Saturday, January 5, 2019

2019 Begins

On Monday I got to celebrate my friend Caroline's birthday by taking her out to lunch- Chipotle- and then we shopped at her favorite store- The Container Store. A fun twist is that we had anonymously gifted her a gift card to that store so I got to be with her as she picked out what she bought with it. It was a really good afternoon with a really good friend.

That evening was New Years Eve and Caroline and her family came over to celebrate with us. They had been given a gift card to Red Box and microwave popcorn and since they don't have a a DVD player or a microwave we decided we could just have a movie night at our house. The kids all watched "Transylvania 3" while Caroline and I did some hand lettering. Afterwards we did a pretend countdown to midnight on Netflix and then we toasted with some sparkling cider. I did make the mistake of buying horns for all the kids and it was probably the loudest night ever- I am pretty sure I became a little deafer that night. But the kids had so much fun that I can't knock it too much.

Tuesday was Tyler's last day off of work so we decided it would be a good day to use our Chuck-e-Cheese gift card that Tyler's parents gave us. We went for lunch time so the kids all got to eat at the all-you-can-eat pizza buffet and the boys got 60 play points to share and the girls got 60 play points to share. They had a lot of fun and got a lot of tickets (that when divided up amounted to a few little trinkets). All in all it was a really fun outing and we still have half of the gift card left so we get to do it again sometime.

Tuesday evening I thought it would be fun to go to Barnes and Nobles and browse but boy was I wrong. Apparently the girls have been a bit too spoiled as of late and they both got really upset when we didn't buy them something they wanted. Poppy had given them some money but it was for them to buy something they could do together (like a game) and what they wanted did not fulfill that requirement. So when we said no we had the joy of listening to them cry (all the way home). It's been awhile since we have had the joy of double tantrums- I can definitely say I didn't miss that crazy.

Wednesday Tyler had to head up North. Last year he was supposed to have been training his replacement since he has a new position but his replacement turned out to be not so great so now he training yet another replacement. Hopefully this one pans out and this can be his last year of traveling. He'll be out the next 2 weeks, Monday through Friday, as well. The only perk of him being away is that I get the car all to myself. Seeing how he has yet to find the part he needs for his truck at the right price point, I am pretty sure we are going to be a one car family for a very long time. Of all the hardships we could have, it could be worse so I am trying to be ok with this.

Also Wednesday we had Andrea and Max over. It was fun for Ben and Steven to both have their BF's over and it really helped the day pass by quickly. Only weird thing is Max was over for a very long time and he refused to eat the entire time. I felt bad sending him home without having fed him lunch but I sure couldn't force feed the kid.

Thursday the kids had to head back to school. We had had such a nice and relaxing break (with lots of sleeping in) that for once I had a really hard time sending them back to school. Though hard to send them back, it was nice to get back into working out again and working on Penny's reading lessons (we've been doing the book, Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons) and just getting back into routines.

Friday night I had the "Favorite Things" party to go to. This is a party where each person brings 4 of their favorite things and then everyone leaves with 4 other peoples favorite things. I brought the 4 candles that I had gotten for an amazing deal at Bath and Body Works- I almost had a hard time giving them away. In the end I didn't super love anything I got but it was still a really fun shin dig. I ended up taking home a blanket and fancy brush, glittery nail polish that sticks on, a fancy Norwex Cleaning Rag and a pretty pitcher that I could use for decor or drinks. 

The end was a little rocky because I had brought Corinne and while everyone wanted to stay and socialize she wanted to leave. I was fine with that but we did have 2 people parked behind us so we had to wait for them to move and that was a little more challenging. Corinne got a little irritated with them taking so long to move but I enjoyed the extra socialization. I realized on the ride home that was struggling a bit because her baby, that she miscarried, was due to be born next week (and there were a couple babies at the party). So while at first I was a little annoyed at her urgency to leave, afterwards I felt bad about those feelings of annoyance. I can't imagine how hard it would be to not have that precious baby that you thought you would and the emotions that would stir up as you neared that due date. We had a really good cry and she thanked me for being such a good friend through it all. I am just grateful that I have been able to be there for her.

On a lighter note- at dinner time we do a question of the day and one evening our question was "Who do you admire?" Well Penny answered,"Grams Hatch because she has a cute puppy." It cracked us up- I'm pretty sure she doesn't quite understand what it means to admire someone but Grams Hatch is still a good choice.

Another funny was when we were talking about building up our own testimonies of the Gospel and Steven tells us that it is really hard for him to hear answers because he hears voices in his head. We said to him "That's your conscience or the Holy Ghost." And he said, "But I can make the voices sound different." It was such a random comment that we both just started cracking up. Our oldest child is apparently a little crazy.

And lastly I used a gift card I got for Christmas to buy some paint pens and a chalkboard and I have been having fun trying my hand lettering talents out on new mediums.

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