Saturday, April 20, 2024

Camp, New Couch, RS Activity

On Sunday my teaching partner taught and we had our lesson outside in the sunshine. It was a perfect day for an outside lesson. After church we broke our fast early and then went to Ben's soccer game. Most of his games are on a Sunday this year so we sort of gave up on being good Sabbath day keepers. We decided that if we all go together as a family, it makes it ok....His team won 6 to 1- it's always more fun to watch when your kid is in the winning team. 

Monday Lucy was up very early because she was super excited about going to Fifth Grade Camp at the Howell Nature Center. Her friend's mom took them and her other friend's mom was there chaperoning. She was there for 2 nights and 3 days with her 2 besties. She said the food was actually good, they went on lots of hikes (so many that she is now tired of hikes), she got to go kayaking and they did an easy rope course.

Since Tyler works from home on Mondays we decided to go out to lunch Monday.  Culver's has been our latest obsession. Afterwards we went to look at a couch at Costco that I had seen because Tyler finally admitted we needed a new one. Unfortunately that couch was not a winner because it was a sectional and the "arm" was on the wrong side for our living room. But Tyler finally being on board with getting a new couch was something I needed to pounce on before he changed his mind. We had got a coupon from the Ashley Store so I looked online and saw the prices weren't too bad so we (Tyler, me and Ruby) went to the store Tuesday night. I was determined that we were only going to look so when someone came up to sell to us, I got awkward. He asked if we had ever been to their showroom before and I said "sure, ages ago" because in my brain I heard 'A' showroom, not 'THEIR' showroom. Seeing how they just opened recently that was a really dumb answer. When he asked if he could see a picture of our living room to get an idea of the layout, I said "not one that I would share with you". Yeah that came off pretty rude but I didn't want to get stuck buying a couch and in my brain equated showing a picture with getting trapped. Yet, despite my awkwardness, we bought a couch. After many that didn't really excite either of us, we sat on this one and we were sold pretty quickly on it. It is leather which just seems more  kid durable to me and it has power recline which is amazing and it is really comfortable and they were willing to flex on the price with us (even added in a 5 year warranty for basically free) so we got it. I had some buyer's remorse the next day thinking that it isn't that pretty of a couch but it really is a nice couch and I am happy we got it. So here is the picture of our old trashed one and then a picture of our new fancy one. Now I just want to buy an area rug that matches better now (looking for one in the blue family) and maybe some pretty throw pillows. Money, money, money.

Wednesday, I picked up Lucy and her friend from camp. Ruby and Penny came with me and Lucy was not very nice to Penny. She said she just wanted to be with her friend on the drive home and didn't want Penny there. That was not very nice to her sister. These two have not been getting along very well lately. The pick up itself was tricky because the lot was full and the lady made me circle back around, only to find that when I made it back there were still no spots. Thankfully the lady helped get me in a spot the second time around. It required reversing in which is not a skill of mine but thankfully I got it.  The drive was long and I really wanted Ruby to take a car nap but of course she didn't this time. 

Thursday I was able to meet Stefanie for lunch at Tropical Smoothie. Ruby was pretty well behaved and we had a nice visit. I just always feel like we really start delving more into things just as it is time for as to part ways. I wish we had more time to hang out. She is one of my more stable friends and I enjoy spending time with her. Later that day I took Steven to fill out an application at an auto part store- it was a stocking position. I thought it would be the perfect job for him but he said the owner was old and seemed annoyed with him and he just wants to work at a place with teenagers because they're nicer. Whatever. I just want him to WORK but it has been a month of him slowly applying to places with no success. That evening the girls had soccer practice and I got to enjoy some quiet time in the car- I am actually quite happy to take them if I can leave Ruby at home. 

Friday night Tyler and I left all the kids (including Ruby) to get to a reception for Ethan Witt (one of Tyler's former young men). I was excited for a night out with no kids and good food but it ended up being a bit of a bust because I forgot how much I hate large group gatherings and that I can't dance (Tyler had to drag me around the dance floor) and the food was really just a cookies, cake and veggies. Ben also is a little too easily stressed out and he freaked out when Ruby didn't go down to sleep right away and instead cried at first (Steven was too busy gaming in the guest room to be of any help). She fell asleep once Ben finally calmed down and just left her alone to fuss for a little bit. 

Saturday morning the girls had a soccer game and it was FREEZING. I brought Ruby and Ben and despite warm jackets and blankets we were all super cold. To make matters worse the girls were playing their old team and they got totally creamed by them. It was 7-1. 

After the game, Lucy and I went to a RS/YW Activity with Mariah (and Maverick). The food was really good and it was nice to spend some time with Lucy, Mariah and Maverick. Mariah seems to know more people than me or maybe her cute baby made her popular ;) We had an awkward moment where we thought someone in the stake must have a twin but then realized it was just the same person without a jacket. Then there was another awkward moment when a young woman from Mariah's ward thought I had something in my teeth but really it's just the small gap I have between my front teeth. But all in all it was nice escape from life. We tried to get  an old lady to take our pics but she did not succeed in pressing the right buttons, lol.

This week Ruby slept better (several nights she went to bed at 8pm and didn't wake up until 6:40pm) and she ate better (back to drinking bottle consistently and trying new foods) and I have no idea why but I am grateful. She also loves it when I sing "If You're Happy and You Know it" and she will flap her hands wildly and even clap them sometimes- it's quite adorable! She has also put way too many gross things in her mouth including flowers, and fuzz from a carpet.

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