Sunday, November 1, 2020

Halloween Homeschool

So this week was just about getting back into life. Recovery has been real smooth and I feel good. I just can't be too active or it will hit me later.

The beginning of this week was fairly uneventful. We mostly just did our homeschool thing which has been going smoothly. That's not to say that every moment is perfect and joyous but overall we seem to be doing ok. I'm making time to sit with each kid and we're finding a rhythm. I also let go of doing "PE" in the morning and a read aloud and honestly, that has alleviated things. I am getting quite comfortable with being home a lot and not having to deal with interacting with people at bus stops and at the school. And I also enjoy wearing my jammies all morning and usually not getting ready until after lunch. I think when we go back to school it will a rough transition for all of us.  

Monday night Tyler and I went on a "date" to Meijer's to pick up some things. Unfortunately my stomach as been real awful this week so I didn't enjoy it too much. Ended up having to head home pretty quickly.

Wednesday night the younger Young Women came to my house for an activity. But first I had to pick up two of them and pick up hot chocolate. It was a lot of driving but I bought the hot chocolate as bribery to get another one of our girls there. It worked. She came for a little bit. Only thing was that she refused to sit by the fire with the other girls because she said she didn't want to smell like smoke. I think she puts up walls because of her rough relationship with her mom. I will just keep trying with her and maybe someday I will crack down those walls.

Thursday I had a short time window to drop off something to one of my young women and of course I got pulled over. I didn't stop long enough at the stop sign. The police officer took forever to get out of his car and then when he came to my window, he immediately told me I was not going to get a ticket, just a warning. I was still ridiculously shaky as I handed him my license and registration. I hate how freaked out I get when I get in trouble. He once again assured me as I shakily handed him the things, that he was only giving a warning. I sure am grateful that is was only a warning.

After the drop off I got home just in time to watch a friend's kid. She has been having some health issues and finally admitted to me that she is pregnant. She struggles with pregnancy and so I want to be happy for her but it was hard to muster the excitement. There's that part of me that still wants a baby (but another part of me that thinks that part is completely crazy). Still, I'm glad she felt comfortable telling me she was pregnant and I really hope the health issues resolve for her and all goes well.

Thursday evening I had a couple more drop offs for young women's and then we got some more library books. We have so many library books, the librarian is always complimenting us on what amazing readers we are. I just hope I can return them all in time. The dang week long quarantine of books before they check them back in really messes me up. 

I tried to make Friday (the day before Halloween) a fun day for homeschool. The poor boys had to do their regular math but the girls got to do some math with candy corn and some fun addition color by numbers. Then we all read "The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything" and did some acting out and card matching afterwards. Next the kids colored a monster, wrote some adjectives about it and wrote a story about it. After that we put candy corn in lots of different kinds of liquids (salt water, soda, oil, baking soda, vinegar) and watched what happened to it. The kids were bored at first, I think they expected an immediate reaction, but then they were fascinated as they watched it melt away-sometimes in layers. While watching our candy corn we learned about the history of Halloween and then ended our fun school day with decorating Halloween cookies (our neighbor Jacob joined in). In addition to all our Halloween fun I made and decorated Lucy's cake. It was such an exhausting day and definitely did more than I probably should have but the kids enjoyed it so much.

Friday night we went to our Ward's Trunk or Treat. It was so nice to have a sense of normalcy- even if I was pooped. I enjoyed interacting with all the kids and seeing my friends. It was a good night, albeit it was freezing cold with temps in the 20's. 

Saturday I cleaned the house and had a nice visit from our neighbor Sharon. The kids had brought her over some of their cookies they had made and she had wanted to say thanks. She also offered us some maps and geometric shapes. Lucy went with her to get them. Lucy is so sweet with her, probably because she loves Sharon's dogs so much ;).

Tyler's parents arrived late afternoon (in town for Lucy's baptism). We picked up some dinner and then it was trick-or-treat time. The May's came over to trick-or-treat with us. I ended up staying behind with Caroline. We sat and chatted by the fire and occasionally I ran over to the fence to pass out candy. As the fire died down people had a hard time spotting us so I became the creepy lady shouting from my yard "I have candy!" I did not want leftover candy and thankfully I was able to get rid of most of it. Not so thankfully the kids came back with a ton more. It's safe to say that we all sugared out that night. And thankfully for the kids, their was no precipitation this year and the temps were in the high 40's so not too cold (although pretty cold for Tyler's poor mom).

Pictures from Halloween night (2 taken by Lucy, can you guess which?)


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