Saturday, January 19, 2019

Valentines Decor & Snow

Well we survived what was hopefully Tyler's final week up north. I felt very short tempered this week so being on my own is not the best for the kids or me but at least no one is permanently scarred from this week ;).

Sunday I had my second bout of 2 hour church and I still haven't found my groove. This time I under planned the lesson and wound up with an extra 5 minutes. I think part of the reason I ended up with extra time was because I hadn't counted on the kids to do the at home part so well. They all already knew the story I had chosen to focus on really well so that made that part go quickly. It's going to take a bit before I get this two hour church figured out.

Tuesday was a busy day. Penny had her first day of her Early Childhood/Speech Class. Having to get one more child ready in the morning was more work then I realized but after getting the older 3 on the bus, I still managed to get her to her class right on time. The class itself is only an hour but I felt embarrassingly emotional dropping her off. It's totally silly because when I sub I leave her with a friend for a whole day- I don't know why leaving her in a class feels so different. The hour also makes it difficult to do much of anything. We live 15 minutes away so it's not really worth it to go home. I ended up at a nearby Salvation Army and wasted my time away there.

When I picked her up she said it was really fun but no one would play with her. I asked her if she asked anyone and she said, "No. I too shy." Bless her, I know it will get better as she warms up to the new place. Right after her class we went to Ben's class to volunteer. His teacher had me editing kid's persuasive writing and *woof* some of them were so bad it was a struggle to help them.

When we were done there we headed straight to my dentist where I had a cleaning/check up. Penny was such a trooper through all these things. The cleaning seemed to take extra long. My hygienist seemed new to being a hygienist and was very slow going and was also perplexed by my bleeding gums. No matter how regularly I floss at home and how "aggressively" I floss- my gums always bleed at the dentist. I have come to accept this but no hygienist ever seems ok with it. Usually I get lectured but this one seemed determined to solve my problem. She suggested I carry around flossers and try out a certain mouth wash. We'll see. At least I left the appointment with no cavities diagnosed. That's a rarity.

After the dentist Penny and I hit up the Dollar Tree for some Valentine's Decorations. I had gone to pull them out and found my banner a bent up mess and my only Valentine's picture in bad shape. It was then determined that we needed new decorations. Penny and I had a lot of fun picking stuff out and now my mantle has some fun Valentine's decor (vases and flowers, Bless Your Heart sign and a new banner). This whole crazy day made me realize how much I am going to miss having my little buddy around next year. Penny is such a good kid and she always makes the outings more fun.

Wednesday was a nice homebody day and we didn't have to venture out until the boys had Cub Scouts that night. I ended up giving 2 other kids rides home which meant I had 6 kids in the car. That led to a very loud ride home.

Thursday Penny had her second class and this time I went to the Dollar Tree while she was at class. I needed to get some more mugs. The girls have their unicorn and mermaid mugs so this week I made the boys each their own mugs too. (Ben's is double sided- Today I'm Gonna Catch Them All & Snorlax; Steven- Creepers Gonna Creep)

After her class we went to story time at the library and I got to socialize with a couple friends who were there as well. It's my favorite thing because I love the library and I love getting to talk to grown ups.

Benny had an orthodontist appointment on Thursday as well. They want to see him again in 2 months and they believe he will need an expander at that time. Basically they want to do the same thing to him that they did with Steven and that stresses me out because that's a ton of money we just don't have (or rather money we should be saving for having a baby). At least we can procrastinate making that decision for another couple of months.

I also had a PT Conference with Lucy's teacher Thursday. I left the kids at home with Steven as babysitter figuring it would be quick. I ended up enjoying socializing with her way too much and didn't come home until an hour later. Apparently the former teacher in me really enjoyed talking to a current teacher because only 15% of our conversation was actually about how Lucy was doing, ha ha! She is doing just fine though. I also volunteered to run yet another party for Lucy's class (Valentines) and to make 2 dozen cookies for it. In addition to that party, I promised Penny a cookie decorating party with her friends. I must really be a glutton for punishment. The week of Valentine's Day is going to be crazy and Tyler will be out at a Scout Campout too so that should make it extra fun. I'm crazy.

Friday and Saturday we got our first real snow since November. It's been such an unusual winter here in Michigan!

And I'll end with a fun story. The other day I asked Penny what color hair she had and she replied, "Golden!" When I told her it is actually called blonde she responded, "Blonde!?" in a very disgusted voice. So golden it is!

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