Saturday, January 26, 2019


For Steven's birthday party next month he's going to see "Lego Movie 2" with 2 of his friends so I thought it would be fun if he made each of his friends a minifigure as a party favor. So last Saturday we braved the snowy roads and went to the Lego Store to do this. After playing in the Lego Store and Disney Store we grabbed some Chick-fil-a at the food court. I love me some Chick-fil-a.

Monday was MLK day so with Tyler off work we decided to go an outing to the Henry Ford Museum. The museum had free admission for the day and the temperatures were freezing so apparently everyone else had the same idea. It was ridiculously crowded. We had met Caroline and her kids there and since Tyler was being cranky I told him he could go off on his own,  figuring I'd be fine since I had Caroline there. Well at one point she had to go change a diaper and that meant I was alone with 7 kids total- all wanting to go different directions. Soon after she left Penny started crying because she wanted a snack and Tyler had them. I couldn't find him and he wasn't answering his phone and that was probably when I reached my limit. I was so stressed out that even once we found him and Caroline came back, I just felt overwhelmed the rest of the time. So not the most fun outing for me but I think the kids at least had a good time.

Tuesday I had my first sub job in a long time. I subbed for kinder in the morning and 2nd grade for the afternoon. The kindergarten class while still being a bit of a challenge, was way easier than the 2nd grade class. The only hiccup with the kinder was when I had to keep them super quiet because the teacher next door was being observed. Keeping kindergartners quiet isn't easy but other than that it was fine.

The second graders were just super rough. They have a teacher who is not so good at behavior management which meant I spent most of my afternoon teaching them how to behave. It was exhausting. I also had a fun incident where a kid stole a phone from another kid because that kid stole $10 from him. They both tried to lie about it. It was super. I don't think I'd sub for this class again.

Tuesday night brought rain and cold which made the roads too icy for school Wednesday. We had a nice day off and went absolutely nowhere. The kids actually played really well together which meant I still managed to be productive. It was a good day.

Thursday Penny had her speech class. She told me they went to the gym and sang songs. Hopefully somewhere in there she's working on her speech too... I'm still struggling with what to do while she's in class since it's an awkward amount of time.  This time I did a quick Kroger run and then hung out in my car. Super exciting. Afterwards we did story time at the library with friends. I'm really liking this story time routine. It's nice to have a social day once a week.

We had nothing going on Friday which sometimes makes me feel guilty- like I should be doing more or trying to get more sub jobs. But this is also the first year in a long long time that my life had been so easy and since I might be getting pregnant in the near future I should probably enjoy this time right?

And we'll end with a funny dinner conversation the other night.  Well funny if you have a dirty sense of humor,  ha ha!
Me: Do you want a big or small piece?
Lucy: I want a big one
Tyler: That's what she said.
Me: Did you really just use that on what our 6 yr old said?
Lucy: I will always say bigger is better.
Tyler turns to me and grins,  we both die of laughter.

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