Saturday, June 24, 2023

Father's Day

For Father's Day Tyler was spoiled. Lucy got him some pretty wild sunglasses, Penny got him a magnet, Ben got him a punny shooting stars tee shirt, Steven got him an American bowtie and I got him a golden tie. The kids also filled out this book I bought on Amazon called "Dad I Wrote a Book About You". I think that was my favorite thing he got. They wrote and drew some pretty great thigs.

For breakfast Lucy made him a peanut butter and banana sandwich but she may have jumped the gun a bit because by the time he woke up, the bananas were a little rotten. It was very thoughtful of her though. At church for the special musical number, Tyler and a few other men sung with the primary. It was nice, they did good.

After church we met with a stake high council member and I got released from seminary. Tyler did not get released. He will be teaching with another member of a Ward and they will both be teaching at someone else's house. It'll be nice to not have my house taken over but I feel bad about this other couple forfeiting their house when they don't even have teens at home anymore. I did a lot of the administrative part of seminary these past couple of years and I have a feeling I still might be doing that stuff for him...we shall see.

When that was all done it was back home, where Tyler took a nap and I made his favorite dinner, spicy chicken chipolte. That evening Mariah and her family came over and we had snowcones and the kids played. It really is nice having family here.

Monday Steven and I had eye appointments. I had them do some scan of my eye and they said it looked like I had fluid behind my eye. It is possible that it is just because of pregnancy but they want me to come back for an eye dilation after pregnancy. With the constant floaters I have, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a genuine problem with my eyes but let's hope it's just pregnancy. I also, after 8 years of the same glasses, finally bought myself some new glasses. The lady said she thinks she can make the lenses slightly thinner- here's hoping! She also was very chatty about babies and such thing and I didn't mind but Steven was obviously bored to tears.

After watching the May kids for 4 days, along with several other friends coming over, it was nice to have a quiet house Tuesday. Lucy and Steven were at friend's houses for the afternoon/evening. Tyler ended up going shooting with some friends that night as well so I took Penny, and Ben to Chick-Fil-A for dinner. Afterwards we went to pick up some frames at Hobby Lobby and ended up in line behind a woman with a cart full of returns. There was only one cashier and it took him a good 5 minutes before he called for back up. It was irking.

Wednesday afternoon the girls went swimming with friends. I wish I had a maternity swimsuit because it's been so warm lately and a swim sounds really nice but I just am having a hard time justifying buying a swimsuit that I will only use for 6 weeks. 

Thursday and Friday we used our Defy passes- only now Defy has been taken over by SkyZone so they have a new name, although everything else is the same. Friday was a little bit busier, I am guessing because of the rain. They also actually looked at our socks and since they were not Defy or Skyzone socks I had to buy new ones. They were much more on top of the rules.

Saturday morning both boys were able to caddie. And the weather cooperated so that Tyler could work on the deck all day. It was a pretty, chill Saturday for me. Just driving the boys to where they needed to be.

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