Saturday, March 12, 2022


Monday I ran some errands with the girls, and when I went to fill up my gas tank I was so sure that I had picked the worst gas station ever. There was no way gas prices could be $4.25 everywhere. Well I was wrong. Prices had literally jumped from $3.90 over the weekend to $4.25. This price hike happened right as I decided to commit to our GA/FL trip. I was so upset but as of right now we are still going to go. Two reasons. One we have decided to take my car because it gets better milage than his, we're just going to have to skimp on packing. And two, we will be getting an $800 check from our Insurance Agency because of some Michigan court ruling on insurance. Maybe not the best reasons to still go but I am just determined to have this family time before the world gets any more insane. Not to mention gas prices aren't likely going down anytime soon so this might be our last time to travel far before they reach $6 or something super fun like that.

Tuesday was Bunco and I was slightly irritated because I got roped into driving my friends there, despite them not really being on my way. I hate driving. I especially hate doing it night. And gas prices are so insane, remember? BUT I did enjoy hanging with them in my car so I should probably be less whiney. If I hadn't driven them I wouldn't have learned the term "perdiddle" that described me only having one functioning headlight. I think we were super tired because I really thought that word was sooo funny. 

Wednesday night we only had 2 places to take kids to activities instead of 3 so that was nice. I once again ended up at the church hanging out with Grace and Caroline, not a bad way to spend a night. Each time we hang out, I realize more and more how alike Grace and I are. I am so glad she moved to Michigan. 

Lately I keep thinking I don't have too much to do on Thursdays while the kids are at school and it will be a nice free day but somehow I always end up getting busy doing things. Picking up groceries and making some salsa and dessert ended up taking the whole morning. Then Tyler took me to the Breakfast Club- which was a nice day date. After that I ended up taking a bag of clothes to the Salvation Army and then picking up something at the mall for an upcoming party and then it was time to get the kids. So much for a day full of watching trashy shows and napping. Maybe someday I'll allow myself to have that lazy day.

Thursday after the kids got back from school I had the Eakin's kids over. She is always having my kids over so when she said her kids were driving her nuts I told her to let me watch hers for a change. She finally did. I was happy to be able to help her out. And so that Etta wouldn't feel weird since her and Steven aren't exactly buddies, I told her to have Alissa come too and we would play Minecraft Dungeons. Yes, I felt like a bit of a creeper being a grown adult, hanging with 2 teen girls but I think their parents appreciated the break. At points I really did feel like a weirdo, especially when Etta didn't really want to play the game but I was told they still had a fun and think I am cool. Ha.

That evening left me drained though and Friday it was a real struggle bus to stay awake while working on school work with the kids. I also had to get food and stuff ready because we were having the missionaries over for dinner. I wish I didn't hate cooking for people but I do. I worry too much about what to cook and if they will like it and if it will turn out ok. It ended up turning out well and the missionary visit wasn't too awkward, sometimes these young missionaries still have a lot of social skills to develop. 

That night we were all over the place. Penny and Lucy were at the Eakins house. We had 2 of Ben's friends over here. The teens went to the Bloomfields house. And us moms went over to the Schneider house for a puzzle night. Musical houses. I was feeling so tired and having tummy issues and once again got roped into being the driver but it turned out to be a good night. 

Saturday Penny had a birthday party, Ben went and did D&D at the library with some friends and Steven was at a friends house. Funny how life changes as these kids get more social. That evening we did a farewell party for Caroline's husband since he will be leaving for the National Guard for a year. Since I figured him being gone on the holidays might be one of the hardest things I suggested we celebrate all the holidays! We did pretty good at hitting a lot of them. We had BBQ food (4th of July), White Elephant exchange with grown ups (Christmas), Green plates and cups (St. Patrick's Day), an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids, Sparkling Cider (4th of July), Pie for dessert (Thanksgiving) and a bin of fun hats and masks for the kids (Halloween). Tyler ended up with a Jesus mask and Virgin Mary candle and I ended up with a button that says "no" in a lot of different ways. Everyone was apparently super tired because no one seemed enthusiastic about anything so I am not sure how much of a success it was. I feel like I probably exherted more effort than I should have with the holiday theme. 

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