Sunday, January 28, 2024

Ice Ice Baby

On Sunday I got to sit with my primary class. The boys in the class definitely like to be the "peanut gallery" but the class is small (only 7 kids) and there was only 20 minutes for the lesson so it should be a really easy calling. I will finally be teaching the lesson this coming Sunday so we shall see if it really is as easy as I think it will be ;)

On Monday I took Lucy to Grace's to get her hair cut and it looks so much better. It had been looking pretty rough for a bit- the Great Clips trim we had last month was really not that great. I love Lucy's pixie hair but man the up keep is annoying. 

That afternoon Steven took his road test and he did not pass. Tyler went with him (because they have to have an insured adult in the car for it) and he said that Steven was not doing well changing lanes- he was taking risks and scaring the tester. He is not a good lane changer so that wasn't too surprising but risk taking is usually not his thing. Tyler thinks it was part of Steven's nerves. We have it rescheduled for this coming Wednesday so here's hoping he passes this time because each test is $80. 

Tuesday all the kids were supposed to be in school but thanks to icy roads, school was cancelled for all my kids. I was so looking forward to finally having the youngers in school and getting stuff done but no such luck. Instead the younger 3 were home doing zoom classes and Steven was home bugging everyone. The kids had been wanting to go to a movie for awhile and since Tuesday is cheap day I decided to take them to go see "Migration" after they finished their zoom classes. Steven was not interested in going so he stayed home and watched Ruby. Tyler was working from home too that day so he was there to help watch as well. The movie was nothing spectacular but it was fun and we all enjoyed it. 

Wednesday Steven had another snow day thanks to icy roads. It sort of worked out though because all the kids had a dentist appointment early afternoon. Him being home meant that I didn't have to worry about picking him up early from school. At the dentist we keep getting a hygenist who is extra friendly and "just loves" our big family. She was actually perfect for Penny because she managed to help Penny get a loose tooth out that was just hanging by a thread. She was sad but then the hygenist spoiled her with extra prizes and I think that helped make everything better. 

Thursday everyone was finally in school! It was a joyous miracle. The only bummer is that Ruby's nap times coincide with drop offs and pick ups so that complicated my life. For now she can do a car nap but thos make for short naps. Despite that Ruby and I enjoyed our quiet day at home. I cleaned out the girl's room- it desperately needed cleaning. I took a load of crap to Salvation Army. And just enjoyed getting things done with only 1 baby at home. It really tempts means to put them all back into public school because I really like my quiet, productive days. 

Friday Penny had her first orthodontist appointment. They are getting things ready for an expander. They put rubberbands around her molars and this made her very upset. She burst out in tears the minute we stepped outside of the place. I do not know how we are going to survive getting the actual expander in and later braces. Everything is so extra upsetting for her. 

Saturday the girls had a volleyball clinic. They are both starting this next season of volleyball. While the girls were there, I went with Mariah and Jessie to get my nails done. She was so nice to treat  me as part of her early birthday celebration. We had a good time hanging out and now my nails look extra fancy. Although my accent nail sort of looks like they forgot to paint it...she didn't quite do it like I had wanted but still fun.

This week Ruby has tried a few new foods. She gnawed on a whole apple slice, bananas, some teether biscuits, ate some "oatmeal" and applesauce. She did not like the applesauce, she gagged on it and the kids all thought her facial reactions were funny. She loves bananas A LOT. And she really seems to like the oatmeal. 

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