Sunday, November 1, 2020

Lucy's Birthday and Baptism

 Sunday was Lucy's birthday and as per usual we started the day with her unwrapping gifts. Actually we started the day with the kids getting one of their Hexbugs trapped under the dishwasher and it was making this super loud buzzing noise. Once Tyler removed the dishwasher and the bug, then it was Lucy's turn to open gifts. From us she got a watch, Teen Titans Go action Figures, a Raven doll, and a unicorn hairbrush. From Grams and Poppy Brady she got walkie talkies. And from Grams and Poppy Hatch she got binoculars. 

The rest of the day felt like we were just waiting for her baptism. We didn't have in person church and we were fasting so it sort of made the day seem longer. Plus I was feeling a bit anxious about everything and that also helps slow time down. We did do our own little sacrament meeting and that was nice. Both Grams and Poppy Hatch bore their testimonies and so did Ben. We also played Telestrations with Grams and Poppy Hatch and the kids enjoyed it (probably more than the grandparents ;) ) Lucy also got pen on her baptism dress that she insisted on wearing and I had a real stressful time trying to get it out. I was not super successful. 

Around 1pm Tyler and his dad left to fill the font and I took the girls to get their hair done by my friend Melissa. She made us all looks so good and I am so grateful she shares her talent with us. Then I came home and put some dinner in the crockpot and finally it was time to go to the church.

Everything went real smoothly. It was just us and Tyler's parents there and everyone else joined virtually via Google Meet. My amazing brother took care of streaming the opening and closing songs and church videos while Lucy got dressed. I was in charge of videotaping the speakers and I probably should've got a phone stand, it was a little uncomfortable holding the phone out properly to record it all. I did have one hiccup in the beginning when I accidentally lost the Google Meet screen and struggled to find it again but thankfully I figured it out. Tyler and his dad give talks and they both did a great job of catering their talks to Lucy. Tyler talked about how Lucy said she wanted to be baptized so that she could be a member of this church. She's such a good girl. The water was nice and toasty for Lucy and she told me that she felt awesome when it was all done. And at the end Lucy got to see everybody who was watching and they all said "hello" to her and I think she felt pretty special. People that I remember were tuned in on Google Meet: Brewer's, Kellog's, Jones, Bowman's, my parents and Mike's family, Melissa and Logan's family. Solomon's, Massey's, Brother Jensen (Bishopric member), Sister Schmidt (primary president), Schneider's, May's, and Barney's.

Afterwards we had some chili hotdogs to break our fast and then Lucy's Robin cake. The cake looks better in the pictures thankfully. In person the green frosting showed up under the face but I really did try my best on that cake. It was quite a fiasco because originally I had tried to make it red but failed, major. In my failure I made a purplish black frosting that can be found under that green frosting. Thankfully Lucy is not picky and loved the cake despite it's flaws.

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