Friday, December 9, 2022

Things and Day 1 Legoland

Monday and Tuesday were not super eventful. School things happened, Steven had driver's class, the house got cleaned, and I returned some shoes I had bought on a whim (and had to wait in a long and slow line- why must people be complicated with returns?).

On Wednesday Steven took his driving test and passed (76/80). We have an appointment next week to get his level 1 license and then he can start driving with us. In 3 months, after he has logged 30 driving hours, he can take the next driving class and work towards his level 2 license. SO crazy.

Also Wednesday I took Ben to his church activity and got roped in (along with my friends) playing basketball with the young women. I was a mixed bag. I passed the ball to someone who was not on my team---twice. But I also made an incredible long distance shot so not a total fail. It was actually pretty fun.

In seminary Thursday we talked about King David and my super fun student could do nothing but offer him hate. I understand he did some very bad things but focusing on "what a bad person he was" and how much she dislikes him undermines any lessons that can be learned. She also decided to go back to the Hosea and Gomer story in our ride to school and somehow twisted that into Hosea being a horrible person. Ugh. Points missed.

Thursday was a bust. The roof at the kids' school was getting repaired so they canceled in person class and did zoom meetings instead. That meant the kids were home all day and that I had the joy of helping them when technology had issues. Lately the kids have been prone to easily melting down. Penny and Ben especially are easy to trigger. I am not a fan and need to find someone to help them cope with things not going thier way. Penny's fav complaint is that she is having a bad day (often accompanied with a foot stomp and tears).

Friday was candle day. I was able to get 5 3-wick candles at $8 each. I just love a good deal and an added bonus was that I didn't have to wait long in line for them this year. But Tyler is not a fan of the one I burnt shortly after buying it. It's called crushed candy cane but he thinks it smells like burnt plastic. I disagree.

Saturday was the big day! Penny and I headed off to Florida in the afternoon. Everything went smoothly with our flight but my parents and Mike and Lillian's flight was delayed by an hour. This meant that Penny and I had some extra time to burn at the airport. While we waited we got food (some Panda Express that was under the heat lamp too long), we strolled some shops, snapped some pics with the giant flamingo and I did word searches while Penny watched some shows.

They were hungry when they finally arrived so they grabbed some food, and then we went to the car rental place which took a lot longer than it should have- especailly since I did an online check in. Once we got our rocking mini van, we had an hour drive to Legoland. I was pooped and grateful Mike was there to drive. The Legoland Hotel had a fun Christmas Tree in the lobby- forget the new tree we bought, we need a Lego Christmas tree instead.

And since it was midnight by the time we got in our room- it was off to bed for everybody.

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