Saturday, December 1, 2018

Mall Date & Field Trip

This week was a relaxed week and I appreciated that. This week also started off pretty frigid. After the brutal walk to the bus stop and back on Monday, I decided it was worth dropping off Tyler at work so that we could have the car to drive to the bus stop on Tuesday. I know it's not THAT far but it was seriously that cold. Since we had the car on Tuesday and no real pressing things to get done I decided an outing to the mall was in order. Penny immediately requested a pretzel- a girl after my own heart- and I of course got one. Then she had a good time playing in the play area and sitting on the cars that you put money in. She however did not understand why I didn't just put my change in them- other moms were doing it. I personally don't understand why other moms were doing it- a WHOLE dollar for a little shaking- highway robbery ;)

Wednesday morning Tyler took off to watch Penny (he's got some days off that need to be used before the end of the year) and I went on a Field Trip with Lucy. I don't normally chaperone Field Trips- in fact the only ones I have were when I was a teacher. They're just out of my comfort zone. However, Lucy's teacher asked me personally. She said they didn't have enough chaperones and if they didn't have enough they couldn't go. She suckered me right in. Of course the field trip was at the Walled Lake Outdoor Center and of course it was ridiculously cold that day. I was dreading it but thankfully we only spent about 20 minutes of it outside and the rest of it was inside the toasty warm center. It was a pretty boring field trip of all the field trips to go on- they learned about trees, did a few hands on things, went on a bird walk and made a pine cone bird feeder- but it was real fun to have some one on one time with Lucy and her friends.

Tyler had all Wednesday off so after I came back from the field trip we did a walk through of Target so he could get some ideas for Christmas presents for me. I kind of wish I had done that with him before buying his gift but I'm still hopeful that I did good. Penny did alright at this errand until the end when she decided she was so over Target and kept trying to make a beeline towards the exit- she's a pretty determined kid with no patience for others ;)

Thursday I was too lazy to drop Tyler off at work so I had the joyous cold walks to the bus stop and a lot of time at home to be productive. I ended up finishing the addressing of my Christmas cards and putting together neighbor/friend Christmas gifts (pancake mix & whisk "we whisk you a merry Christmas"). I also had Laci and her kids over for a visit in the afternoon. It was a good day.

Friday we had friends over in the morning and one stuck around to help me finish a puzzle I had been working on- it totally lured her in. Puzzles can be seriously addicting! I was supposed to have a sub job for that afternoon so Tyler was working from home that afternoon but it fell through since the teacher didn't assign me correctly and someone else snapped it up. He had rearranged a meeting so he could be home so I was real frustrated that the job didn't work out for me. But I ended up running a couple errands and going for a run so it was nice that he was home and I could be productive.

Saturday morning I finished up the last of my present shopping and woke up at 6am so I could hit Bath and Body Works awesome candle sale- like seriously awesome! They were on sale for $9 a piece (normally the cheapest I have gotten them was $12) and then with another coupon I ended up only spending $6 on each candle. I have another one of those "Favorite Things" party to go first week in January and since I love those candles I stocked up on them for that. 4 for the party- 1 for me. I wish I had more cash on hand because than I would have stocked up on them for the year for me. They really are my favorites and they were totally worth the early morning.

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