom hung with us too. It was nice hanging in the shade with them (and Ruby) while the kids all played with their friends. Of course the girls had to visit frequently to show off their baby sister. There were some teen girls at a table near us and I wasn't impressed with their conversation. Lots of drama and gossip. It makes me a bit nervous to have Lucy on Wednesdays with older kids- they group middle school and high schoolers together on that day. The picnic really reminded me what good friends my kids have made during their hybird school these last few years. I hope our day change only means that they end up with even more good friends.


Friday afternoon we met some friends at the park. One of the friends was Julie. Julie has a baby just a few months older than Ruby and it was fun to watch them both interact. Ruby was very smiley around Asher and followed him a bit. She also used him to help her stand up, lol. While at the park Julie noticed that Asher had a weird looking rash- probably from a bug bite. She immediately panicked and called the doctor- such a different reaction than I would have had. I would have Googled it first, tried some Benadryl and then MAYBE called the doctor if it seemed like it was bugging Ruby. Julie also told me how she fed Asher a frozen taquito from Costco once- like it was a scandalous thing. I have fed my baby frozen meatballs, ravioli and fish sticks already- which Ruby is actually starting to be interested in and eat solid food now! Mimi was their as well and her mom was much more cautious with Ruby- she got very nervous when Lucy and Penny held Ruby. I guess, compared to some, I am a bit too relaxed of a mom.

Friday night the girls had their soccer practice. I brought them and sat outside under a shaddy tree, trying not to get burnt. After practice Mariah and Jessie came over for a girl's night. We painted nails, played MASH, put on a face mask, ate lots of junk food and watched "Princess Diaries". Mariah is a good mom and a good Aunt to my kids, 

Saturday morning the girls had a soccer game. They did not win- they lost 1 to 2. I felt like their team did really well defending overall but struggled with getting close to making their own goals. After the game Penny had a birthday party and Lucy babysat for the second time. Lucy admits she does not love babysitting but the money is enough of a motivator that she will keep doing it. I wish we could motivate Steven with money...he still just has his fake job. No contact from anyone from Jimmy John's about coming in.

That afternoon Ben had his soccer game and I let Tyler take him because one of the Bishopric members, who is also Tyler's friend, came to watch. It was a super hot day so I was not sad about missing it. So funny how last week it was freezing and this week we are in the 80's. Michigan weather is crazy. Anyways Ben's team won 5 to 1. They have one more game tomorrow and it is against the only team they have lost to this season. I hope they can win!

Ruby had a tough week- several nights she was awake for hours during the night, refusing to sleep. A couple of the nights she was happy and wanting to play and another night she was sad and inconsolable. The sad night came after the happy ones and I was just so tired and could not deal with another night of interrupted sleep. I ended up waking up Tyler and having him take her because I was going to lose it. I am grateful he took her, despite the fact that he had to teach early morning seminary. Thankfully she has slept through the last couple of nights but there is no telling when she will have a bad night again. It could have been teething, or the weather change or maybe because she took really long day naps? All I know is babies are hard and unpredictable but super cute. 

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