Friday, April 12, 2024

Total Eclipse

Sunday was General Conference. We are not fun parents and don't really have any fun conference traditions. We just bribe them to pay attention by giving them 7-11 trips if they can take notes on the speakers. It works for everyone but Steven. Computer time is the only incentive he responds too...and really only as a punishment. 

Monday Ben was lucky and was able to go see the total solar eclipse in Ohio with his friend Andrea and her scout troop. They left early in the morning and were not back until late at night- traffic was atrocious- but they all agreed it was worth the traffic. He also enjoyed getting to do archery, and getting lost with Andrea in the woods. On their way back, to take a break from traffic, they stopped at a lighthouse. All in all a good time for Ben.

We may not have been able to see a total eclipse here but it was 99% coverage which was still really cool. The girls and I all met some friends at the park to watch it with our special glasses we got from the library. It was neat to watch the sun slowly get covered and for it to get darker and cooler. It honestly felt a little bit eerie because it seemed to get very still. I am glad we took time out of our day to watch it. Ruby was the only one not impressed and was fast asleep when it was at it's peak.

Tuesday I was hosting Bunco so I spent the day running last minute errands, tidying up and cooking. I didn't feel super stressed but was more just ready to have it over with. Tyler was nice and took the kids out to eat and ran an errand with them so the house was nice and quiet for the event. I made a chicken and rice casserole and had bought a salad. Usually I feel like I have way too much food when I try to plan for 12 people so I decided not to worry too much about portions. Unfortunately the salad seemed to run out and I am not sure everyone got enough food so I guess next time I'll go back to having too much food. Also in previous hosting times everyone always compliments my food so of course I am overthinking the fact that nobody complimented it. But even though the food didn't get rave reviews, everyone loved my prizes of LEGO flowers. I thought for sure the 2 gift cards I got would be picked first but the Lego flowers all went first. I'll take that win.

Wednesday I just wanted to relish in the fact that I had nothing to host for a long while. It had just felt like a lot lately between Easter gatherings, Ben's Birthday and Bunco. The weather was nice though so I ended up going on a bike ride with Lucy, Penny and Ben to 7-11 and the library (Steven was home to watch Ruby). That evening Ben had soccer practice and Tyler had a neighborhood meeting that he had spent most of his work day trying to prep for. Since Tyler had one of the cars for the meeting, I just had Steven pick up Ben from practice and they all went late to their church activities. Soccer season is a lot but it was nice having Steven to drive. He never seems to complain about driving when it is church building.

Thursday my friend's came over for lunch. Ruby had a rough nap morning. She fell asleep for like 20 mins while we were driving to school and then when I went to pick up Steven from school (he was done with the psat) she took another cat nap. I was really frustrated because I was hoping she would maybe sleep while my friends were over but no joy. Instead she spent the time rejecting the chickpeas I was trying to feed her and making a mess of me and herself. I got some updates on my friend's lives and at the moment Melissa's niece has decided to keep the baby so she won't be adopting it. I honestly think that'll be fort he better. My friend that is getting the divorce is still getting one but they are moving at a slow rate because neither of them can afford it. I think she is sad that he is not trying harder to stay with her- although she would never say that. I feel super sad for the whole situation. 

After lunch with my friends, I picked up the kids and Ben's friend Aiden. Aiden was spending the night with us so that I could take him and Ben to take the psat at Renaissance the next morning. He needed a ride and I just figured it would be easier than having to pick him up early in the morning. But then Aiden forgot all his sleepover stuff at school and we ended up having to go to Aiden's house so he could get some new stuff. That was a bit obnoxious. That night the girls had soccer practice in the pouring rain. I felt bad for them because I was feeling cold in my car and there they were outside in the cold and rain. I was glad to stay dry in my car and read some books that had gotten from the library about feeding babies. I really don't remember how to do all this stuff and what babies can and can't eat. I am having to do a lot of re-learning. It turns out she can eat a lot more than the mush/purees I have been offering her but later when I tried some new things (banana pancakes, pasta noodles...) she was not interested so then we just stuck with the mush. I still feel like I don't know what I am doing, ha.

Thursday night Ruby and I had a very rough night. The two previous nights had not been great so I thought I would try the Ferber method where you let her cry it out but comfort her every so often (just pat her and let her know you are there)- gradually stretching out the comfort. It did not go well. After an hour I couldn't take her crying anymore and at that point she was really hard to calm down. It took a long while to get her to go back to sleep but then she did sleep for most of the night. However, there wasn't any massive improvement in her sleep the next couple of nights---she was still waking up once. I really miss uninterrupted sleep :/

Saturday the girls had their first soccer game. They did not win- it was 1 to 3. They were actually doing pretty well but they did not have a very good goalie. Ruby and I took them and it was super windy. It would not have been so bad if it hadn't been for that wind. Thankfully Ruby took a bit of a nap in her stroller where she was nice and protected from the wind. The rest of the day just revolved around the kids and their friends. Ben had Andrea over. Lucy had Claire over for a bit and then they went to her house. Penny had Reggie over. I like that they have friends over but I also wish we had more space. When Ruby's napping I have nowhere to go hide and when Ruby is awake she has to find a place to roll that is not in everyone's way. At least now that it's warming up the kids will disappear outside more and that helps.


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