Sunday, October 22, 2023


Sunday wasn't the greatest. I was thinking about it and it really feels like everyone was more invested in me when I was pregnant. That sounds silly, I know, but it is just the way I feel. A bit forgotten. Anyways, we had the primary program and it went well. Lucy and Penny did not memorize their parts but they are good readers so they were fine. There was a part where the Primary President talked about each kids spiritual gifts and she had them wave at their families. Lucy gave the most over the top,silly wave. She got a good laugh from everyone. Especially when the president said her gift was confidence. The Primary Pres said Penny's gift was empathy. I can agree with that. The last song the primary kids did a descant of "I am a Child of God" while the congregation sang and it was really pretty.

After church we hit up our neighborhood Halloween party. There were not many people there but my friend Julie was there and it was nice to chat with her for a bit. The kids were glad they got to go because there was a cake walk and a pinata- plenty of sugar for them. Later Mariah's family came over to hang out.


Monday the kids were up early and got their work done quickly and there was no rain in the forecast so I decided it was at last a good day to go see the skeletons in Northville. We picked up Andrea and then met Mariah and her kids and Cherish and her girls there. It is always more fun with friends. This was Tyler's first time going with us and he wasn't thrilled since it's basically all about taking pictures with skeletons. Tyler had Ruby in a carrier and I wanted to take her out and get some pictures of her because I had put her in a skeleton onesie. Tyler did not want to go through the effort to take her out. When I said to her, "Don't you want to take pictures!?" we swear she said "no". She's already disagreeing with me. After we took a bazillion pictures, we walked back to the park and let the kids play until Ruby started to get fussy and then it was time to get back home.

I spent most of Tuesday hanging with Ruby while Tyler took over chauffeuring the kids to school and back and then taking the girls to their game that night. I know he is on paternity leave and his purpose is to help but for some reason I feel super guilty having him do all the things. Yet when he doesn't help, I feel resentful. Poor guy can't win. The girls did not win their soccer game that night. Apparently the other team was 2 kids short and for some reason 2 of the best players from the girls' team went and subbed on the other team. They got creamed by their own teammates. Not sure why they didn't send over their less amazing players.

Wednesday morning Penny had her annual well visit. She is so quiet with the doctor but the doctor is very nice to her and let her listen to her own heart beat. Penny was very brave getting the flu shot but then spent the rest of the day telling me how much her arm hurt. Penny has been pretty sensitive lately and seems to often be shedding tears.

Thursday morning I got my butt in gear and took the kids to school. I knew that they all wanted to listen to a story I have on my phone so that was mostly why I made such an effort instead of having Tyler do it. But then my stupid phone refused to connect to my radio and we didn't get to listen to the story. It was super frustrating. Later that day I met my friends for lunch at Lena's Kitchen. I will always prefer one on ones to group things but the food was good and my friends had a lot of entertaining things to vent. That evening the girls were supposed to have a soccer game but thanks to the rain, it was cancelled. It feels like there has been a lot of rain this season but honestly, I can't complain. I much prefer quiet evenings at home.

Friday was nothing thrilling. I picked up groceries in the morning (and for the second time in a row they forgot something in my order and I didn't notice until I got home, boo!). After lunch I dropped off Lucy to go roller skating with friends. Originally she had wanted roller skates for Christmas (her friends are big into roller skating) but after a lot of falling and pain, she has changed her mind. Later I picked up pizza at Costco with Penny. It always feels like such a long ordeal but I do like their pizza a lot more than Little Caesars so I think it's worth the 30 minute wait...

Saturday morning the girls had their last soccer game. It was a cold once again. Since it was the last one everyone came to watch them. I honestly can't remember the score but I think both my girls were too cold to be playing their best. Lucy was running with her hands in her pockets most of the time.

After their game we came home for a quick minute and then it was off to Ben's game. Poor Ruby was done with the outside but we survived, it was at least a little warmer. Only one more soccer game for Ben and then we will be done with sitting in the cold. Next month Lucy will have volleyball and Steven archery but those should both be all indoors. After Ben's game, I dropped him off at a friend's house and then Tyler and I were able to go out on a date (with Ruby). We went to a new place- Filling Station. I liked it. It was super close, small, not busy at all, nice wait staff, good food...the only drawback was that it is pricey so we can't go too often. 

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