Saturday, December 10, 2022

Legoland Day 3

On our third day in Florida we once again woke up and had a yummy breakfast at the hotel. This time they had Lego brick waffles instead of pancakes which were both fun and delicious. After that we took a break in the room and then headed to check out Peppa Pig World. The entrance is right by the hotel as well. Peppa Pig World is definitely geared towards littles but the girls still had a good time. They got to see Daddy Pig and then ride on his roller coaster- it was a favorite of theirs. They rode on it twice with all of us (Poppy even went on it) and then one time all by themselves. The line weaves through Peppa's house and it was real fun to see the living room and kitchen. The girl's used to have the Peppa Pig doll house so it was fun to see it in our size.

We did Peppa Pig's Balloon ride, the girls rode some tricycles, and then the girls got to ride a Dinosaur all by themselves and do the boat ride all by themselves. They were very brave and independent at Peppa Pig's World.

That was about it, it was a really small park, but of course we couldn't leave without visiting the gift shop. Grams and Poppy were nice again and got Penny a Peppa Pig doll. Lucky kid!

After we left Peppa Pig World, we walked to Legoland to revisit some of the girls' favorite rides. But before we went on any rides, we grabbed some pizza. When the girls finished their pizza they watched a video about the creator of Lego's and Penny actually learned a lot. She told me how his factory burned down twice and how at first the Lego's didn't even click together. She's so educated now ;)

After we ate pizza, we had to walk Poppy down to another place so he could get a burger. Grams and I sat with him while Mike took the girls to ride the Flight School roller coaster again. Then we met up with the girls at Driving School. Penny drove better this time but she had a bum car that kept stopping randomly. Maybe there is hope for her after all? When they finished up there, Mike was nice and bought the girls some slushies. After that the girls rode without us on the Safari Trek. Penny looked more thrilled about the ride than Lillian.

When they finished the trek we all headed over to Lego Movie Masters of Flight. I was not going to go on that one again because it made me so nauseous but Grams and Mike went while Poppy and I chilled on a shaded bench. Then the girls wanted to go one more time and that time Poppy went and Grams sat with me on my shady bench.

When they finished that ride, they did the Beetle Bounce and Grams and I got Apple Fries with ice cream and caramel. That was a yummy treat. At that point it was time to head out and go to our airbnb at Clearwater Beach. The airbnb itself was not super fancy (kind of old) but it was spacious and in a really good location- literally just a 5 minute walk to the beach. So as soon as the girls got in their bathing suits we headed to the beach. I did not wear a bathing suit which probably not the best choice since I ended up in the water with Penny and got pretty wet waist down. The water never did get super deep so that was awesome. Also there were seashells everywhere, it was super fun hunting for pretty ones. Penny and I also had fun jumping waves. At one point a giant fish was spotted and that made me nervous for what else might be lurking but overall a really nice beach outing.

When we got back to our airbnb we dipped our feet into the pool their for a bit and then changed out of our wet swimsuits and tried to figure out some dinner plans.

We ended up deciding to walk to the Sandbar but Lillian was not pleased with that. She was tired of walking and threw an epic fit- the nieghbors decided they needed to check on her *eye roll*. Luckily Mike was able to calm her down and we walked to the restaurant. It was a good choice. The view was beautiful and food was really, really good. I shared quesadillas and chips and salsa with my mom. Best Mexican food I have had in a while. It was the perfect way to end our day.

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