Sunday, July 16, 2023


On Sunday Ben gave a talk. He broke into tears when he was asked and he had a very "I can't!" attitude when I helped him write it BUT in the end he did a really good job and got lots of compliments. He compared his not listening on how to sit in a chair correctly to not following the prophets, it was funny and a good attention getter. 

On Monday the kids did some cleaning, Steven went to Max's, Ben had Andrea over and Lucy got her hair cut by Grace. Our fav hairstylist at Great Clips quit which was sad but I'm grateful Grace is willing to do it. I just feel bad because she has arthritis in her fingers. She does great work though. After the haircut I did some more "nesting" as Tyler calls it. I call it clearing out the crap. I went through our room- closet, bookcase, chest of blankets...I also went through the bathroom closet and organized the file cabinets in  the basement. It always feels good to dejunk, But then my girls somehow convinced me to let them use their money to buy a used play kitchen off of fb marketplace this week, adding some more clutter. Lucy claimed she would stop being bored if she had a play kitchen but she is already bored with it :/ At least Penny is still enjoying it. 

Tuesday we met Ben's friend at Defy. I sat with his friend's mom and got to know her a little better. Nice lady but meeting new people always exhausts me, socializing sometimes feels like a lot of work. After Defy Sister Davies was sweet and had the girls over to play with her dogs. They got to take the dogs for a walk, got ice cream and Sister Davies gave them a toy corgi and notebooks with corgis on them- she spoiled them silly! While they were with her, I went to Milford to stroll a shop that has cute baby things. Everything was SO expensive but I ended up buying a ruby red dress that was on clearance. It's 3T so she won't be able to wear it for ages but it was cheap and I couldn't resist. I also grabbed myself a yummy muffin from the bakery. It was a nice outing.

Wednesday all the kids had a dentist appointment. It always feels like such an ordeal. They used to see all the kids  at the same time but now they do only 2 at a time. The one hygenist was very friendly and complementary to my large family. The other one had a think accent and I struggled to understand her. Unfortunately, Penny has 2 cavities. She started to cry when the dentist told her and he felt really bad. I am sure getting those 2 teeth fixed is going to be super fun. That evening the boys had an activity at the church. I ended up sitting in the hall with a mom of our former seminary students. Turns out her oldest girl did not have a successful first year of college- she flunked out. This mom had a lot to say about the struggles of having adult children. Makes me really excited about those days ;)

Thursday I had my doctor appt and the midwife was off. First she talked to me like I was having a vaginal delivery. Then she told a nurse that I was having my fourth child. She had no idea who I was apparently. After the appt, a nurse took me on a tour of where I would go for my c-section and recovery. It looks like every other hospital I have been in but it was nice to see where I will be. That afternoon we had another meet up at Defy. This time the mom of Ben's friend didn't come sit by me. Part of me wonders if she thinks I am a weirdo but the other part was relieved to not have to make conversation. Instead I sat and read a book. 

Friday I went with Grace and Caroline to the big used bookstore in Detroit. Grace felt like her actual birthday was a bit of a bummer because she had been traveling so this was a birthday make up for her. I like to look at the books- there are lots of cool old books but I did not buy anything. Afterwards we had lunch in Mexicantown. I have always been told this has the best Mexican food in Michigan. The enchiladas were good but the salsa was bland and not chunky- I was disappointed. Our last stop was some ice cream at Dairy Twist. I got more than I should have and ate all of it. I think I have given up on eating healthy... That evening the Mays took Ben with them to Spongebob the Muscial" Andrea and Ben had a friend in it. I am so glad I didn't have to go because I am not a fan of Spongebob but Ben said it was really funny and he really enjoyed it. 

Saturday Grace brought her Reggie over so Tyler could help him set up Minecraft. Grace and I colored while the boys did Minecraft. It was actually such a nice hang out. Art really is my jam. Afterwards she took the girls to her house and I went to Target where I got some organizational things for baby stuff but I also bought a couple cute baby things that were on clearance. I cannot believe how close I am to delivery date. That evening Tyler's new seminary partner and his wife came over for dinner. They have a lot of similar interests with Tyler and I felt like I struggled to get a word in but I guess it's a good thing he seems to get along with them so well. They will probably be a great partnership. They are newlyweds, although they are late 20's, early 30's I think? They have a dog and aren't wanting kids yets. Very different in that respect. But they are engineer and scientist minded and love video games so...perfect match for Tyler ;)

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