Sunday, February 21, 2021

100 Days and Belated Valentine's Party

Monday was the hundredth day of school. That means I have been homeschooling for a hundred days now. Sometimes it feels like it's been a lot more. I have such a mix of emotions with homeschooling. There are things I really love about it. I love knowing exactly what my kids are learning and how they are progressing and being able to adjust according to their learning speed and style. I also love the flexibility, being done by 2pm, not having to leave the house on cold and snowy days, and not having awkward social interactions with other parents. But there are some things about it that are just hard too. I don't like how upset they get when something is hard or when they make a mistake. I don't like dealing with attitudes when they don't want to do work or come back after taking a break, and I absolutely hate teaching math. So I would say that I definitely have a love/hate relationship with homeschooling. To "celebrate" 100 days the girls did a few 100 activities, like rolling die until they got to 100, and writing about what they would buy if they had $100 (Lucy would get Shopkins and a giant stuffed unicorn and Penny would get a LOL House).

Wednesday I had a zoom activity in the evening with my young women. We played some online games that were pretty fun. One involved writing jokes and another making up definitions for made up words. I wasn't super successful with making up jokes but I did pretty well at making up definitions. Mittrux= a truck that catches baseballs. After my activity I went over to Corinne's house (we are officially done quarantining). We had a good chat about all the things and she gifted me a very late Christmas gift- the new YW's theme framed- love it! She is busy doing a vast amount of home improvements to her house because they will be moving this summer. I think that has to be a bummer to fix something up to your liking, just to sell it to someone else.

Friday evening I made Tyler take me out, I needed to escape. We went to Texas Roadhouse and we're actually able to dine in. I love that we can dine in at a restaurant full of people but for yw's activities we can't have people from more than 3 different families. Covid regulations are nonsense. Afterwards we ran some errands. When we were checking out at Walmart, a lady put a $20 bill on the scanner and said she was paying it forward. Honestly, that day I had been feeling really down and had been praying to my Heavenly Father, trying to feel His love. This felt like an answer to my prayers, like God was telling me that He was there and He loved me. Tyler and I want to use to give a big tip to someone the next time we go out to eat. 

Saturday we decided to do a belated Valentine's Celebration since we had had to cancel it last week. I spent the morning cleaning and preparing for the party. I really shouldn't have bothered cleaning because the house was pretty much destroyed within minutes *sigh* But the party itself was a lot of fun for the kids. There was pizza, bag decorating, Valentine exchanging, Nintendo Switch playing and cookie making and eating. 

And funny story- Steven was being a stinker so I gestured to him to come sit on my lap so we could have a chat. His response, "You're not Santa."

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