Saturday, December 10, 2022

Legoland Day 2

Sunday morning we were all up early so we could enjoy our day at Legoland. We had the yummy hotel breakfast. They used to do a buffet but since Covid, they just deliver a giant platter of food to your table. We all are apparently fruit and pancake eaters because we had to request some extra of both.

Afterwards the girls had some fun playing in the lobby at the castle/pirate boat play area.

Nothing was opened yet so we decided to kill some time by walking the hotel grounds and checking out Lake Eloise. There was a sign warning of alligators but we never did spot any- probably a good thing.

And then it was time for Legoland! Grams and Poppy had some trouble with the metal detector- Grams with her pacemaker and Poppy with all his change in his pockets. Once we were inside the park, the rides weren't open yet, but they let us into one of the building where the girls attempted to build something to attach to the giant Lego world globe they had- it fell apart when they attached it but Mikey Dude helped them fix it.

When the park officially opened we started walking towards the back of the park, figuring we would work our way forward. We just stopped at a couple of rides on our way. The first ride they went on was the Royal Joust (basically riding a Lego horse), then we did the Lost Kingdom Adventure where we got to shoot things and the girls and Mike did the Beetle Bounce. The Beetle Bounce was the one that Lucy went on a billion times and then got sick- Penny learned from Lucy's example and only went on it twice that day.

By that time we had gotten to the back of the park and the girls both had to go to Driving School- they wanted their licenses. Lillian deserved her license, she was a really good driver. Penny, on the other hand, takes after me. She kept running into things so the attendant basically just followed her around so he'd be ready to help her out.

Once they got their license, we had the girls get their faces painted. I had let Lucy get hers painted when she went so I had to keep things fair. They both ended up getting a butterfly on their faces. When I sent a pic to Tyler he asked her why she had a bug on her face. Ha ha. The beautiful face paint didn't last too long though. Right after Penny, Lillian and Mike went on the rollercoaster-Flying School. Well Penny forgot to take off her hat and almost lost it. This traumatized her and she came off with tear streaks down her pretty face paint. Mike was nice enough to do a redo with her and that time she left her hat with me and enjoyed the ride a lot more.

Our next ride was Rescue Academy- that ride required way too much work from us. We had to push a lever up and down to get the truck to move and then pump out the water to "put out a fire." Not a fan. The next ride we did was the Coast Guard Academy. Those boat do not turn well and we hit the side a few times but thankfully it bounces you off so you don't get stuck (I was worried about being stuck). 

We hit up Ninjago world next. We thought it was a rollercoaster so Mike took the girls but it was more a virtual experience- you use hand motions to throw Ninja stars at bad guys- so we all went on it when they came back. I would think with all my weight lifting, my arms wouldn't get tired from all the waving around, but they did *sigh* 

By this time we were all starved so we got some lunch. I opted for the kids meal because it came with a water bottle and a fruit cup. The fruit cup decided to explode all over me so that was fun. I had juice all down my shirt and shorts but with some wet napkins I managed to clean myself up. The kids and my parents also had exploding fruit cups- those things were dangerous. When we finished eating lunch there were a few nearby rides we hit up- Technicycle and the Aquazone Wave Racers. I went on both of those, they were fairly lowkey, just going in slow circles. After that the girls and Mike all went on the Great Lego Race (more than once) while Grams and I enjoyed some funnel cake.

Our next stop was a quick visit to see Unikitty because who doesn't love Unikitty? At this point Grams and Poppy went back to the hotel for a bit of a break while we had some more adventures. While in Lego Movie World we went and did Masters of Flight. Not a fan. In that ride you sit in a chair with your legs dangling and watch a 4D movie that is supposed to make you feel like you are flying. It just made me feel nauseous but the girls really loved it. 

Then we went and rode the Safari Trek which was a nice, chill ride- exactly what I needed because my tummy was still rolling.

The last place the girls wanted to visit was Heartlake City. To get there we got to walk through the super cool Miniland USA where we saw the awesome San Francisco and The Pencil (aka the WA Monument). The whole thing put our little Lego exhibit at the Henry Ford Museum to shame.

The grandparents met back up with us in Heartlake City. The girls rode on the carousel and then Mike and Penny went on Mia's Riding Adventure. That one looked terrible- spinning while moving up and down- but they seemed to enjoy it, although not enough for Penny to go a second time. 

By that time the girls were dying to go to the gift shop- sometimes I think gift shops are the only reason Penny goes anywhere. The grandparents were nice and got all the grandkids something which meant I needed to buy an extra tote bag so I could bring the souvenirs home- I did not have enough room in my one carry on and 2 backpacks.

After that we went back to the hotel and Mike was the awesome grown up that took the girls to the hotel swimming pool. Grams and I sat on the balcony chatting while watched them swim from afar. Then after they came back, dried off, and changed, we went and had a delicious dinner at Culver's. Culver's is fast becoming one of my fav places to eat- their pretzels bites and cheese are soooo good.

When we got back from dinner, we grabbed our s'more kit and had some s'mores by the fire. A pesky racoon tried to approach us but a worker scared him off. Later on that evening, when I was talking to Tyler on the phone on the balcony, I saw that same racoon trying to eat some trash by the pool. Must be a Legoland Hotel regular. 

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