Saturday, July 3, 2021

Fun with the Parents

 On Sunday my parents arrived in town and so this week was full of adventures. Be prepared for a picture overload. Monday we went on a nature walk at the West Bloomfield Nature Preserve. Ben had a shock when he went to climb on a fallen tree and instead came face to face with a snake. It left him pretty flustered and his days of climbing fallen trees might have come to an end. Steven brought his guinea pigs and ended up getting peed on several times (it seeps through their carriers). So gross. Other then those things and Ben using sticks as wands and broomsticks, it was a pretty uneventful walk. 

That evening Ben had his soccer practice and Poppy came so he could watch the girls on the playground nearby. Ben had a moment where his legs didn't quite do what he wanted and he ended up falling onto the soccer ball. I was the worst because he looked sort of funny as he fell so I let out a snicker. But apparently it really hurt so then I felt bad. The coach handled it well and after Ben took a drink to calm down he got back out there. He is definitely not one of the best players out there but he is eager to learn.

Tuesday morning we took the 3 youngest kids to see "Spirit." Steven didn't want to go because it was a "baby" movie so he stayed home and watched "Geostorm." Penny especially loved "Spirit" because she could relate to the main character- green eyes, and loves strawberries and horses. I thought it was a pretty cute movie. After Tyler got off work we went to the outlet mall in Auburn Hills. Tyler and my dad bought some ammunition at the Bass Pro Shop and then we visited some "girl" stores so Grams could properly spoil the girls. She got them both Beanie Boo dolls. We also had to get pretzels and cinnamon rolls while there, it's a mall tradition.

Wednesday we drove out to Frankenmuth. We did our traditional stop at Bronner's where the girls each purchased another Beanie Boo, apparently that's their new obsession. After that we took a walk on a covered bridge and hit up some tourist shops. We also bought some crepes. Penny had been all excited to have one with strawberries and chocolate but when she saw it she did not want it. She is not a fan of tortillas and it really looked like a tortilla. I got a crepe with meat and cheese and it was alright. I think I will always be partial to the ones Tyler makes and the ones me and my mom get at the Broken Yoke.

By Wednesday night I was exhausted but I still had a Young Women's Activity. I had to pick up 2 girls on the otherside of the boundaries to take to the activity but it was worth it to finally get them to an activity. At the activity we were tie dying shirts for Girl's Camp when the girls noticed some people with pizza and suddenly were dying for some. Little Casears was right down the street so I decided to go get some...and apparently 5 other girls wanted to join me. It was a little chaotic to have all of us crammed in the small lobby at Little Cesears but it does make me feel good that my yw like to hang with me. Other than having one girl who wanted to turn her Girl's Camp shirt into a statement for Trans rights, it was a good, but exhausting activity. I even got one girl on board for coming to camp who was not planning on going originally. It kind of stinks to finally feel like I am making an impact on these girls just as I am about to be released but that's life isn't it?

Thursday Ben and Steven went to Water Sport's Camp. One of Stefanie's friends was hosting it. They both got to ride on a boat, go tubing and other fun things. Ben ended up getting flipped over on the tube and his friend Beck fell on him. Apparently it really hurt his back and he had a pretty emotional time but he got back on it which is really great. Overall I think they had a good time.

While they were having fun in the lake, the rest of us went to Hell. Hell, Michigan that is. We went there so my mom could get herself another funny t-shirt and so we could do some mini-golfing. The lady there was really nice and let us golf for free. Apparently it's free after 4 and she said "It's 4 o'clock somewhere." It was kind of a run down course but you can't beat free, and the girls had fun cheating, I mean golfing. Afterwards Grams and Poppy bought us all ice cream and the lady was very generous scooping it out. She gave us so much and Penny found a way to smear it all over her face.

Friday we took a break from our major adventures and met up with some friends at Scarlets Park. Steven was going to walk there with Lucy, Grams and Poppy but instead decided to run alongside Ben, Penny and me who were riding our bikes. Sometimes he's weird. Afterwards the teens all came to my house to play Smash Brothers (David, Etta, Alissa). I made them all pancakes for lunch and they were having fun until they got bored of Video Games and couldn't decided what to do. The girls ended up leaving and then the boys went back to video games. I struggle because I want my home to be the home where everyone wants to be but I also really don't want it to be. That makes me into a very awkward host;)

Saturday we went to Belle Isle (well everyone but Lucy and Tyler) and took a little walk to the William Livingston Memorial Lighthouse. I of course missed the turn for the parking lot and with the street being one way, we had to park about 5 mins away from the trailhead. But the walk itself was short and easy which was perfect for the kids. After that we went to the Dossin Great Lakes Museum. It was a nice little outing and not peopley which is always a plus.

Also this week, my doctor called with the results from my bloodwork and basically told me I have problems but she doesn't see why I can't get pregnant. So contradicting and I just don't want to be fed false hope. Between my isthmocele, my irregular periods, a cyst on my ovary, high DHEA levels and high cholesterol...I just think it's time to move on and let go. She also reiterated that I should go see a counselor and wrote it on my charts so that I can officially feel like a crazy person. It just would be a lot of money and that's besides the fact that I have anxiety about calling and going to medical appointments. But maybe when I have my mental breakdown I'll call ;)

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