Sunday, October 25, 2020

Pumpkins and Surgery

Last Sunday started off a bit lazy- Tyler and I slept in and totally missed our church's broadcast. But after that things got busy. We did our own family sacrament meeting, then Steven had virtual Sunday School (in which his class could hear me yelling at Ben not to change in front of Steven's screen- seriously Ben was in in his underwear as Steven was joining the Zoom meeting). After Steven's virtual Sunday School, us grown ups had our virtual Sunday School. It was actually really nice to hang at home and send texts messages to friends during the meeting (apparently I am good at being distracting whether in person or virtual). Then Tyler and I had Ward Council. Next we had tithing settlement in which Penny told the Bishop she was not a full tithe payer and then it was time to watch Peter's baptism via zoom (Peter is Lucy's good buddy). When that was done we went down to Peter's house for his surprise birthday party. That was really nice to mingle and eat and then it was back home for me so I could attend a yw's class presidency meeting. This was the first one for the new younger girls presidency and it actually went rather smoothly- I just think they planned sort of lame activities but we shall see...I could be wrong. And that was our crazy Sunday.

Monday we did our homeschooling in the morning and that went pretty well and after lunch I had to go get my Covid test since I was scheduled for surgery Wednesday. Since my first Covid test was awful and my second was ok, I wasn't sure what to expect. It ended up being in between. My nostrils and eyes burned like crazy BUT I didn't feel like they were trying to swab my brain so that was good. That evening I had planned to carve pumpkins with the kids but as we left to go buy them the girls started fighting in the car. Before we even left the neighborhood I decided we should go back home because they were being so naughty. This led to epic tantrums by both girls and no pumpkin carving. Seriously the drama unleashed by those two was something else, you would have thought we had ruined thier lives. Penny threw herself on the ground outside the car and kicked and cried. They both ended up in their room. Penny calmed down first. Through the heater vent we could hear her say, "I calmed down, it's Lucy who is still crying." That was so funny to us that she knew we could hear her if she talked to the vent.

Tuesday evening we ended up giving the kids another chance to carve pumpkins. This attempt went much better. We picked up pumpkins at Kroger's and I ended up scooping guts out of 4 pumpkins while the kids watched "Hocus Pocus". I didn't super enjoy that. I also ended up carving Penny's pumpkin in the design she had sketched out. The rest of the kids did pretty good at carving out their own designs.

Wednesday was surgery day. The surgery was at 7am and I had to be there at 5am. I did not sleep much the night before but I do have to say that even though my mind was worrying, I felt fairly calm. Does that even make sense? Anyways we were at a different hospital so it was a little confusing to find it and figure out parking but I was glad to have Tyler there. They even let him go to the waiting room with me. Unfortunately he wasn't allowed to go back with me. The prepping was not fun. Blood drawn, 2 IV's, nurse talking all about her pregnant daughter- not the best conversation with someone having uterus issues. Then I had to take 6 pills with hardly any water and then there was the shot of blood thinner to my belly. Holy cow did that burn. It was awful. Thankfully my nerves never seemed to catch up with me or at least I can't remember them catching up. I just remember being rolled back by a crabby, sarcastic short nurse and a tall friendly nurse, moving onto the table and then...that's it. 

When I woke up I felt supper shaky and dizzy and it took a bit to really wake up. And unfortunately when I sent a text to Tyler to ask him if the doctor talked to him, he didn't have reassuring things to say. Then the nurse confirmed that they went in but they didn't fix anything. I am still confused by it all. Apparently after making 2 incisions and going in and trying different methods to find the defect in my uterine wall- he found nothing. No defect, no evidence of a defect. Tyler the ever optimist says this was good that we have confirmation that my uterus is fine and I think he feels like I was miraculously healed. Me, with 2 achy incisions and feeling super pessimistic, isn't so sure. I can't help feeling like this surgery was pointless. I can't help wondering if there ever was a defect or if they read my MRI wrong. I guess regardless, the bottom line is my uterus is fine. And once my incisions heal I am free to try to get pregnant again, if I so choose. I don't know what I choose. This has all been so much.

Thursday and Friday were spent homeschooling some from bed and trying to resist the urge to do all the things that needed to be done. Saturday I attempted to do some house cleaning things in the morning and then spent the afternoon in bed. Honestly the recovery hasn't been so bad. Compared to a c-section these two little incisions are nothing. I have had more issues with a sore throat (probably because of the breathing tube), and my tummy bothering me. As long as I kept up on pain meds, the incision hasn't hurt too much and today (Sunday), I haven't even needed any pain meds. I even went to in person church and made dinner. I would say the recovery has been pretty quick and smooth. 

Things I am grateful for: a friend who came to my house at 5:30am so my kids wouldn't be alone when they woke up. She then took my kids to her house and kept them there until dinner time. Another friend who brought dinner Thursday evening, even when Tyler insisted he had it. And our neighbor who heard from Ben about the surgery and surprised us with dinner Saturday. And of course Tyler, for helping with the kids and buying me smoothies when food sounded gross.

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