Saturday, December 17, 2022

6 weeks, Santa, Wayne County Lightfest

It's time to officially announce my news to my blog- I am 6 weeks pregnant! I never got the chance to really announce and celebrate my previous pregnancy and since we've decided this will be my last one, I just want to have that opportunity. I even told the kids last weekend- that was funny. I said I had some news and Steven said, you're pregnant! And I said, uh...did dad tell you? And he responded, what!? I was just making that up. Jokes on him. They all seem excited, although I can tell Penny is reluctant to give up her baby position. This was definitely not an expected pregnancy. I really didn't think it was in my cards and recently we were even considering having Tyler get a vasectomy...but here we are. The age gap is crazy big but I am excited for a baby to hold. I am hopeful this baby stays with us. The kids have been keeping the baby in their prayers.

Monday after school work was done we had one last hurrah with the Mays. They left a couple days later for Utah and will be there for a month. They are my easiest path to entertaining my kids since I am such good friends with their mom so I am bummed they won't be around for so long. We'll have to branch out more over the break.

Tuesday started our 12 day countdown to Christmas! On Tuesday they got Christmas shirts....shirts they couldn't wear because they had school and have to wear uniforms but I just wanted them to have the shirts for the max amount of days before Christmas. 

Tuesday morning at seminary we had the teens make their fav family tradition out of Lego's. That was a hard ask I guess because they struggled to come up with traditions. Even Steven. One teen made their family fighting at Christmas because he said that was a family tradition. Honestly I believe that with his family but also, that's prettty sad. Another teen said it's tradition that they breathe everyday. Haha. Oh teens. 

Later that morning, after I dropped everyone off at school, I had breakfast with Stefanie. I am on a biscuits and gravy trend since Legoland introduced me to them and they were good. But then I made my bbq biscuits for dinner and then they had biscuits at Bunco that evening and now...maybe I'm not so into them... Besides the food, the conversations was good. I like our monthly catch ups. I also told her I am pregnant because as I said before, I am just trying to celebrate this pregnancy and she is one of my close friends.

Tuesday evening was our Christmas Bunco- we never actually play Bunco in December but instead we do a sock exchange, and a saran wrap ball. My stomach was really unhappy that evening so I didn't have the best time. I was also a little grumpy because the games were not my jam. Everyone stuffed their socks with way more stuff than I did, making me feel cheap. Then I could not for the life of me unwrap a prize from the saran wrap ball. So IDK, just not my favorite bunco. And then somehow I got roped in to hosting Bunco for Jan which makes me anxious because if anything goes wrong with this pregnancy, it would probably be around that time.

Wednesday, as part of the countdown, I took the kids to see Santa at the Bass Pro Shop. Steven was still at school but he said he didn't mind if he missed it, as long as he still got a candy cane. Teenagers. The younger 3 behaved really well and we had a good outing. We did a bit of shopping after we saw Santa and had some pretzels because that's a must. 

Thursday was kind of a funky day. I had to wake up earlier than normal to make breakfast for seminary. My eyes decided they did not like that and my contacts felt like sandpaper. I don't know if it was the bad eyesight, the sleepiness, the pregnancy or what but I had several not great moments. First I almost pulled in front of a car at a round about, I genuinely didn't see it. Second I managed to knock off and break a mug I had just bought at the self check out at Meijers. Third I shut the corner of my trunk right above my eye- hard enough to make it bleed. Not my finest moments. My day turned up after that though. Grace came over and dyed my hair and gave it a trim. That was nice of her and it was a good hang out. Made up for the bad start.

Thursday evening, as part of the count down, we went to the Wayne County Lightfest. Doughnuts, juice and drive thru lights are generally a good time... only hiccup was when Steven and Lucy decided to fight over her opening the window. Those two clash so much. But overall I think everyone had a good time.

Friday morning was our last day of seminary for the year. I am grateful. I have not been feeling great in the mornings and the waking up has been hard. I am ready for the break. The class itself was nice and chill. We did a little gift exchange, and then ate crepes (my favorite) and chatted. The rest of the day wasn't super eventful. We passed out our neighbor/friends gifts (meat seasoning that says "seasons greetings"). Ben only dropped and dented one jar...but he was also the only kid to help me make them so I guess he earned that right. And Lucy had her last volleyball game. They won 2 out of 3, it was a good season for her. Not a good pic at all of her team but the best that I got.


Saturday was even more uneventful. Just cleaning up the house and getting ready for our annual Graham Cracker House competition that we are having Sunday night. Tyler is making trophies this year for the best decorated houses so it should be an extra special competition. 

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