Saturday, November 24, 2018


Sunday was the Primary Program. It was really nice to not be in charge for once but I felt sad that I was up in the stands with my class and not able to see Penny in her first Primary Program. To make it worse the pianist was right in the way of seeing her so I had to really crane my neck if I wanted to see her antics- silly Sunbeams are always the best part of the primary program. I did catch her once trying to kiss her friend Brooks on the cheek- this girl is going to be a lot of trouble. On a more positive note, all the kids said their parts nice and clearly so that my made my mommy heart proud. Afterwards they had a series of fun activities to attend. Tyler and I were in charge of the movie and popcorn room so that was nice and easy. They also got to decorate cupcakes in another room and here are the pics someone sent me of the boys:

I had a sub job on Tuesday at the kid's old school. This one I had a heads up on so it wasn't too stressful since I already had a babysitter in place who was willing to help with bus stops. However I forgot that their days off don't always coincide with our new school's days off and I didn't realize Tuesday was their last day of school for the week. That meant the kids were a bit crazier than I had expected but somehow the day wasn't too brutal and I made it through.

Wednesday was my kids last day of school for the week. Penny had what I thought was her speech evaluation through the school district's early childhood program. Turns out it was just a screening to see if she even qualified for an evaluation- she qualified. Now I get to wait for them to call me back and set up an appointment for that. I have a feeling this is going to take awhile. 

That afternoon I watched the May kids- Ben was super excited to find his friend Andrea here when he got back from school. We picked up pizza, and then watched "Princess Bride." I think the movie was a little scary at parts for the girls- Lucy ended up in our bed the next morning because she had a nightmare. Ooops. But Ben still laughed a lot and I think overall it was a nice night to start our Thanksgiving Break. 

While I was watching the May kids I made my rolls for Thanksgiving and my make ahead mashed potatoes so come Thursday I just needed to make sweet potatoes and some mac n cheese(I decided I better bring this for my picky Penny). This year I tried a brand new sweet potato recipe and it was SO YUMMY! It was mashed sweet potatoes with a middle and top layer of brown sugar, butter and pecans and then on the very top lots of marshmallows. It was basically a dessert but I am definitely using this recipe from now on. 

Since I didn't have too much cooking to do Thursday, Tyler and I took a quick trip to Meijers to check out their black Friday deals while Steven babysat the rest of the gang. It was a nice little outing and I was able to get a good deal on a Pyrex casserole dish so I could replace the one I exploded.

Early afternoon we went to the Barney's house to eat our Thanksgiving feast. All the food was so good and I am pretty sure I exited the pre-diabetic zone and entered the officially diabetic zone because I ate so many things that are not good for me. The company was also good so all in all it was a really nice Thanksgiving. The girls especially enjoyed the pies :)

Friday morning the boys had play dates with their good friends from Kurtz (Steven with Max and Ben with Ayden). While they were socializing I left Tyler with the girls and went to Walmart and Target to check out their Black Friday deals. I had thought about going after Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday but it was EXTREMELY cold that night and I had no desire to leave the warmth of our house. The morning was much warmer but surprisingly the stores were just as busy. I ended up only getting underwear for Lucy at Walmart- super exciting right? But she has been requesting underwear for Christmas for the last few weeks- she's so funny! Target I had already ordered some things online so I really just went to check out clothes deals. I found a couple shirts that I liked but the lines were so ridiculously long that I ended up just ordering those online too. I am not quite the Black Friday shopper I used to be ;)

Friday afternoon was spent with me putting up the Christmas decorations and the kids and Tyler FINALLY cleaning up all the leaves in our yard. Our house now looks festive and our yard now looks clean. Go us! At the end of the day the kids got to decorate their own trees. Thanks to a Christmas Clearance deal now the girls have their own tree and the boys have their own. This is a very good thing because they have way too many ornaments for one tree. Even with the extra tree the boys were complaining that they had to balance out their ornaments so the tree didn't tip over. Maybe next year we need one for each kid, ha ha!

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