Saturday, November 19, 2022


Sunday was the Primary Program. It turned out pretty good despite the Primary President constantly complicating everything. Lucy read her part super fast and she did a really nice job singing with Lizzie- I was impressed with her vocal skills. Penny was cute and said "relevators" instead of "revelators." She also sang well for her duet.

Monday and Wednesday night I took Steven to his driving class. In order to conserve gas I hung out in Novi but ironically I spent my time in stores and spent money on things I probably didn't need. Not sure how much money I am actually saving by not coming home. 

Tuesday night I didn't take Steven to his driving class because we unexpectedly had the May kids over for the night. There mom was having dizzy spells so she went to ER. All the May kids spent the night with us and then were with us for most of the next day. Having 8 kids around is a bit exhausting. They are overall really good kids but 8 kids equals a lot of mess and the mess makes me feel stressed. Defintely a "me" problem. 

Thursday the stake presideny came for to visit and teach seminary so that was kind of nice. We just got to sit back and listen. They took a pic of the class before they left.

Thursday morning I had a dentist appointment in the morning. The hygienist was super chatty so the appointment was a little long. We talked about how older people talk about health problems a lot...and then we talked about our husbands health problems. Lol. We must be old. Then we talked about school and how things have changed. And by we, I mean mostly she talked because my mouth was getting cleaned. I also got told that I need to wear a nightguard for my teeth because I am grinding them to death. I have one but it is soooo uncomfortable. I struggle enough to fall asleep that I just don't want to make it even harder.

Thursday afternoon I went to the gastro dr. She is quite certain I have a common case of IBS but ordered a bunch of test just in case. The blood test came back good. But she also ordered an ultrasound, a poop study and a colonoscopy. Not thrilled about these and already wondering if I shouldn't bother since she seems so sure that it's just IBS anyways. I'll most likely put most of them off until the New Year. We aren't even close to our deductible this year so probably best to put it towards next years deductible.

Friday we had the Mays over again and Lucy had her first volleyball game. I'm a little bummed that her friend Jenna is not playing this season so I can't hang with her parents during the games. But I actually enjoy watching volleyball and Lucy had some really good serves. Their team won so that was a good start to the season. 

Saturday Tyler went to Chicago with Lucy to watch his nephew Brennen play volleyball. They only got to see Brennen play for a few minutes- apparently he wasn't feeling well and had a bum ankle. But they did get to go see the bean, have cotton candy AND eat Chick-fil-a so that's a good outing right?

 Meanwhile I took Steven to his driving lesson- in which the lady only had to use her brake once and rated him a 3 out of 5- not bad for his first time on the road. While he was driving, Penny and I hung out in Novi. We went to Chick Fil-A and then walked the mall. We had an incident in Claire's where Penny dropped an eyeshadow case and broke it. We waited behind this family that kept stepping away to get more things, seriously taking forever, so finally I just butted in and said "my daughter broke this". They took it from me, put it in a cupboard and then went back to helping the other customer. I guess we got out of buying the broken eyeshadow case. We also had an incident where we went to go into an elevator while the doors were closing (a family with a stroller had taken a long time getting out) but the doors wouldn't re-open. They almost closed on my hand. Denied. But other than those 2 incidents we had a good time. There were quite a few toy shops that have popped up in the mall and they all had plenty of stuffies that Penny could swoon over.

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