Saturday, February 26, 2022

Winter Blahs

Last Saturday Steven went to his first stake dance. He had a bit of a cold and I hesitated to let him go but he really wanted to so I relented. I'm not sure why he wanted to go so bad since apparently he didn't dance AT ALL. But he does have good friends in the ward to hang with. I think he enjoyed himself. One of his friends who used to be in the Ward was there as well and he was pretty excited he got to see him and catch up. Apparently that friend was also anti dancing so it worked out. Here are some pics someone posted on the stake FB page...

This past week was mid-winter break for the local school district which meant no seminary. It was so nice to catch up on missed sleep and I feel more rested than I have in a long time. It is going to be a struggle to get back to it on Monday. I honestly did not miss it at all this week.

Monday after the kids finished their school work I took them to the mall in Auburn Hills. Steven needed new shoes and there is an outlet store for Under Armour there which sells the "cool" shoes he likes. Plus Penny needed new leggings and there are plenty of stores there for that. So I thought I would give them all $5 to buy a snack/treat, I would let the boys break off at some point and do their own thing, and we could get some shoes and leggings, and it would be a nice outing on a winter day. Well, I forgot the family cell phone so I couldn't let them break off, the outlet store didn't have any of the shoes Steven wanted in his size and the kids were so whiny about being tired I wasn't able to look at the stores I wanted to find leggings for Penny. Not even the money for treats made the outing better. That'll teach me for handing out money for no good reason. It was a very frustrating outing so I decided to treat myself to a pretzel on the way out in attempts to feel better.

Tuesday, even though I let Steven go to the Stake Dance and church that weekend, I kept him home from school. I didn't need them calling him out for a cough and then sending all my other children home too. He did very little school work while I cleaned the house and that irked me. I wish they would've given him gobs of make up work when I asked for it but they didn't. I don't want him to think skipping school is rewarding. After I finished cleaning I took Steven on round 2 of shoe shopping. Kohl's had had a sale that Monday on the shoes he liked but apparently it ended and nothing was on sale. So I paid full price for his fancy shoes which I wasn't super happy about but I guess he has shoes now.

Thursday I finally had all the kids in school so I took a lazy stroll through some stores to celebrate. I also picked up some art supplies because I decided I wanted to try getting back into painting. My first painting was just me experimenting with some things but I think it turned out pretty fun. 

Friday I had the Mays over for a couple hours and that was nice. I enjoyed catching up with Caroline and the kids had fun with their friends. I need to do this more to combat with the winter blahs I have been feeling. These Winter blahs have led me to plan a whole vacation out south. We'd do Savannah, GA then Jekyll Island, GA and then end with a few days in St Augustine, FL. I really want to make this vacation happen but a huge drive with gas prices potentially sky rocketing because of the awful things happening in Ukraine might not be wise. But then I think I only have 4 more years left with Steven before he leaves us so maybe we need to have these family vacations while we still can. I'm torn.

Saturday I took Ben and Steven to the Henry Ford Museum with Andrea and David. Seriously struggling with winter and having Steven inside and bored all the time so I needed to get him out. They didn't last super long but it was still a good outing. Andrea had lots of questions about different exhibits and I wish I was smarter and could've answered them all.

This week we finished the show we had been watching as a family- "Just Add Magic." It's been a fun one (even if Tyler always complains about the horrible acting) and I am sad we finished it. Yesterday we started up a new show "The Secret of Sulphur Springs." This is a little scarier and only has 2 seasons but it seems like it'll be a fun one for our family.

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