Sunday, November 13, 2022

Art, Missionaries, The Dining Room Play

Over the weekend I had bought some supplies so I could do some pour painting art because I had really enjoyed doing it with Debbie. I did a dump pour that weekend and the kids thought it looked like a lot of fun so on Monday I let the younger 3 try it out. They enjoyed it and I thought they picked good color combos. The only bummer is I used cheap canvases with them and the sides of the canvases ended up curling up. Won't be using those canvases again for a dump pour.

Monday night Steven started his first driver's ed class. The parking lot for the class was a driving test in itself. It is soo tiny and dead ends so there is no easy way to drop off and get out. I felt like my parking ability was being tested and I did not pass. To really show how awful my driving ablities are, on the way home I bumped a mailbox with my passenger side mirror- dang narrow streets in my neighborhood and oncoming traffic that did not scoot over. Let's hope Steven drives better than me or life is about to get even more expensive.

Tuesday Tyler and Steven had off work/school for Election Day. Tyler and I voted first thing in the morning. It is sort of depressing when most of the things you vote for don't win. Lately the economy is such a mess and everything feels a little bleak. I was hoping this election would give me some hope but not so much. Besides that, Steven had his friend David over all day, and I did some cleaning and then went out to lunch with Tyler. Just another exciting day in the Hatch home ;)

Tuesday night I had Bunco. I had some funny moments when we determined that if we kept talking about Real Estate (a couple of the ladies there are Realators) we had good dice rolls. I also kept telling people they were going to get Bunco's and so when one person I told finally did, that was fun. The only downer is was at the end of the game I ended up at a table with someone who is not my fav person. She told me how her grandkids never want to come to seminary and they often sit out front of my house refusing to come in. Not sure what she wanted me to say about that. Like, gee thanks, I am so glad they hate our class.

Wednesday morning I taught Hosea and I was worried about it because the analogy is slightly scandelous. I was also worried about an opinionated student derailing it. She did try but I think despite her comments, the lesson went really well. Wednesday nights are complicated now that Lucy has volleyball and Steven has drivers ed and then we have activities to rush to. This Wednesday wasn't too bad but the next one will be tricky because volleyball practice is later and so Lucy will have to choose between volleyball or her sewing activity. Can't be in two places at once.

Thursday while the kids were at school I went with Caroline, Caroline's sister, Grace and Melissa to a pottery painting place. Painting pottery is not my jam but it was still a pretty good time. Nice to get out of the house and spend time with people. It'll be interesting to see how the little ice cream container I painted turns out.

Thursday evening the sister missionaries came over for dinner. Sometimes missionaries can be super awkward and so I don't always love having them over, but these ones weren't too awkward. We had some fun conversations about sports and seminary and other things. Then Tyler grilled them on how missionary work has changed since he was a missionary. Our kids actually behaved themselves really well throughout it all and it ended up just being a really nice evening.

Saturday the younger 2 had Primary Program Practice and it was a bit of a disaster. They usually are honestly but the Primary president seems to really like to make things complicated- adding in unnecessary things like chimes, duets, and back and forth speaking parts. 

Saturday evening Tyler and I went to see one of our seminary students in the play "The Dining Room". Not a super good play. Each scene had a different family from a different time period around the same dining room table. Quite a few of the scenes involved cheating wives. Really weird to have high schoolers acting that out. I don't know why they have high schoolers act out such adult things. Our seminary student did a good job playing a little girl in one of the families though, she was quite funny. 

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