Monday, July 10, 2023

Proud Lake, 4th of July, Tyler Turns 40

 On Sunday Tara and Mariah's families came to our Ward. It was actually a pretty decent fast and testimony meeting- a lot of the youth bore their testimonies about FSY, it was nice. Lucy bore her testimony as well. Her testimony is always short and sweet. After church the girls had to practice a song they are doing for yw's camp- they get to go visit one night- so it was a long church day but we still had some time to rest before Mariah and Tara's families came over for dinner. I usually feel like an outsider when Mariah and Tara are together. They are both always video chatting with someone in their family or talking about things that I wasn't a part of...I know they aren't being purposely exclusive but it is still less than fun.

Monday we went on a walk in Proud Lake. Tyler was sick with a stomach bug so he stayed home resting most of the day. And Mariah's older 2 kids and Jeff were hanging out with Jeff's brother so we just had Wesley and Mariah. It was a bit muggy and hot and buggy but Tara was in love with all the green and must have taken a thousand pics- her girls started to get tired of posing near the end ;)

After our walk we got some ice cream at Culver's. My kids have had so much sugar lately- I am a little worried how their dentist appointment is going to go this week.

Next we went back to our house where I attempted to help/teach acrylic pour painting to Tara, Navi, Saylor, Mariah, Lucy and Penny. I had really wanted Penny and Lucy to do it at another time but they were persistent so it was a bit overwhelming (and messy) trying to help everyone. Definitely better to do with only 1 or 2 newbies. I also need to do better at teaching people to mix the paint, that would probably help. An art studio of my own would be even more helpful ;)

Monday night Penny got sick and did not make it to the toilet. She got it all over the carpet, and the floor by the toilet. Poor Tyler, who still wasn't feeling well, insisted on helping me clean it up. It was quite a disaster.

Tuesday was the Fourth of the July and usually we are pertty lame and avoid parades and peopley things but for the sake of Tara and Mariah's families we went to the Northville Parade. I am really glad we did. Caroline's family was there too and we happened to arrive at the same time. We found a great place to sit under the shade and the kids had a lot of fun with the parade- especially because there was lots of candy. David's Scout Troop was in it and launched a rocket, there were police men on horses, a person dressed as a robot, a tooth was a good time. After it finished the kids walked down with Tyler to get some cotton candy from David's Scout Troop. Mariah and Tara's families left so I just hung out with Caroline at a little historic village near where we parked. It had some Greenfield Village vibes and added bonus- air conditioned houses we could go inside. 

For dinner we had Tara, Mariah and Caroline's families over for a BBQ. I made some chili because I really was craving a chili cheese dog and was super worried no one would want it because it was hot outside but surprisingly a lot of people had it. Caroline and Tara also brought my favorite kind of desserts- a fruit pizza and an angel food cake with strawberries. And Tara made some delicious salsa so in summary- lots of good food! And the company was good too ;)

Later in the evening we went to see fireworks- also something we don't do normally. I had asked on Facebook where a good place was to see the fireworks on Long Lake and someone suggested this parking lot by a train museum. We were a little weary that maybe they directed us wrong but it ended up being a really good spot. Not crowded at all (maybe 8-10 cars?) and we had a great view of the fireworks. It was a good show with lots of sparkly ones- my favorite! I think we might have to go back there next year.

Wednesday, Tara's and her girls flew out in the morning, and I needed that day to recover from all the things. We had been so busy the last week and I was pooped. Ben also happened to get hit by the stomach bug so he needed some time to rest too. Lucy, however, was not happy about a recovery day. She informed me that she doesn't like being bored and there is just nothing to do at our house. She wanted me to invite friends over but I wanted a quiet house. So instead, through texting, she got herself invited to her friend's house. But then her and her friend ended up at our house for a bit. In the small time frame that they were over, they managed to make a mess of our kitchen making brownies. They didn't think they had enough oil but when I found more, they attempted to add it back in while the batter was in the pan. *sigh*

Thursday morning I got the groceries and when I came home I was not feeling fabulous. I ended up throwing up all my breakfast and spending the rest of the day in my room trying not to throw up again. It is really hard to have a stomach bug when you're pregnant. You want to eat but you really don't want to. Friday, Tyler's official birthday, I still wasn't feeling great but I managed to get myself out of bed so I could go to Target with the kids and get Tyler a little something for his birthday. Ben ended up going in with me to get Tyler the Harry Potter Lego Set: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. The girls decided he needed a new Rubik's Cube- they have enjoyed messing it up and giving it back to him to fix. That evening the kids went to  Chili's with him since I wasn't up to it. I was bummed that I wasn't able to help celebrate.

Saturday I was feeling better which was good because I was hosting Tyler's 40th birthday that evening. I spent the day cleaning, decorating and getting things ready for his party. The party ended up with a really good turn out- the Mays, Perritons, Davies, Ormonds, Schnieders, and Jones. It was just adults which was honestly really nice- we could actually converse and enjoy our food. In the beginning the men threw knives while the women chatted. Then we had BBQ food and ended the party playing a Jeopardy game with questions from each decade- some questions about Tyler, some just general trivia. His sister won most of the questions about him, unfair advantage I think ;) For his cake I did an ice cream sandwhich cake. So easy to make and he likes it much better than cake. I made Mariah carry it out because I am awkward. I had enough awkwardness hosting the dang jeopardy game. After cake and ice cream, Bro Perriton asked him if he had any words of wisdom from his 40 years of life, lol. He started off with some fire safety advice as joke but ended with the advice that there's nothing you can't do if you're willing to put in the work (referencing the deck he is making through help from the internet and the youtube). Anyways, that was the last big event before Ruby and I think it was a successs.

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