Tuesday morning I tried out a new breakfast place with Stefanie, it's called Anna's House. I got lemon poppy seed crepes with cream cheese filling and blueberry sauce- they were delicious! We talked about our kids as per usual. One of her kiddos is having problems with a "friend" who is bullying him. Recently I was catching up on messages on the phone from Steven's friends (the kids all know that their is no privacy on the family phone) and realized Steven has a friend who is a bit of a bully too. It's so hard to know when to intervene and how to help. Why are kids so mean?
Tuesday afternoon I took the kids to see "The Little Mermaid." The first half was pretty much the same as the animated but the second half they changed up and they added a few new songs. It was all right but not my favorite. The girls seemed to like it. We took their friends- Geli and Luna. Both of their friends needed bathroom breaks at separate times during the movie. Super fun to have to walk my big pregnant belly pass movie watchers twice. When the movie ended we heard this loud sound and when we got out we realized it was hailing. It sounded so loud in the lobby. I decided to sacrafice myself and pull up the car so the girls didn't have to walk in it. Of course, as soon as I got in the car, it stopped hailing.

In the evening my friend Julie sent me a text to see if I wanted to go for a walk. I decided it would be good for me to get out and walk so I joined her. But when we had got down by the lake, the weather decided to go crazy again and it started to rain on us and then hail. It was a long, soggy walk home. We were both drenched, despite trying to hide out under trees. It was quite an adventure.
Wednesday was Steven's first official day of summer so I had a nice lazy morning since I don't have to take him to school anymore. It feels good to be able to sleep in again. Ben had a fun birthday party with a friend from church. They went bowling and then had pizza at a park. While he was at the party the girls and I ran some errands. We want to frame some pics they painted to put up in their room but boy are frames expensive so we're going to wait for a sale.
Thursday morning the girls went to a little sports camp that a family in our ward does. They played soccer and Penny came back talking all about it- she had a blast. Lucy just grumbled about getting bug bites. That afternoon I had another baby check up. I have now gained over 30 pounds- yipee. Dr says everything is looking good and dismissed any concerns I have. I also apparently can't meet the person who will be performing my surgery because he is strictly a hospital dr I guess. That makes me nervous. After my appointment Steven had his well visit with a pretty young PA. Our usual dr was sick- again! We had already rescheduled once. This makes me a bit nervous about using her as Ruby's dr since those visits are more frequent and necessary.
Friday morning the girls had their second session of the sports camp- it was water day. We are also watching Lizzie so she came along. I had to pick them all up early though because Lucy had a dentist appt- she chipped one of molars on a Skittle. When I picked her up one mom there called my stomach little- that was nice. This time all the girls were unhappy about having to leave early. At the dentist, they decided just to paint her tooth with some sort of sealant to protect it and hopefully that'll work until it falls out within the next year.
Friday evening I took Steven, Ben and Andrea to see "The Boogeyman". It was pretty scary and maybe a little too scary for Ben. He ended up in our room for a bit that night.
Saturday we went to a grad party for Abbie. I mostly hung out with my own kids. However, someone I haven't seen since she moved almost 5 years ago came to the grad party as well. It was a little awkward but nice to see her again. We really didn't start chatting until I had already told my kids we were leaving so we didn't get to chat much. *sigh* It always seems like as I go to leave that people start chatting with me.
That evening Mariah took my maternity pics. My friend Melissa was nice enough to do my hair and the girls' hair- we felt fancy. Mariah made us do awkward poses and it was funny to watch her deal with Tyler's protests- she wouldn't have any of that. It'll be interesting to see how they turn out. Afterwards I took Tyler for a Father's Day dinner at Dick's BBQ.
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