Sunday, July 30, 2023

Last Week Before Baby

 On Monday Tyler and I went out to my favorite place for lunch, Lena's Kitchen. They really do crepes right. It's nice to squeeze in these dates before baby comes. After our date, I had a "last hurrah" at the beach with all our friends. Quite honestly we have only been to the beach a few times this year so it was a much needed beach day. Pretty much everyone that I invited was able to come so it was a good turn out. I bought some junk food for everyone and then just got to hang out with some friends while the kids all played. Lucy invited her friend Claire and Claire had a friend come with her. Lucy thought this friend of Claire's didn't like her but by the end of the beach day, all 3 of them were besties. Oh girls. Lucy even invited herself to a sleepover with both of them. She is so obsessed with spending time with friends lately. I hope she is not wearing out her welcome.

Tuesday morning I went out to breakfast at the Breakfast Club with my friends: Grace, Caroline and Melissa. Obviously another hurrah before baby. It was a good hang out. I wonder how much our friend dynamic will change when I become the only one with a baby. I wonder if these friendships will last or if I will become the annoying one with a baby. 

After a long hiatus- Ben's friend Jacob returned to hang out with Ben. I really think that friendship is fizziling out becauase they mostly just fight over what to do and can never quite agree on anything. While having one of those repetitive arguments of what to do, I offered to take them all to Defy. Surprisingly they all agreed on that so we squeezed in another outing to Defy. The membership has definitely been worth it this summer.

Wednesday Ben had his friend over and Lucy went to her friend's house. While half the kids were occupied, I took it as an opportunity to clean out the guest room for my parents. I moved the birds into the living room and man did they leave a mess of feathers and seeds behind. That evening we had a pretty good storm but were lucky to keep our power. Mariah's family was not so lucky. They ended up without power until Saturday and needed to borrow our generator. I'm glad we were able to lend it to them but I still felt bad since it doesn't help with the hotness.

Thursday morning I had my last check in. This time the mid wife was more on top of things. I had someone come and give me pre-op instructions- now they have me wash with special soap and use mouth wash the night and morning before. Then I signed some papers so I can get a tubal ligation- this is the last baby for us. I don't feel anxious about that decision so I think I've made the right one. Lastly my midwife checked all of Ruby's stats- she is head down and doing well. The midwife also talked about her similar family with a similar age gap. That is one of the reasons I chose her, she makes it sounds so fabulous and helps soothe my worries about the large age gap.

Thursday evening my parents arrived. They came bearing gifts for us. Some cute bracelets for the girls, a new windmill figurine for me- I had one from Holland,MI awhile back that had broke- and a first Christmas ornament for Miss Ruby. We also had Mariah's family over so they could escape their hot home. They are always a bit of a whirlwind but a good one- my kids love their kids.

Friday afternoon Penny had to go get one of her cavities fixed. She was super anxious about it and kept crying but she did ok during the process. I think the laughing gas helped to calm her down some. The dentist was not impresseed with her teeth though and suggested prescription toothpaste and sealants for her molars. Too bad sealant is not covered by our insurance and would be a few hundred dollars. I think I'd like to wait until after we get through paying for Ruby. 

Saturday we all went on an outing to the Great Lakes Crossing Mall. Lucy's friend Claire tagged along with us. Grams and Poppy spoiled us with pretzels and ice cream. They also got the girls some more jewelry_ Lucy got earrings and Penny got a locket- and the boys each got a Lego Set.

This week I wore my new hair in half pony one day and Penny said she wanted hair like mine. What is funny about that, is when I first got my hair cut and colored she kept telling me I looked weird and that my eyebrows didn't match my hair and other less than kind comments. I guess she has come around to the new do. 

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