Saturday, June 24, 2023

Father's Day

For Father's Day Tyler was spoiled. Lucy got him some pretty wild sunglasses, Penny got him a magnet, Ben got him a punny shooting stars tee shirt, Steven got him an American bowtie and I got him a golden tie. The kids also filled out this book I bought on Amazon called "Dad I Wrote a Book About You". I think that was my favorite thing he got. They wrote and drew some pretty great thigs.

For breakfast Lucy made him a peanut butter and banana sandwich but she may have jumped the gun a bit because by the time he woke up, the bananas were a little rotten. It was very thoughtful of her though. At church for the special musical number, Tyler and a few other men sung with the primary. It was nice, they did good.

After church we met with a stake high council member and I got released from seminary. Tyler did not get released. He will be teaching with another member of a Ward and they will both be teaching at someone else's house. It'll be nice to not have my house taken over but I feel bad about this other couple forfeiting their house when they don't even have teens at home anymore. I did a lot of the administrative part of seminary these past couple of years and I have a feeling I still might be doing that stuff for him...we shall see.

When that was all done it was back home, where Tyler took a nap and I made his favorite dinner, spicy chicken chipolte. That evening Mariah and her family came over and we had snowcones and the kids played. It really is nice having family here.

Monday Steven and I had eye appointments. I had them do some scan of my eye and they said it looked like I had fluid behind my eye. It is possible that it is just because of pregnancy but they want me to come back for an eye dilation after pregnancy. With the constant floaters I have, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a genuine problem with my eyes but let's hope it's just pregnancy. I also, after 8 years of the same glasses, finally bought myself some new glasses. The lady said she thinks she can make the lenses slightly thinner- here's hoping! She also was very chatty about babies and such thing and I didn't mind but Steven was obviously bored to tears.

After watching the May kids for 4 days, along with several other friends coming over, it was nice to have a quiet house Tuesday. Lucy and Steven were at friend's houses for the afternoon/evening. Tyler ended up going shooting with some friends that night as well so I took Penny, and Ben to Chick-Fil-A for dinner. Afterwards we went to pick up some frames at Hobby Lobby and ended up in line behind a woman with a cart full of returns. There was only one cashier and it took him a good 5 minutes before he called for back up. It was irking.

Wednesday afternoon the girls went swimming with friends. I wish I had a maternity swimsuit because it's been so warm lately and a swim sounds really nice but I just am having a hard time justifying buying a swimsuit that I will only use for 6 weeks. 

Thursday and Friday we used our Defy passes- only now Defy has been taken over by SkyZone so they have a new name, although everything else is the same. Friday was a little bit busier, I am guessing because of the rain. They also actually looked at our socks and since they were not Defy or Skyzone socks I had to buy new ones. They were much more on top of the rules.

Saturday morning both boys were able to caddie. And the weather cooperated so that Tyler could work on the deck all day. It was a pretty, chill Saturday for me. Just driving the boys to where they needed to be.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Little Mermaid and Things

Tuesday morning I tried out a new breakfast place with Stefanie, it's called Anna's House. I got lemon poppy seed crepes with cream cheese filling and blueberry sauce- they were delicious! We talked about our kids as per usual. One of her kiddos is having problems with a "friend" who is bullying him. Recently I was catching up on messages on the phone from Steven's friends (the kids all know that their is no privacy on the family phone) and realized Steven has a friend who is a bit of a bully too. It's so hard to know when to intervene and how to help. Why are kids so mean?

Tuesday afternoon I took the kids to see "The Little Mermaid." The first half was pretty much the same as the animated but the second half they changed up and they added a few new songs. It was all right but not my favorite. The girls seemed to like it. We took their friends- Geli and Luna. Both of their friends needed bathroom breaks at separate times during the movie. Super fun to have to walk my big pregnant belly pass movie watchers twice. When the movie ended we heard this loud sound and when we got out we realized it was hailing. It sounded so loud in the lobby. I decided to sacrafice myself and pull up the car so the girls didn't have to walk in it. Of course, as soon as I got in the car, it stopped hailing.

In the evening my friend Julie sent me a text to see if I wanted to go for a walk. I decided it would be good for me to get out and walk so I joined her. But when we had got down by the lake, the weather decided to go crazy again and it started to rain on us and then hail. It was a long, soggy walk home. We were both drenched, despite trying to hide out under trees. It was quite an adventure.

Wednesday was Steven's first official day of summer so I had a nice lazy morning since I don't have to take him to school anymore. It feels good to be able to sleep in again. Ben had a fun birthday party with a friend from church. They went bowling and then had pizza at a park. While he was at the party the girls and I ran some errands. We want to frame some pics they painted to put up in their room but boy are frames expensive so we're going to wait for a sale. 

Thursday morning the girls went to a little sports camp that a family in our ward does. They played soccer and Penny came back talking all about it- she had a blast. Lucy just grumbled about getting bug bites. That afternoon I had another baby check up. I have now gained over 30 pounds- yipee. Dr says everything is looking good and dismissed any concerns I have. I also apparently can't meet the person who will be performing my surgery because he is strictly a hospital dr I guess. That makes me nervous. After my appointment Steven had his well visit with a pretty young PA. Our usual dr was sick- again! We had already rescheduled once. This makes me a bit nervous about using her as Ruby's dr since those visits are more frequent and necessary.

Friday morning the girls had their second session of the sports camp- it was water day. We are also watching Lizzie so she came along. I had to pick them all up early though because Lucy had a dentist appt- she chipped one of molars on a Skittle. When I picked her up one mom there called my stomach little- that was nice. This time all the girls were unhappy about having to leave early. At the dentist, they decided just to paint her tooth with some sort of sealant to protect it and hopefully that'll work until it falls out within the next year. 

Friday evening I took Steven, Ben and Andrea to see "The Boogeyman". It was pretty scary and maybe a little too scary for Ben. He ended up in our room for a bit that night. 

Saturday we went to a grad party for Abbie. I mostly hung out with my own kids. However, someone I haven't seen since she moved almost 5 years ago came to the grad party as well. It was a little awkward but nice to see her again. We really didn't start chatting until I had already told my kids we were leaving so we didn't get to chat much. *sigh* It always seems like as I go to leave that people start chatting with me.

That evening Mariah took my maternity pics. My friend Melissa was nice enough to do my hair and the girls' hair- we felt fancy. Mariah made us do awkward poses and it was funny to watch her deal with Tyler's protests- she wouldn't have any of that. It'll be interesting to see how they turn out. Afterwards I took Tyler for a Father's Day dinner at Dick's BBQ.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Soccer, Playdates, Burning HW

On Sunday Ben had his last soccer game and although he typically chooses not to play Sunday games, he decided to play this one. He was a little nervous because of the incident at the last game but he got over the nerves quickly. His team ended up winning 3 to 0. They had a really good season. They lost their first game, tied their second game and then won the next 6 games. I wish he had more play time but he has really excelled at Defense.

Monday the kids officially finished up thier school work. I failed this year and didn't do any last day of school pictures but...they are done! So happy to have a break! When they finished up all their work, we decided to finally use our summer passes to Defy- I had bought them a few weeks ago. I'm so glad I bought them. It was nice to have the kids blow off some energy and I was able to just sit and read a book. When we were checking in, the guy asked if I wanted to jump too. Lol, I'm sure a 7 month pregnant woman jumping would be quite entertaining but probably not so good for the baby. Driving to and from Defy was less than fun though- they decided to do construction on Commerce and it added an extra 10 minutes to a normally few minute drive. 

Tuesday morning we had to go turn in our school books to Renaissance. The neighbors across from our driveway were cutting down all their trees in their front yard and the workers were blocking our driveway, thankfully they moved so we could go. I am a little sad that they cut down all thier trees. I know the trees cause a lot of problems in storms but they sure make our neighborhood look pretty. After we dropped off our school books, the kids met some friends at Heritage Park- Claire, Mimi, Aiden- and we met Mariah's family. The weather was a bit cool but I find in my pregnant state, I am enjoying the cool more. Mimi's mom is nice but she is much more a helicopter mom than me which is more possible when you have only one kid. She made a comment about how some parents just let their kids run around the park without watching them...which is what I do, as long as they have a buddy. I mean I do my best to be able to see them but it is impossible to keep my eyes on all of them at once because they rarely play in the same place.

Wednesday morning the girls met some friends at Defy. I had been planning on having a lazy morning but when they heard their friends wanted to meet up, the lazy morning was no longer an option but at least I ended up with a lazy afternoon... Except they were still cutting trees down across the street from us so it was a little hard to relax with all the chainsawing.

Thursday I finally had my lazy morning. I slept in (after dropping Steven off at school) and then we worked on Father's Day pictures and things. Then that afternoon I took out the kids to find Father's Day gifts. Penny and Ben were pretty good at making decisions on what they thought Tyler would like (a funny magnet, and t-shirt) but Lucy and Steven struggled. Lucy ended up picking out some pretty wild looking sunglasses but Steven still hasn't got anything. That night Tyler and I went out. We got some food at IHOP and strolled Menards. We have such exciting dates ;)

Friday we had some friends over during the day and my new rug for the old seminary room came! It smells a little funny and I don't absolutely love it but I think for $90 it will work. Bad lighting but here it is:

That evening my friends and I met up at Grace's house. We had some yummy snack and chatted. I have been feeling a little off with them lately...not sure if it is the baby or what...Melissa also keeps commenting on my massive weight gain which doesn't make me feel great about myself. Then there's the fact that the teenage daughters hang with us too and it feels weird. Especially with some of the things my friends talk about.

Saturday I ran some errands in the morning, and then we had a full house of kids. 3 of the May kids, one of Lucy's friends, Mariah and her 3 kids and one of Ben's friends from school. In the evening, the kids that were still at our house, burned old school work. This was Ben's idea for celebrating the end of the school year. Him and his friends had a lot of fun making comments on how much they hated the different work and then throwing that work into the fire. Once it was all burnt, they had s'mores- it was quite the celebration.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

End of Soccer

 Sunday after church Mariah's family had us over for dinner. They had Hawaiian chicken and it was very good, Jeff is an excellent cook. They also had a pony keg of root beer and even though I usually stay away from soda, I decided to try this soda and it was some really good root beer. The kids had a good time playing with Jeff and Mariah's kids and then fighting Jeff in Smash Brothers- he completely smashed them.

Monday was Memorial Day. I spent a lot of the day organizing some more and cleaning up the house. Steven helped me build a cube storage for the guest room and a cart for the baby's room. It was really nice of him. That afternoon we invited friends and family over to our beach- Bloomfields, Eakins, Mays, and Jones. Everyone just brought their own food and we hung out. It was an ok time. My friends sat under the ramada for a long while and somehow I ended up alone at the beach making sure children didn't drown- as if I would be much help with my fat belly. But near the end Brother Eakins swum out to the dock and challenged all the kids to push him off. It was pretty entertaining to watch. Once David got involved they were finally able to "dethrone" him. Steven was not into it but Lucy and Ben gave some valiant efforts.

Tuesday the girls had friends over. Penny's new friend from school, Mimi, came over with her mom. Her mom insisted on staying. She is from Japan orginally so we talked a lot about things in Japan- everything from how you read a book to health insurance, lol. It was actually really interesting to converse with her. After she left I took Penny, Lucy and Lucy's friend, Claire, to the beach for a short bit. It wasn't too hot in the shade and they all had a good time while I worked on some thank you notes. 

Wednesday Ben went with me to run some errands and pick up a bench to go in the old seminary room. The bench was heavier than I expected so we had a bit of a hard time hefting it into my car and may have broken one of the legs. Thankfully the legs are super short and unnecessary so I will probably just break them all off and it will be fine. That night Ben had a soccer game and I had Tyler take him since it was pretty warm outside. I took the other kids to seminary graduation which was their Wed night activity. While we were there Tyler sent me a text that he was taking Ben to the hospital. This freaked me out so we left the graduation, blame it on pregnancy hormones. Poor Ben got kicked in the groin by someone wearing cleats. He ended up with a cut where his penis meets his body. Talk about a painful and awkward injury. ER said it looked to be ok but to double check with a urologist.

Thursday I went to the dentist and my poor sensitive gums took a beating but the hygienist was very friendly and fun to chat with. She has a high school freshman and a husband who works in the education field so there's plenty to chat about. After getting my teeth cleaned, I went straight to my obgyn appointment. My midwife measured my tummy and listened to Ruby's heartbeat and everything is good. I feel like she has been less helpful lately so I don't bother her with all my aches and pains. She was supposed to give a chiropractor referral and never did. When I got home Penny helped me put together the new cage I got for our birds. It is less wide and on wheels, I really like it. The birds are adjusting, they don't love it yet. That evening the girls had their last soccer practice. I hid out in the library as per usual and when I came back to get the girls, I found out I was the last parent there. Apparently they had let them out early because it was so warm outside. Ugh, I hate when people have to wait on me.  

Friday was another busy day. That morning I took Ben to the urologist to get his bits and pieces checked. The dr took a look and said everything is healing fine and nothing vital was hit. They just recommeneded putting ointment on it and it would be fine. *phew* After that I came home and then Penny went with me to pick up a changing pad for Ruby from someone on FB marketplace. It was a bit of a drive but a good deal. When I got home, Grace came by and gave me some rearranging, decorating help for the old seminary room. She is really good at interior decorating and I love the way she arranged things. She also gave me some good advice on picking an area rug so I think I will get it right this time. When she left, Ashlee dropped off her 2 year old, June. The girls had been so excited to watch her but realized toddlers are a bit of work. Mariah and her kids also came over so it was quite the party at our house. 

That night, the girls and I went to see Abbie's senior showcase (a yw from church). I did not realize it was going to be so long so it was a late night for the girls but a lot of the musical numbers were good listens- although some pepole were more on key than others. Abbie was amazing as per usual though.

Saturday morning the girls had a soccer game and it was soooo hot. Mariah was amazing and came with her 3 kids to watch but her youngest was just so miserable in the heat. I felt so bad. At the very end of the girls' game, 2 goals were scored and the game ended in a tie. The girls got awards for being the most improved. I agree with that award, they have improved!

I was in major need of a shower after that game. That afternoon, Corinne came to see me- she drove all the way from Indiana. She brought her 8 month old, Della. We went to the grocery store, chatted while she made me a banana pie (she said that was one of my baby shower gifts), we had Tyler watch Della while we went to Arby's for dinner and then hung out some more. Della was really fussy most of the time so the girls are starting to wonder how much they really want a baby sister ;)