Sunday, November 8, 2020

Apples, Milford, Walk, Party

We had Monday morning with Tyler's parents, they flew back to Arizona that afternoon. And of course that morning was the coldest morning ever. With Covid and freezing weather that really limited our options to do anything fun. We ended up taking them to the market at Spicers and we bought some apples and doughnuts. We had thought about doing the corn maze but with temperatures in the 20's it did not feel like a good idea. So we ate our doughnuts (while shivering) and then headed out. While at the market Lucy used her money to buy herself and her sister a stuffie. That was very nice of her. Ben also used his money to buy stick candy (as if he didn't already have tons of candy from trick or treating :/.

On our way home we stopped at Milford and Leslie and I and all 4 kids went into some of the shops. The kids actually did fairly good at not touching all the things. We didn't buy anything but I did find some fun things that I would not mind getting for Christmas. We also had to take a picture by the giant pumpkin that Palate always has.

For lunch we went to Culver's. Michigan has a new law that you have to give contact information to places you are at to track people who get Covid. I don't love that but I am too honest and gave them all my correct information. Other than that we had a nice meal.

We spent the last couple hours with them chatting around the kitchen table. Tyler and his dad spent time talking about Tyler's grand ambitions for renovating the bathroom upstairs. This led to some contention between Tyler and I, mostly because there are other things that I would rather have done around the house and I was a pretty bad dream killer. Also, while visiting around the table, Tyler's dad had a heart to heart with the guinea pigs. The kids thought that was hilarious so I did my best to document it.

Sadly it was back to Arizona for his parents Monday afternoon and back to real life for us. This meant catching up on all the things I had been slacking off on the previous few days.

The rest of the week was more of the same old same old. Homeschooling everyday. Still going pretty well. Young Women's meeting at the Bishop's house Tuesday night. I dropped off a smoothie for my friend Jessica Wednesday for lunch- conversation felt a little stilted, not sure why. Then that night a young women's activity at the church building- which felt a little weird since we haven't had an activity there in sooo long. We wrote letters to missionaries and the girls shared their favorite scriptures- it was a nice chill activity.

The weather really warmed up after Monday so on Thursday we went on a nature walk at Proud Lake with the Mays. Seriously perfect weather and everyone had a good time hanging out with each other. Only hiccup was when Lucy got pretty high up on a fallen tree and began to panic about getting down. Probably some PTSD from when she fell into the little stream. Thankfully she figured it out and got down with no incidents. 

Saturday we did a little birthday party for Lucy- she only had Peter over but with 3 siblings to join in it still felt like a proper party. They started off pinning the Pizza on Robin from Teen Titans. I made the game myself and was pretty proud with how it turned out.

Afterwards they played Teen Titans Bingo and I gave away Halloween candy for Bingo prizes- the perk of having a birthday after Halloween.

The last activity was watching a you tube video on how to draw Robin. They didn't put a whole lot of effort into following the instructions but they seemed to have fun regardless. 

While I made pizza rolls they watched a Teen Titans Go episode. Then they ate their pizza and had some cupcakes. It was a real simple party but I think it was a success.

After the party I was able to go out and run some errands on my own. It's been awhile since I've ran kid free errands and it was honestly really nice. It's kind of terrible but I find shopping a bit therapeutic. Mostly terrible on our wallet.

That night Tyler and I went to dinner at Benihana, we had been given a gift card for there. We got to share our table with another couple- don't worry the table was long and they were 6 feet away. They were nice enough and it was their first time at this restaurant too so that helped us not to feel too dumb that we didn't know how things worked. It was fun to watch the food get made and the food was really good. Also, really expensive so thank goodness for a gift card.

Also this week was Election Day, Tyler and I were able to go out and vote together since he had the day off. According to the media Biden was determined the winner Saturday but things are still in the air due to some suspected voter fraud. It will be interesting to see how it all turns out and how people react. I'm trying to be hopeful but I definitely have concerns.

And this week Lucy has become very close with our neighbor Sharon. She is an older lady with 2 dogs (we had brought her and her husband cookies last week). Sharon has been letting Lucy walk the dogs with her and she just loves this. Sharon also wants to teach Lucy how to play Chess so that should be interesting. Sometimes it feels a little weird letting Lucy go over there so often (once a day the last few days) but I think it's a good thing.

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