Sunday was a grumpy day for me. I was irked that Primary still hadn't released the teacher I was supposed to replace and so things were weird. I was irked by the teacher that ended up teaching my class because she simply told the kids that they would be cut off from Christ if they make bad choices and told them that there was a commandment to not get tattoos. I had to bring up the fact that there is an Atonement for when we make mistakes and that there is no commandment that says anything about tattoos but we are told our bodies are a temple. Then Tyler's sister's family came over and he spent most of the time quoting and talking about a book they all like (which I have not read) with them while I dealt with a crabby baby. Then Tyler washed some dishes he made but didn't wash Ruby's dirty bottles that were there too. It was just one of those grumpy days. But Steven was happy to be celebrated again I suppose...

On Tuesday the grumps were still there. I was feeling especially grumpy with Steven and I yelled at him pretty hard core. He has been procrastinating writing an essay that was part of the pre-enrollment for Community College. Due to his unwillingness to write it, I couldn't figure out if he was being lazy or just not wanting to do this early College program. The outcome of the blowout was that he would either write 3 reasons why he should do the program or 3 reasons why he should not and there would be no screen time until he did that. I did not behave my best and my language was not very clean with him...but I finally got him to move into action. He wrote three reasons why he should do the program. So I took those reasons and helped him turn them into an essay. We are just going to keep moving forward with the enrollment process even I have some concerns about him sticking with it.
Wednesday was Valentine's Day and it was a good day to finally move past my cranky hormones. In the morning I gave the kids their love gifts and a box of chocolates as per tradition. Steven and Ben got Lego sets. Lucy and Penny and got stuffies. And Ruby got a crinkle book. No pic of Steven because he is up too early for us.
Penny made everyone nice (and honest) cards. Steven's said "you are a good brother but you can be mean sometimes but thats ok". Lucy's said "You are a really nice sister. But you can be annoying sometime. But that's ok you are still nice" Mine was all nice and helped soften my cranky heart.
For lunch on I decided to be fun and make some pink heart pancakes. While making them I accidentally dumped pancake batter all over the stove top. That was super fun to clean up.
We also decorated and ate some delicious heart cookies.
Tyler was at work and then we were off that night with various kids' activities so we didn't really do anything special for Valentine's Day. I did get him a record and make him a nice card and he got me some new headphones so we didn't totally drop the ball.
Thursday while the kids were at school, Caroline and Grace came over for lunch. Grace talked a bit more about being done with the church and how neither her, or her daughter believe in God and how that is tough for her husband and son who do. I bet it is tough for them because it was tough for ME to hear and I am just a friend. She made a comment how she understands that some people "just need to believe that there is a God." I have had too many experiences that point to the existence of God but she unfortunately hasn't and/or isn't willing to try or see Him. It makes me sad.
Thursday evening the girls had their volleyball games- both girls won their games. I didn't get to stay for Lucy's because I went with Melissa to a RS Activity. Honestly I haven't been to one in years and didn't really want to go to this one but Melissa had to lead music there and didn't want to go alone. It was mostly empty nesters there. It was about making a Christ centered Easter. At one point they had everyone come up and finish the sentence "Because of Him..." I didn't love being put on the spot and I don't think I was the only one that felt that way but it was still pretty spiritual activity. One of the ladies next to me left the room in tears. I talked with her later and she was super embarrassed because she said it was over something silly- not being made captain of a team she particpates in because she can't do Sunday games. I don't think it was silly and we had a nice conversation about it. Despite not wanting to go, I am glad I was there so if nothing else I could be a listening ear for her.
Friday my biggest excitement was a trip to Costco to get some things. Friday Steven's biggest excitement was driving him, Ben and AJ to the May's house for a movie night. It was his first "solo" drive. When we told him he would have to drive if he wanted to go, he shut down and said he did not want to go anymore. And it took a lot of coercing (which started off nice and ended very angry) to get him to go. I understand that he was nervous but we have got to find a better way to deal with what scares him. Shutting down is not an option but I also don't want to have to yell at him to get him to do something. Ugh. Anyways, he did go and he did a good job driving according to Ben.
Saturday Steven had another archery tournament and Ruby and I went to watch him. It was a pretty enjoyable experience and he ended up scoring a 231 which is good. This was the only picture I managed to get of him. He insisted Ruby be in it.
This week Ruby mastered the art of rolling BOTH ways! It's as if she heard the dr say she couldn't roll because she was chubby and she wanted to prove the dr wrong. She started Monday and just got better and better each day. She now can roll herself around a room which is trouble. Her siblings leave so many small things everywhere. Night-time is still unpredictable with her. Mostly she just wakes up once but there are nights still where she wakes up twice. I have been having troubles falling asleep and back asleep so I still just feel permanently exhausted. Ruby is also still flakey with food. She tried prunes this week (to help with the poop) and seems to love them. She also tried carrots this weeks and seems to be *meh* about them.
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