Saturday, March 5, 2022


Sunday our ward got a new Bishopric. Our new Bishop is Brother Davies. It will be interesting to see what changes happen with this new Bishopric. I'm hoping he will be a strong advocate for the youth and helping to get the programs back to being youth led. 

Monday after school work was finished I took the girls to Walmart because I had seen some cute dresses there. Usually I get some grief about trying on clothes but the girls were actually really excited to try on dresses and we managed to find an Easter dress for each of them. They do not like poofy,fancy dresses so they are really just low key spring dresses. I also ended up getting them new swimsuits because I ended up booking lodging to GA and FL. All the lodging is fully refundable because gas prices are continuing to rise but I am real hopeful I don't have to cancel.

Monday evening I met Stefanie at the mall- because it was a nice warm place where we could hang out and catch up on things. Hanging out at the mall with my friend made me feel a bit like a teenager again. It was nice to get out of the house and get moving so I am not a complete slug. 

Tuesday evening Tyler took Steven to a presentation at the high school for incoming freshman. He came home seemingly excited about it all. He wants to take German (because his friend is taking it) and some class about ethical hacking (interesting...). He also agreed to doing tennis, basketball and golf. I have a feeling that basketball won't pan out but I have hope for the other 2. I am hoping him going to high school will be good for him and get him out of the house more.

Wednesday the weather was warmer (40's) so I took the kids out for a walk to seven eleven. I was feeling soooo good being outside with the kids for the first time in a long time and then I got a phone call from the kids school counselor during the walk. Totally dampened everything. Apparently Lucy had searched on her computer "I am done with life" and since their school district is currently being sued because people feel they didn't do enough to prevent their recent school shooting, they are definitely going to look into a search like that. It was a really uncomfortable exchange. The lady told me what Lucy searched and I don't know what she wanted me to say. She kept pausing and using an incredulous sort of tone. I told her I would talk to Lucy about it and she said ok, and told me to call her back after. 

When I spoke to Lucy, she tried to make up excuses (because she felt like she was in trouble) and finally she said she was looking up "I'm done with school" and got curious when she saw "I am done with life" come up. I can totally see that happening because she is constantly unhappy about doing school work and she also likes to google things. She also told me that is showed bad stuff so she immediately clicked out. When I called the counselor back and told her what Lucy said seemed concerned with the bad stuff and asked me what bad stuff she saw. I really didn't know so I said, probably self harm stuff. SO then the counselor looked up Lucy's history and said it was just phone numbers for suicide hotlines. Ugh. This made me seem like a liar. Then she wanted to talk to Lucy who was immediately sobbing because once again, she thought she was in trouble (even though I told her everyone was just worried about her). It was such a messy phone call and I have a feeling this may not be over but I have to tuck that thought away so as to prevent anxiety from taking over.

Wednesday evening our kids had to be at 3 different places for church activities which was obnoxious. Thankfully we were able to arrange rides and make it work. I ended up at the church with Steven and while waiting for him, I had a really nice conversation with Grace. I needed that after the drama with Lucy and I also found some comfort as we talked about a lot of similar struggles we have due to anxiety. It's nice to know I am not the only one with issues. 

Thursday I suffered from a major allergy attack. Not sure what caused it but my nose was ridiculously itchy and runny, my eyes were a dry, light sensitive mess and I had a throbbing headache. No allergy medicine seemed to help though and I struggled just to pick the kids up from school. That night I passed out fairly early and I felt so much better the next day. I have no idea what caused all that awfulness.

Friday after schoolwork I took the kids to see "Sing 2". It was a pretty fun one and I think we all enjoyed it. I enjoyed that Penny climbed onto my lap during it and we had some nice snuggle time. That doesn't happen so much these days. Later that night I went to Target with Caroline- once again, a nice, warm place to mingle with a friend. 

Saturday was another "warmer" day so we went on a walk with the Mays at Proud Lake. Despite temps in the 50's the trail was covered in slush and ice and was quite the adventure. I fell once (I am sure I will feel that ache tomorrow). Penny fell 3 times and decided it was the worst outing ever. And Ben slipped and grabbed a thorny plant that punctured his hand, good thing I had bandaides. But despite all the falling, I was still really glad just to get outside and breathe the fresh air.

That night Tyler and I got a good date night. We grabbed some dinner and then went out to South Lyon. There is a cotton candy place that we wanted to try out since Tyler loves his cotton candy. They were selling it at a Mardi Gras Festival so we got to watch a guy juggle knives and fire sticks while we ate some amazingly flavored cotton candy. Since the Cotton Candy Shop was out at the festival their store was closed but sometime we will have to go back to the store, where they have an even bigger selection of flavors.

While we were away, Steven was at a friend's house so we left Ben in charge. Ben ended up going across the street to Jacob's house with his sisters and than playing outside with them and his friend- not what we had planned. When we came home there was a nice track of leafy, muddy footsteps leading from our front door to our side door. Apparently they had thought they had heard us honk and had run inside from one door to the other to check- without taking off their shoes. It was not a pleasant discovery and made us pretty grumpy. We might have to rethink him being in charge of the girls again.

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