Saturday, May 18, 2019

Bunco, Farm Day

Sunday was Mother's Day and I was served my traditional Strawberry Crepes. My most favorite thing ever. Mother's Day needs to happen more frequently because I pretty much crave those all year. My morning was nice and chill. I got a couple new puzzles that the kids picked out (one a collage of treats and the other a book collage), a stuffed animal llama (Penny apparently really thought I needed one) and some fun things that kids wrote and made for me. My favorite thing was how Lucy spelled my name- Jenna Frye. Church was really nice too. For the second half of church they gave a short 5 minute lesson and then we got to eat and socialize with friends. After church it was life back to normal- I had to cook dinner and such things but at least the first part of mother's day was fantastic.

Monday morning we had Book Club at my friend Ashlee's house. We had read "Fish in a Tree" and I really love that book. It's geared towards older elementary kids and has some real good messages in it. One person said it was too much like "Wonder" but that's ok, it's still one of my favorites. Also, at book club, Ashlee had made these amazing scones with orange cream on top. Maybe I need to get the recipe because I am super craving them right now.

After Book Club, I spent the rest of the day and all of the next day prepping for Bunco. I get real anxious when I host parties. I obsessively clean and buy too much stuff because I worry about running out of things. And cook too much because of the same worries. It was Cindy's last Bunco so I had the added task of making it special for her. The "We will be so blue without you" theme turned out pretty cute and in the end she got a little teary eyed so I think I did good. Everyone brought her something blue and we put it in a basket for her and I also made some Michigan state shaped blue cookies (which Penny helped put sprinkles on). No one would eat the cookies though, which upset me. They all said they were sugared out from the candy on the tables but that's never stopped them from eating dessert before. I guess if the guests not eating the dessert was my biggest complaint of the night it probably wasn't so bad. I of course over analyze all my awkward behavior (like when I shoved the cookies in someone's face trying to get them to eat them) so really I am just relieved that is all over. 

And if I look like a sweaty mess in these photos, it's because I was....

Wednesday I woke up exhausted, I guess Bunco stole all my energy. After Penny's speech class we spent a chill morning at the park with Laci and Janie and then we met Tyler for lunch. It's always nice when it works for us to meet up with him. The rest of the afternoon I napped and relaxed and it was exactly what I needed to recover. 

At school Ben had VIP mileage club that day. I was a bad mom and didn't go but Jacob's mom was nice enough to take a picture of Ben for me.

Thursday morning we met some friends at the library and because the weather was so perfect we ended up playing at the little playground outside the library. I love spending time with both these friends but unfortunately their kids do not get along. The fight of that hang out was the one wanted to play pirates and the other wanted to play superheros. Poor Penny usually ends up in the middle attempting to be a peace maker but sometimes she gives up and picks a side. It bums me out that their kids don't get along because we probably will have to start hanging out with them separately.

On Thursday Penny got frustrated with a bee that tried to follow her inside so she had me help her make a "No bees allowed" sign. She was pretty specific about it- had to have yellow and black alternating letters (which she wrote) and she had me draw it and she colored it in. I really hope then bees listen to her sign ;)

Lucy had filled up her jar so Thursday evening I took her to Nothing Bundt Cakes. I was so tempted to get one for myself- they are so good but I resisted the temptation because I knew I would still probably eat all the junk at home that we have left from Bunco. The weather was perfect so we sat outside the shop and Lucy chowed down on her bundtette (next time I need to remember to bring our own forks). I love these one on one moments I get with my kids.

Friday morning the school where Penny has speech services had a Farm Carnival. It was kind of awkward because it seemed to be only kids that attended preschool there and they all knew each other and the teachers- we didn't see our speech teacher there so we felt a bit like impostors. But Penny still had fun- we played on the playgrund, painted a cardboard wall, played with farm toys, saw chickens and a duck, got to pet bunnies, goats and what looked like a mini llama, she got her face painted and best of all- she got to ride a pony! There was a horse and then this pony with all the ribbons and such things so of course she insisted on riding the girly pony (not to mention it was shorter and less scary). She had so much fun.

Friday night Tyler went camping with Steven and Lucy. Ben had soccer and a sleepover with Jacob and Tyler didn't want to take Penny. It was supposed to be a Ward Camp Out and Lucy has been dying to go camping since last summer but the Ward Camp Out got cancelled so Tyler just took them to a campsite in Pinckney. Unfortunately for them it rained 80% of the time but he said for the 2 hours when it wasn't raining, it was really fun. Lucy says she likes camping now but only if it's not raining.

Ben had a bummer Friday night and Saturday. He was acting real weird at soccer- not even attempting to get near the ball and then when he went to have a sleepover with his friend Jacob, he came running back only a half hour later saying he pooped his pants. Ugh. He had some sort of stomach bug and spent the night and next morning making frequent visits to the bathroom. He hadn't said he wasn't feeling well because he had been so excited for this sleepover so he was super bummed when I told him he needed to stay home. This meant he also missed going to see "Pikachu Detective" with his friend Saturday. Hopefully we can do a redo of both things and hopefully nobody else catches this bug.

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