Saturday, July 10, 2021

Fourth of July, Pixie Cut, Lake Huron

Sunday we celebrated the fourth of July by having the Mays, the Eakins and the Solomons over for a BBQ. Having lots of people over always stresses me out a bit but overall I think everyone was entertained and had a good time. The kids all played nicely together and had fun cooling off in the sprinklers and playing with water balloons. The big kids even went against the younger kids, using our fence as a dividing line.

We had bought sparklers for all our guests but they all ended up leaving fairly early so instead just my kids and the neighbor, Jacob, got to have fun with them. They especially loved putting them in the bucket water and hearing them sizzle when they were done with them.

On Monday Tyler decided it was time to tear down his shed. Building a new shed has been on his "to do" list forever so he has finally started that process. It was a super hot day for all that intense labor but they got it down. Unfortunately the groundhogs that live under it have a great burrowing system and are still living there, even with the shed gone. We've managed to trap 2 but still have 2 more to go. They seem to have gotten wise to the cage with delicious food inside. 

While they worked on the shed I took Grandma to Lansing so she could go to the stained glass shop there. She didn't quite appreciate how much prices have gone up on stained glass supplies but she was able to get some of the things she needed. On our way back we picked up a cake so we could properly celebrate Poppy's birthday- vanilla cake with vanilla ice cream.

Tyler still had more projects he wanted to do but I managed to get him to commit to going on one family day trip so on Tuesday we took a drive to Lakeport Beach. It was a very rocky beach which was fun for rock hunting but a bit painful for the feet. The water was also very chilly. Tyler did borrow my flip flops and walk out with a few of the kids. And we all had fun collecting, throwing and trying to skip rocks. Ben takes after his dad and has some skill with skipping rocks. Steven was the surly teenager who didn't really get in the water and was super bored. Eventually he went and got a book from the car to entertain himself with.

As we were leaving the beach I noticed the Suburban was making a funny noise and just as I looked up a man in the car next to us was mouthing "you have a flat tire". Boy did we have a flat tire. Thankfully there was a Lowes fairly near to us and Tyler was able to park in their lot. Having the Lowe's there was very providential because Tyler's jack wasn't in his car so he was able to purchase one and put on the spare. Also, thankfully, there was a Target right by us as well so I could entertain the kids while Poppy and Tyler changed the tire. We even were able to have the kids get birthday gifts for Tyler while we there. Hopefully this flat tire situation doesn't disuade Tyler from future family outings.

That night Steven had his temple recommend interview with the Bishop and the Bishop invited us all over to see his dog's new puppies. I suppose they are cute but I really have no desire to own one. All I hear from my friends that own dogs is how much work they are and they just don't seem worth it to me. But who knows, maybe someday I will eat my words.

Wednesday was Tyler's birthday so I spent the morning baking him a banana cream pie. It wasn't too challenging this time around and I think it turned out really good. That afternoon I dropped Penny off at the Eakins house and ended up taking Etta back home with me. I was going to have her use Tyler's new power washer (she got excited about it when I told her Steven was using it) but instead we ended up being a little spontaneous and we went to get Lucy's haircut. I had promised Lucy that she could get a pixie cut if she didn't chew on her hair for a week and it had been a week of no chewing so it was time to pay out. One of my yw (Megan) had gotten a pixie cut from her sister (Sarah) and Sarah happened to be working at Great Clips at that time so we went. I was glad Etta came with because Lucy loves Etta's pixie cut so we could use her as a reference. A fun coincidence was that Megan and her mom were there to get haircuts from Sarah too. We had fun chatting with them and then Sarah did an amazing job on Lucy's hair. Lucy was all smiles during and after the cut and is loving her low maintenance hair. Etta was super supportive and made Lucy feel real good about it all.

That night Tyler and I got to attend the Bishop's son's Endowment Session. We hadn't been to the temple in over a year so it was so good to finally be back there. I love the peace that comes when I am there and how it washed my anxiety away. I felt more clarity with all my big life decisions too. I think I need to first take care of my health (which means going on birth control because that can help with a lot of my issues) and then I need to stop trying to control everything and just let life be (that means once everything is good, maybe get off birth control). I need to trust more and be flexible which are both things I find hard so wish me luck.

After the session we were going to do a birthday dinner but had the hardest time finding an open restaurant. There had been a big storm so between the power outages and the lateness of the night (9pm) our options were limited. We finally ended up at Applebee's with a super long wait but it is always nice when we get time together.

Thurday Lucy and Ben got to attend the Water Sports Camp. Ben was still a bit traumatized from hurting his back at the last session so he apparently didn't get super brave with learning how to knee board. Lucy on the other hand absolutely loved learning to knee board and is begging to go back. I wish it wasn't so expensive because I would love to give her another opportunity.

While they were off doing watersports Steven, Tyler, me and Grams and Poppy went shooting. I was not excited about it but was being pressured into it. Steven was also wary about it but Steven ended up loving it and is asking to go back. Me, not so much. Shooting my parents gun wasn't terrible (very little kickback and not loud) but shooting Tyler's handgun was terrible. So much kickback and so loud. I only shot his once and I was done. I do not do well with the loud noises and even struggled to shoot my parent's gun when he was shooting his in the lane next to me. 

Since we had been at the temple the night of Tyler's birthday, we did a belated celebration Thursday night with his banana pie. (He did open his presents the morning of his birthday but I'll just put that pic here- Ben got him a Lego set, the girls got him Minecraft Minifigures, my parents got him pizza cotton candy(so gross!)and a Home Depot giftcard, I got him a funny shirt and a power washer and bacon cotton candy (also gross!) and birthday cake cotton candy).)

Friday I took the parents and the 3 youngest kids to Cherry Republic in Ann Arbor. They had a bunch of free samples out which was awesome for the kids and my parents wanted to buy all the cherry things. They have so many yummy things. While we were busy shopping Tyler took Steven to baptisms for the dead at the temple. I am glad he was able to go back at long last.

Friday night I went out to ice cream with my friends to celebrate Grace and Ashlee's birthday. It was actually a really nice outing with them, with good conversations. Then Saturday we had to say goodbye to Poppy. He is headed back to Arizona now but luckily Grams will still be with us.

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