Monday, July 24, 2023


Sunday was an exciting day for me because my new phone came in the mail! There was an amazing deal on Amazon Prime Day ($200 off) and so after over 6 years with the same cracked screen that had a permanent dot on it as well- I finally have a nice phone. I almost think the kids were more excited than me though. They keep taking my new phone and telling me how fancy it is. I took some pictures of everyone to test out the new camera. Definitely a step up. 

Monday the girls started a camp that was run by the Lutheran Curch where they go to school. It was called "Create and Care Camp". It was super cheap and ran for 3.5 hours for 5 days that week so when they asked to go, I was totally ok with it. Plus their two friends from Renaissance, Geli and Luna, were going too. However, there friends did not come the first day but I think that was a good thing because when I arrived to pick them up, they both had made new "best friends" and were trying to get me to exchange numbers with parents. 

Tuesday I had the fun of getting the boys to their Aaronic Priesthood Camp in Kensington and then rushing to get the girls to thier camp. But then the real fun happened- no kids! This week was really lovely with the kids all having camp, even if the girls was just in the morning. It was exactly the relaxing week I needed. After camp I went to Grace's house because I had decided I was in major need of a hair change. She was the best and cut and colored my hair while my girls played with her kids. Grace talked me down from being too drastic and getting bangs and I really love how it all turned out. She wrapped my hair up nicely in saran wrap after dying it and let me leave my kids so I could go home and shower. It was a good makeover.

Tuesday night Tyler left to join the boys at camp so it was just us girls. We celebrated by watching "A Cinderella Story". A very cheesy movie so perfect for us- except for the kissing. The girls did not appreciate the kissing. 

Wednesday after the girls got out of a camp I took them to Five Below. I was looking for some comfy slide on shoes to wear at the hospital and decided I would treat them to something there. They ended up getting a craft kit that made mini desserts. As we were leaving my car decided to start smoking by the wheel. That was terrifying. My power steering pump has a leak and apparently will occasionaly cause some smoking when I do a hard turn. Super. I called Tyler and he convinced me it was safe to drive and surprisingly it was. We made it home with no more smoke. That evening I had some one give the girls a ride to their activity just because I was still feeling weary about my car. With the house to myself yet again, I decided to do some painting. I started off trying to make a flower, didn't love it and somehow this was the end product. Very psychedelic:

Thursday Geli and Luna's mom offered to take the girls out to lunch after the camp and then somewhere to play so that meant I had many hours with no one home. I decided to go see the movie "The Sound of Freedom". It has gotten rave reviews but it was a pretty hard watch- sex trafficking is an awful crime and I just don't understand how anyone can do that to kids. At least the movie had a good ending.

Thursday evening the girls went to sing at Girl's Camp. They sang with some other Primary kids and had to sing the song 5 times for different groups of yw. Lucy said she was nervous at first but got more comfortable each time. I wish I could have heard them but also, it was muggy outside and I had no desire to sit out there with them. They're Aunt Mariah was there with her Ward so at least she was there to support them. While the girls were singing, I met some friends for dinner. My friend Bethany, who had moved away 4 years ago, was in town so we were meeting up with her. It was fun to catch up with her and talk about how our ward has changed and the joys of teenagers. 

Friday when I went to take the girls to camp that morning, the car went beserk and started flashing codes and the speedometer was fluctuating weirdly. I called Tyler and he basically told me to "reboot" the car. I turned it off and turned it back on and that surprisingly worked. I managed to get the girls to camp and back. But oi my car is making me crazy. I spent the morning doing more "nesting". This time it was cleaning out the kitchen and shoe closet. After camp the girls both had playdates with friends so after dropping them off I did some more cleaning. All my cleaning that day meant I suffered from back pain and Braxton Hicks for the night but it felt worth it...Until the boys came back from camp Saturday and their camping stuff and messes are everywhere *sigh*

I spent Saturday recovering from Friday so it was a fairly uneventful day. I think we all needed that after such a busy week. The boys were exhausted from Aaronic Priesthood Camp. Ben felt like camp was a wee bit too long- he said he missed his bed. Ben's favorite part was the shooting and his least favorite part was the canoeing (apparently he had troubles steering the canoe). Steven was the opposite and said canoeing was the best part but he agreed that sleeping was the worst part- I think he missed his bed too.

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