Saturday, January 12, 2019


We survived another week with Tyler out of town! Hopefully only one more week of him being gone Monday through Friday and winter testing will be over for him.

Sunday was our first 2 hour church meeting. It felt rushed but in reflection I think the smaller time frame also eliminated some of the time wasters that can occur at church and whittled it down to the important things. I think as we get used to it, it'll flow better and be a good change. Somehow I managed to introduce rules, do a little get to know you with my Primary Class and leave the kids with a spiritual nugget- so go me! Afterwards I was even able to sneak in late to Gospel Doctrine and catch the last half of Tyler's lesson- he didn't embarrass me too much. He even let them know that only about half of what he says about me is true (I would say more 1/8th but...)

Monday was busy with an OBGYN appt in the morning, house cleaning, lots of laundry and somehow fitting in a workout and Penny's reading lesson. Penny even made the comment near the end of the day (in hopes of guilting me into playing a game with her) "But mama you've been so busy today-" And then she went on to list all the above things. So of course her sweet little "but mama..." comment worked and I took a break and played with her.

My obgyn appointment was a little discouraging. I felt like I needed to stay at the office but the doctor must have been having an off day because he was not very friendly and not very encouraging about me having another baby. There was talk about too much scar tissue and a thin uterine lining. Afterwards I was feeling unfaithful and then I saw the board that I just made Sunday (and was thinking should be our family motto for the year). Not a coincidence but a tender mercy.

Tuesday was my first day back at volunteering in Ben's class in the new year. It went alright and afterwards me and Penny went out to Tropical Smoothie Cafe (we had a gift card). It was so so yummy and Penny loved the smoothie. Usually we make a strawberry and blueberry smoothie at home but the one we got had an addition of bananas and Penny just thought the bananas made it taste so much better. She now insists we add banana in all our smoothies.

After our delicious lunch we went to Target because I had a coupon for $5 of a $15 purchase. I was supposed to just be looking at underwear for the boys and weights for me but I kept getting distracted- because Target! The fist time I got distracted I told myself to stay focused! Penny gleaned on to my comment and later when I got distracted again she said, "Stay focused mama!" She used it very appropriately and it was super cute. After Target I took her to the mall to play and have a pretzel- it was a super fun day with Penny.

Wednesday was a super chill day. Penny and I did puzzles and played games and then I got ambitious and we made some box cars for her and Lucy. The Cubanapolis was that night and they had said siblings should have a car. Tyler had made Ben's that weekend, Steven was using his from last year and with Tyler being out of town I was just going to let the girls share the boys but with this extra time I decided I could make them. They were not nearly up to the same standard as Tyler's but they worked and the girls loved having their own (even if they were made with leftover spray paint so not very girly). 

Lucy had a Doctor's Appointment immediately after school and so I picked her up from school and took her there and allowed the boys to walk home from the bus stop alone and be home alone until I got back from the doctors. I came home about an hour later but I think this is the most independent I allowed them to be and they did really good. It's crazy how old Steven is getting. We had a short conversation about body changes this week- just talked about voice changes and facial hair. Steven immediately felt his face and said he could already feel hair- haha! Peach fuzz maybe!

That night the kids had a blast at the Cubanapolis as per usual. This year though, I cheated a little on the pit stop "change tire." In years past changing shoes and turning socks inside out has been stressful (Steven gets mad because I can't do it fast enough and we end up fighting). This year I just changed the shoes and left the socks alone. The cheating was worth it no drama equals a much better time. Also, the nozzle on Ben's tank literally broke within 2 minutes of our arrival at the church- kids😐

Also Steven earned his Arrow of Light Wedensday night. I may be failing Ben as a cub scout but at least I am keeping Steven on top of things! I had him pin the pin on the cuff of my sleeve because I am too terrified of him jabbing my heart 😂

Thursday story time returned to the library and Penny was super excited for the return of Little Mouse (they hide a mouse behind a house and turn them over trying to find the mouse). Friday I had Penny's IEP for her Speech Delays. She will be attending a Preschool like class run by a Speech Therapist Tuesday and Thursday mornings for an hour. She will be the only 4 year old- the rest of the class is 3 year olds so we are going to see how it goes. If we feel like it is not a good fit she will take a strictly speech class that is just once a week for 40 minutes. It will be interesting to see how this goes. I am back to debating if I should send her to Jr Kinder next year or real Kinder. Jr Kinder will be a huge hassle to get here to BUT it might be the better fit. I hate being in charge of such important decisions.

Friday night Tyler and I had a temple date scheduled. We had wanted to do Saturday but there were Youth Activities so getting a babysitter was not possible. It was super stressful because Tyler literally got home from being up North the minute we needed to leave to the temple. We managed to squeak into the temple right on time and I am so grateful that my prayer was answered and we were both able to get there on time despite everything working against us. At the session I was praying for reassurance on the baby front and my reassurance was pretty immediate. As soon as the creation was being taught I was reminded of God's power and reminded that all the lessons this week for the new "Come Follow Me" curriculum were about women having babies in impossible situations. I know we are on the right path but I also know that is not going to make it easy.

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