Sunday, June 11, 2023

Soccer, Playdates, Burning HW

On Sunday Ben had his last soccer game and although he typically chooses not to play Sunday games, he decided to play this one. He was a little nervous because of the incident at the last game but he got over the nerves quickly. His team ended up winning 3 to 0. They had a really good season. They lost their first game, tied their second game and then won the next 6 games. I wish he had more play time but he has really excelled at Defense.

Monday the kids officially finished up thier school work. I failed this year and didn't do any last day of school pictures but...they are done! So happy to have a break! When they finished up all their work, we decided to finally use our summer passes to Defy- I had bought them a few weeks ago. I'm so glad I bought them. It was nice to have the kids blow off some energy and I was able to just sit and read a book. When we were checking in, the guy asked if I wanted to jump too. Lol, I'm sure a 7 month pregnant woman jumping would be quite entertaining but probably not so good for the baby. Driving to and from Defy was less than fun though- they decided to do construction on Commerce and it added an extra 10 minutes to a normally few minute drive. 

Tuesday morning we had to go turn in our school books to Renaissance. The neighbors across from our driveway were cutting down all their trees in their front yard and the workers were blocking our driveway, thankfully they moved so we could go. I am a little sad that they cut down all thier trees. I know the trees cause a lot of problems in storms but they sure make our neighborhood look pretty. After we dropped off our school books, the kids met some friends at Heritage Park- Claire, Mimi, Aiden- and we met Mariah's family. The weather was a bit cool but I find in my pregnant state, I am enjoying the cool more. Mimi's mom is nice but she is much more a helicopter mom than me which is more possible when you have only one kid. She made a comment about how some parents just let their kids run around the park without watching them...which is what I do, as long as they have a buddy. I mean I do my best to be able to see them but it is impossible to keep my eyes on all of them at once because they rarely play in the same place.

Wednesday morning the girls met some friends at Defy. I had been planning on having a lazy morning but when they heard their friends wanted to meet up, the lazy morning was no longer an option but at least I ended up with a lazy afternoon... Except they were still cutting trees down across the street from us so it was a little hard to relax with all the chainsawing.

Thursday I finally had my lazy morning. I slept in (after dropping Steven off at school) and then we worked on Father's Day pictures and things. Then that afternoon I took out the kids to find Father's Day gifts. Penny and Ben were pretty good at making decisions on what they thought Tyler would like (a funny magnet, and t-shirt) but Lucy and Steven struggled. Lucy ended up picking out some pretty wild looking sunglasses but Steven still hasn't got anything. That night Tyler and I went out. We got some food at IHOP and strolled Menards. We have such exciting dates ;)

Friday we had some friends over during the day and my new rug for the old seminary room came! It smells a little funny and I don't absolutely love it but I think for $90 it will work. Bad lighting but here it is:

That evening my friends and I met up at Grace's house. We had some yummy snack and chatted. I have been feeling a little off with them lately...not sure if it is the baby or what...Melissa also keeps commenting on my massive weight gain which doesn't make me feel great about myself. Then there's the fact that the teenage daughters hang with us too and it feels weird. Especially with some of the things my friends talk about.

Saturday I ran some errands in the morning, and then we had a full house of kids. 3 of the May kids, one of Lucy's friends, Mariah and her 3 kids and one of Ben's friends from school. In the evening, the kids that were still at our house, burned old school work. This was Ben's idea for celebrating the end of the school year. Him and his friends had a lot of fun making comments on how much they hated the different work and then throwing that work into the fire. Once it was all burnt, they had s'mores- it was quite the celebration.

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