Friday, May 10, 2019

Zoo, Mall, Lettering

On Monday I forced myself to put aside my to-do list and met up with Penny's friend, Brooks, and his mom at the zoo. I'm glad I did that. The weather was warm and Penny always has so much fun with Brooks. We went in the middle of the day so I was slightly productive before and after which made me feel less guilty about the excursion. Probably the coolest part was the monkeys. We got to watch one pat the other on the head as it was passing by it in the tree. We also got to see baby Jane (a chimpanzee) right up at the window. She was super cute.

After the zoo I filled up our 5 gallon water jug and on our way home it tipped over. I figured no big deal, the lid was on but then I heard glugging. The lid had popped off and about 2.5 gallons spilled out before I could right everything. Our car now has a super lovely musty smell.

Earlier this week I ordered a pair of pants (I hate shopping for pants)but when I got them they did not fit. So Wednesday Penny and I got to take them back to the store in the mall (since they would charge for shipping if I returned by mail). Penny was super excited to go to the mall- of course to her the mall equates play area and pretzels. I am going to miss our little outings when she goes to school next year.

Thursday I had substitute job. It wasn't great, it wasn't awful, it was just a day at work. The students claimed that I was the best substitute ever, probably since I use bribery, but it's still nice to hear. Last week when I was subbing they had these "Wanted" posters up in the hallways (they were doing a Western theme for Teacher Appreciation) and one of the kids said my picture should be up there. And then they said, "Mrs. Hatch would be wanted for being too nice. And your reward for catching her would be that she would be your guest teacher." 

Thursday evening I went out for dessert with my friend Caroline. We got ice cream at a place called Proving Grounds. I had Cookie Monster ice cream and it was ah-mazing! It had cookie pieces and cookie dough in it, I pretty much inhaled the deliciousness. It was really nice chatting with my friend and I stayed up way too late. We had to sit outside the store because the store closed and then we chatted by her door for awhile (only to realize her windows were open and her kids pretty much heard our whole conversation 😳). I didn't end up getting home until almost midnight.

Friday I took Ben to the orthodontist and paid the giant fee so he can do as Steven did and get an expander, then braces and then retainer. These kids are killing our wallet. His expander should be ready at the end of this month which is going to be a fun adjustment for him. Our next big expense is going to be a clarinet rental so Steven can be in band in Middle School next year. I heard there's a down payment for the instrument rentals. Super fun.

Friday I was also babysitting for a friend and when I asked her son if he needed help he told me, "Men don't need help." Totally cracked me up. He's a funny kid and Penny just loves hanging out with him so it was a good day.

Since this week wasn't overly busy I even had some time to chug out some hand lettering. The chalkboard sign is for the Bunco party that I am hosting Tuesday. Since it'll be Cindy's last Bunco- we will just be so blue without her. And the lighthouse one I made because I wanted something to go on the mantle by the stained glass lighthouse my mom made me. It turned out really great but I am not sure it works to have a drawn lighthouse next to the stained glass lighthouse. I might have to make something else with just words.

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